Weathered Runestone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Weathered Runestone


Nonland permanent cards in graveyards and libraries can’t enter the battlefield.

Players can’t cast spells from graveyards or libraries.

TheDaftWizard on Source of Casting a Copy …

1 year ago

Hi! I'm a rules advisor and was brought to this thread by a friend asking me about the interaction between Magar of the Magic Strings and Weathered Runestone. for the sake of brevity, "instant" here will mean either instant or sorcery. Here's what I wrote:

The defining issue of this debate is the fundamental difference in the framework of the game between a Card and an Object. (109.1) "An object is an ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, a token, a spell, a permanent, or an emblem." When a card moves zones, it (usually) becomes an entirely new object and loses all knowledge of its previous existence, and (most) effects attempting to refer to that object won't find it if it's no longer in that zone. Therefore, if an effect would both need to refer to information about an object and move that object into a new zone, the effect would necessitate the creation of a "Last Known Information" packet about the object. To be noted is that LKI and an object's Characteristics (as defined in 109.3) are two distinct concepts. LKI contains but is not limited to Characteristics, and Characteristics contains but is not limited to Copiable Values.

Magar's ability has you "note the name" of a target instant card in your graveyard, then has you move that card onto the battlefield face down as a creature. Because you targeted an object, moved that object, AND created an effect that would refer to that object, a LKI packet is created containing all possible information about the instant card in your graveyard. Because Runestone only cares if the object attempting to enter the battlefield is a "nonland permanent card, in a graveyard", it will have no issues with this because at all times in which the referred object is in the graveyard, it is an instant card.

The difference between Magar and Garth is that because Garth instructs you to "create a copy of a card defined by name rather than by indicating an object to be copied" (707.13), his CR entry needs to clarify what zone it is in which this new object is being created; in his case, outside the game. However, Magar instructs you to "use the [LKI packet of the object] in the graveyard to determine the copiable values of the copy" (707.14), and because 707.12 says that "An effect that instructs a player to cast a copy of an object (and not just copy a spell) follows the rules for casting spells, except that the copy is created in the same zone the object is in and then cast while another spell or ability is resolving," Magar's ability will need to create a copy of the referred object which, according to the LKI packet, is a card, with the Instant type, in a graveyard.

Therefore, when the ability given to the 3/3 creature triggers, and attempts to "create a copy of the card with the noted name", it would create a new object into your graveyard that contains the copiable values of the LKI packet, then would allow you to "cast the copy"; unfortunately, because of Weathered Runestone, players can't cast spells from graveyards, so the new object will be unable to be moved onto the stack, and will remain in your graveyard until state-based actions are checked and (707.10a) will cause that object to cease to exist.

TL;DR the copy of the instant/sorcery targeted by Magar will be a new object, initially created into your graveyard, then cast from your graveyard and moved to the stack.

Bonus Points: Spellweaver Volute also has you create a new object into your Graveyard; God-Eternal Kefnet instructs you to create a new object into your Library; and weirdest of all, Reversal of Fortune instructs you to create a new object into an opponent's Hand!

BioProfDude on Pioneer Mono-White Soldiers

1 year ago

jonniBgood, I think of spirits very similarly to aggro, so good spot removal. Hitting their first few creatures they put down with removal is key. If that's not possible, then our board definitely grows larger faster because of cards like Thalia's Lieutenant, and wider thanks to our token generators. It's basically a race!

As far as the graveyard goes, Rest in Peace does most of what we want. Weathered Runestone does prevent using the library, but I don't run into that much, so I rely more on Rest in Peace.

Thanks for the comment!

jonniBgood on Pioneer Mono-White Soldiers

1 year ago

Looking at Sideboard, and I love the choices made. Curious to hear more of your thoughts on the matchup vs Blue/Azorious spirits and how your game plan is. I've been really liking Weathered Runestone recently though I like having Grafdigger's Cage for it's CMC despite it not stopping vehicles from returning via Greasefang eff. Another card that I've not seen used much is Calamity's Wake. I feel like it's a great tech for the right matchups but maybe it's too niche or too new? I figured it's helpful since you're mainly playing creatures. Again, I'm a big fan of your deck!

multimedia on Death by Mutation (Budget)

1 year ago

Thanks for the upvote. I find that creature tutors and entomb effects are good enough since all the combos here only require creatures not a noncreature card. Having tutors that put creatures directly into graveyard not hand is also helpful. Diabolic Tutor would be worth paying 4 mana if I needed an artifact or enchantment to combo, but that's not the case here. Good instinct to cut Diabolic.

Karmic Guide + Reveillark + Viscera Seer is the classic creature reanimation combo that's been around for years and honestly it's perfect with Nethroi since it's an all creature combo. What's nice about Lark with all creature combos is you can include in the combo a 2 power or less creature such as Vile Entomber to setup the rest of the combo for a wincon.

Karmic + Lark + Seer + Entomber you tutor/put into graveyard Blood Artist then Lark reanimates it to give the combo a wincon. Any other creature with 2 power or less who self-mill could replace Entomber to do the same thing just puts more cards into your graveyard such as Satyr Wayfinder.

Karmic Guide + Body Launderer + Viscera Seer is the new excellent combo for all creatures combos because it too can setup the rest of the combo by looting until you get Reveillark and Blood Artist into graveyard. Then Karmic + Launderer stops reanimating each other and instead one of them reanimates Lark who then reanimates Artist for the wincon.

If playing Body Launderer and Karmic Guide, Saffi Eriksdotter + Viscera Seer combos with each of these creatures too. Having a backup Launderer infinite loot combo piece is helpful.

In multiplayer Culling Ritual wrecks and it can make enough mana including a green mana that's needed to mutate Nethroi plus more. If you're using a combo that requires attacking with Nethroi or another creature then consider adding Culling since it can clear the battlefield of all tokens who could be blockers. Culling also destroys many of the best opponent graveyard hate cards Rest in Peace, Ground Seal, Scavenging Ooze, Grafdigger's Cage, Weathered Runestone, etc.

Speaking of graveyard hate that exiles that's why I'm playing Riftsweeper. It has a unique ETB trigger that lets me remove an exiled card putting back into my library. That's also why I'm playing Elixir of Immortality to combat against exiling of my entire graveyard since in response I can shuffle my graveyard back into my library. This is mostly to combat Bojuka Bog and Scavenger Grounds, the most played graveyard hate in Commander.

MadMork on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

2 years ago

multimedia Thank you for your comment! Really quality stuff and I appreciate the time it took to go through the deck and generate this feedback.

Weathered Runestone was included as insurance against decks that also want to play out of their graveyard, on the idea that being heavy on creatures that are buffed with tokens will be able to outpace the opponent. In this regard Muldrotha, the Gravetide was selected as a commander to fit my desired color requirements first, and playing Muldrotha was secondary.

I went with snow because the very first cards I got were snow cards (I got into the game after the release of Kaldheim). So I wanted to see what kind of interesting play could be generated from focusing the strategy around the snow supertype! One of the benefits I see to snow is that Boreal Outrider and Narfi, Betrayer King work together to provide +2/+2 to all the snow creatures, which really helps out the weaker creatures, and that in some regards it can function as a pseudo colorless mana which I find to be intriguing.

I am understanding your feedback as focusing the deck to achieve the following:

  1. Get snow lands into hand and onto the board faster in order to more quickly leverage effects regarding snow permanents.
  2. Get Muldrotha into play earlier and focus more on playing out of my commander in addition to the snow supertype.
  3. Get rid of the less efficient creatures because they ultimately don't factor into some of the stronger aspects of the deck.

I have more broadly understood most of the work to improve this deck is in the form of creature and land (and by extension mana) management. Are these the only areas of concern? I tried to ensure I had a variety of ways to control my opponent while still being able to have options around offensive output.

Overall I agree with your reasoning and suggestions on all fronts, and will be implementing quite a number of changes based on the suggestions made.

multimedia on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

2 years ago

Hey, well done with such a low budget, The Undead Forest is a cool deck name. Interesting deck idea for your first Commander deck with Muldrotha, but why snow? Weathered Runestone completely shuts down Muldrotha.

Marit Lage's Slumber, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip, Priest of the Haunted Edge, Blood on the Snow, Ice-Fang Coatl these are some reasons to play snow with Muldrotha. Iceberg Cancrix can repeatable self-mill and that's a good effect with Muldrotha. Pilfering Hawk can be repeatable loot which gets cards into your graveyard. Unfortunately, this isn't many cards.

Draugr Necromancer is a good card with snow, but it doesn't have much interaction with Muldrotha. Dead of Winter is another good card with snow, but Muldrotha is not a snow creature. Narfi, Betrayer King is fine, able to reanimate itself with snow, but he's support for snow not really a reason to play snow.

Some advice to consider is to play nonsnow cards that can put snow-covered permanents (lands) onto the battlefield to meet the snow requirement for snow cards without playing lots of unnecessary snow creatures. The best way to get snow permanents is with snow-covered lands. You really don't need lots of other subpar snow creatures here.

All these creatures could be cut to improve your deck.

Instead of playing lots of lesser snow creatures, play just the better snow creatures here?

Use other deck slots for cards that can search for and get snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Consider adding some spells that are not permanents that can search for and put snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Cards that can get snow-covered lands into your hand as well as get cards into your graveyard can be helpful with Muldrotha.

Could also add some snow mana rocks and mana dorks?

Land ramp for snow-covered lands and mana from mana rocks is more ramp which also helps to cast 6 mana Muldrotha as well as having more mana to cast permanents from your graveyard when you control Muldrotha.

Example of a budget more refined creature base with snow.

Good luck with your deck.

Soulus101 on UW Fliers BO1 V1-4

2 years ago

Bloody comments section!! Lofty Denial, Weathered Runestone. Lavinia, Azorius Renegade might be worthwhile, at least until Tibalt's Trickery is banned in the format:D Guardian of Faith might be worthwhile as extra board wipe protection. Strict Proctor is another one for slower match-ups, disrupts a surprising number of effects. Leyline of Sanctity in case of hand disruption?

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