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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kyren Toy
(1), Tap: Put a charge counter on Kyren Toy.
Tap, Remove X charge counters from Kyren Toy: Add (1)(X) to your mana pool.

king-saproling on
5 months ago
Looks like a fun list but remember, Obosh only lets you use cards with odd mana costs, so there are quite a few you will need to cut. Also your number of lands and mana rocks are very low especially considering the high costs of your commander and companion (for a deck like this I would aim for at least 40 lands and 10 mana rocks). Personally I would make these swaps:
The Red Terror -> Bandit's Haul
Thran Dynamo -> Bonder's Ornament
Imodane, the Pyrohammer -> Commander's Sphere
Bloodletter of Aclazotz -> Conversion Apparatus
Unstable Amulet -> Endurance Bobblehead
Impact Tremors -> Restless Vents
Mana Barbs -> Foriysian Totem
Fate Unraveler -> Sword of Fire and Ice
Firebrand Archer -> Dark Ritual
Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might -> Haunted Ridge
Nightshade Harvester -> Mind's Eye
Urabrask -> Blightstep Pathway
Hedron Archive -> Graven Cairns
Deathbringer Thoctar -> Rakdos Carnarium
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell -> Kyren Toy
Staff of Nin -> Component Pouch
EnbyGolem on
Antique Shop
2 years ago
Brilliant deck idea :)
Kyren Toy looks like the exact item you’d find tucked away deep in the recesses of a vintage toys shelf in an old antique shop.
king-saproling on
Doom Proliferate. REALLY NEED HELP!!
4 years ago
You might like these: Gilder Bairn, Gyre Sage, Astral Cornucopia, Coalition Relic, Empowered Autogenerator, Gemstone Array, Pentad Prism, Crystalline Crawler, Druids' Repository, Iceberg, Kyren Toy, Dreadship Reef, Mage-Ring Network, Saprazzan Skerry, Hickory Woodlot, Peat Bog
ellie-is on
Lathliss, Ramp Queen
4 years ago
Snickles@EDH_only: Thank you for the suggestions! Definitely some neat stuff there. I had already been thinking about a few of them, like Corrupted Grafstone, but not having a reliable way to make sure it'll generate mana kept me from adding it. Some of the others area lready in my maybeboard or were just not very budget friendly. But there are some I'm definitely gonna throw in the maybeboard for when I can afford them! And I'll be sure to post updates :)
Peoyogon: Thank you!! The Orrery seems a bit too risky for me, I think, especially if I end up playing all my lands and then it's just the opponents getting the benefit. Kyren Toy sure is a weird card! Being able to produce additional mana is definitely something I'd want out of a 3-drop mana rock. Earthquake is pretty great, but I'm struggling to find room for more interaction, plus it kills all my mana dorks. I guess that's not as much of a problem if I'm using it late game, but it's still some thing to keep in mind.
Honestly, the mana dorks do come with some annoying restrictions haha. Like not using Earthquake effects and not being able to run Marauding Raptor. I think I can see myself replacing them with 2-cost rocks in the future once I can afford to get all the pricier ones.
EnbyGolem on
Lathliss, Ramp Queen
4 years ago
Wow, this looks like a lot of fun to play!
I have a couple ideas to add to possible ramp options. Ghirapur Orrery, while risky, might actually be a pretty cool piece in this deck. Since you generally have more land than the average deck, you will be more likely have extra lands in hand and use it's ability more often. Your pay-off is also very high and directly benefits from mid-game ramp unlike a lot of other decks. I've also found that this card can win you favors from any players that are behind or lacking land ramp (aka other mono-colored decks not running green). I would only consider running this though if your group doesn't run a lot of landfall decks, haha!
The other bit of ramp is strange but it's my personal favorite Mana rock. Kyren Toy, while not busted by any means, is actually deceptively useful. At its worst, it is a 3 drop that taps for 1 colorless but, if you ever have a turn where you don't need that extra 1 Mana, you can save it for bigger plays down the road! It's also weird and old with very creepy art! :D
I also generally think that Earthquake would be amazing in this deck! It's almost a one-sided sweeper late game and/or act as a finisher to close out grindyer games.
Goblin_Guide on This_is_your_commander_speaking
4 years ago
Ok so if you build Kozilek I have some cards that might be nice.
Starting with the ramp/card draw/etc:
Now for lands:
12x Wastes
And other stuff:
Let me know what you are interested in on my home page.
king-saproling on
4 years ago
Cool deck! These might interest you: Empowered Autogenerator, Gilded Lotus, Kyren Toy, Inspiring Statuary, Meteor Golem, Cloudstone Curio, Erratic Portal, Fireshrieker, Inquisitor's Flail, Conqueror's Galleon Flip, Codex Shredder, Unwinding Clock, Vedalken Orrery, Cauldron of Souls, Colfenor's Urn, Mimic Vat
Ripwater on
Primer: Kozilek, The Great Distortion Of The Board
5 years ago
QuietMyth well did my first game yesterday and man this deck is oppressive hahaha. Actually had scroll rack out from turn 2 and it almost won me the game (although it was out in combination with Staff of Nin).
I did made one tiny change, since i'm still waiting for that card. I took Kyren Toy out and replaced it with Sculpting Steel . I kind of based it on Mage-Ring Network , wich I hardly had the mana for yesterday to activate it too put storage counters on. Ofcourse Sculpting Steel is potentionally a dead card, but often there is somewhere a sol ring or another mana rock out. I think it gives more flexibility then Kyren Toy.
Is there a reason that you don't run Darksteel Forge ? Cause yesterday it kinda panicked me out to just wait till someone plays a Austere Command on artifacts.