Hickory Woodlot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hickory Woodlot


Hickory Woodlot enters the battlefield tapped with two depletion counters on it.

, Remove a depletion counter from Hickory Woodlot: Add to your mana pool. If there are no depletion counters on Hickory Woodlot, sacrifice it.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

1 year ago

The big question is - what format is this deck trying to be and what is your budget? Obviously this will never be competitive, but if cards from any edition are allowed, you have hundreds of choices:

If you REALLY want to go all in on counters and play older cards:

- Hickory Woodlot, Saprazzan Skerry, Peat Bog, Sandstone Needle, Remote Farm are lands that produce two mana as long as you are able to proliferate each turn. Pentad Prism is an artifact that effectively produces mana when you proliferate.

Balaam__ on Golgari Beats

1 year ago

How do you feel about the Depletion lands from Mercadian Masques expansion? Hickory Woodlot or Peat Bog, specifically. They enter tapped like Haunted Mire and their usefulness doesn’t last long, but that double or might be worth the trade off. Just thinking out loud, I suppose.

Max_Hammer on Instant Lottery

2 years ago

I have some land suggestions for you! Not all of them are great, but some of them could be pretty snazzy.

artaud21 on Azusa High Power

2 years ago

How about Reshape the Earth? You can make enormous board presence tutoring for Field of the Dead and any 9 other lands. Speaking of lands kudos for using 60 of them but I don't see some crucial ones like Ancient Tomb, Hickory Woodlot and Eye of Ugin. Getting Turn 2 Azusa is also important and I don't see any tools to help with that.

king-saproling on Shitty Gritty Landfall Shenanigans/Combo

2 years ago

Amulet of Vigor might be worth including since it works well alongside Scapeshift, Splendid Reclamation, Lotus Field, Mesmeric Orb, etc.

Others you might like are Bone Miser, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Burgeoning, Sylvan Scrying, Dread Return, Dryad Arbor, Deserted Temple, Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, Golgari Thug, Kodama of the East Tree, Dark Ritual, Hickory Woodlot, Peat Bog

carpecanum on Grist, Bugmen Investigator

3 years ago

Not sure how important a turn 2 Grist is to you but Ebon Stronghold , Peat Bog , Hickory Woodlot and Havenwood Battleground could help. I use the Blue version as one of the few ways to get Thada Adel, Acquisitor out on turn two. Birds of Paradise and Gilded Goose would help as well.

TriusMalarky on Dime-store Derevi (Competitive, Budget $100!!)

3 years ago

0rc ah yeah, I did miss the rogue-jank angle being incredibly effective. I've actually won several games with such a strategy myself.

I personally like playing high power with a budget, but I give my self a little larger budget as I dislike having to deal with tapped lands.

Might I suggest Compost , Verity Circle , and Insight as well? I've seen Circle just act as Rhystic Study against one or two green players, but I haven't tested the other two yet(they look amazing tho). Also, if you can find the budget, Root Maze is god tier when you're trying to use high budgets against people.

Also Yavimaya Coast , Sungrass Prairie and Skycloud Expanse might still be cheap enough. I also really like Hickory Woodlot , Saprazzan Skerry or Remote Farm if you can reliably flicker/proliferate, although that might not be on the menu here.

Quick edit: Compost and Insight look a little bit pricey for the $100.

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