Falkenrath Gorger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Falkenrath Gorger

Creature — Vampire Beserker

Each Vampire creature card you own that isn't on the battlefield has madness. The madness cost is equal to its mana cost. (If you discard a card with madness, you may cast it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

DreadKhan on Mono Red- Take 1

1 year ago

If you're going for Sligh, have you thought about Bonecrusher Giant? This offers you Stomp for 1R, which cancels damage prevention and deals 2 damage, then when you've got nothing better to play it's a 4/3 for 3 with upside. I think it's a better Flametongue Kavu, though both might be worth looking at.

I'm not sure about Jackal Pup in this age and day, there are 2/1s that don't have a drawback you could be running in mono-red, Falkenrath Pit Fighter and Falkenrath Gorger both seem better, Pit Fighter can turn into new cards when it's too small to matter.

I think if you ever want to run Shock, you should probably run Seal of Fire first, Seal can come down turn 1 and is damage on board until you need it, which can let you snipe something like a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Eidolon of the Great Revel without hassles. I added x2 of it to my Burn deck to help my Dragon's Rage Channeler work better, but there are a lot of tough matches where I really love the card.

I can't decide if a Browbeat or two would work in here, there is also Risk Factor, 'damage or cards' is pretty scary if you've got 4 Mountains and might pull 2 Fireblasts.

DreadKhan on Claim The Dark

1 year ago

You probably want to add a ton of 1 drops to this, a few you might try out are Falkenrath Gorger, Falkenrath Pit Fighter, and Indulgent Aristocrat. There are also options like Vampire of the Dire Moon and Knight of the Ebon Legion that are probably better but cost more. I think running less than 8 spells that are good turn 1 plays is going to put you behind every game, Modern is a pretty aggressive format in most areas.

People do sometimes run 4 drops in Modern, and rarely higher MV stuff, but 6 drops are a lot of mana, and half the opponent's life might not matter enough if you play it late (half of 10 is a lot smaller of an effect than half of 20), so I feel like you shouldn't run more than x1 Blood Tribute, if any.

If you're very 'all in' on aggro, I feel like Curse of Stalked Prey will feel more playable than Curse of Shaken Faith, those +1/+1 counters add up quickly, while later game people are less likely to double spell. I could see Shaken Faith showing up in a sideboard, but it seems like a strange card in the main deck.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but Balustrade Spy seems like a terrible card in here, do you have some synergies with self-mill, or are you hopping to force your opponent to draw lands maybe? I think there are better cards than this. If you have enough life gain effects you could try either/or Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose or Marauding Blight-Priest, either is pretty unpleasant if you've got a bunch of lifelink vampires (Gifted Aetherborn and Vampire Cutthroat are 2 more that are solid, though Vito can give your board Lifelink by himself fwiw).

DreadKhan on Red/Black Vamp & Wolf

1 year ago

I'm not very experienced with Modern, but I think there are a few pointers that I can give you.

Your curve should be more to the left, most Modern decks run plenty of 1 drops, Black Vampires have Vampire of the Dire Moon, Indulgent Aristocrat, Pulse Tracker, Vampire Cutthroat, Knight of the Ebon Legion, and Vicious Conquistador, some budget and some not. Red has Voldaren Stinger, Falkenrath Pit Fighter and Falkenrath Gorger, those last two play together pretty well and are quite exploitable, there are some other vampires that care about discard effects. I think those are all Modern legal, maybe something will work for you!

As a general rule, if you almost always want at least 1 copy of a card in your opening hand then it should probably be a run at x4. Most people try to run quite a few x4s of key cards, this tends to make a deck quite a bit stronger. You can certainly run less copies of a card, x3 is for stuff you really want but don't necessarally want 2 copies of, 2 seems right for stuff you are fine with not drawing every game, but would like to draw in longer games (bigger creatures/spells are often 2 ofs), people often use singleton copies of cards that they usually don't want to draw or never want to see in their opening hand. There is a fair bit of artistry to getting the ratios of cards 'just right', so I hope some of those tips are useful. I think Good Morning Magic (a Magic Youtube channel) had a video on how to know how many of a card to put in a deck, the guy behind the channel is one of Magic's designers. I can't properly link, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FpF1SpOTJk is the vid.

I had a vampire deck for awhile, it was Legacy and ran a x4s of Vampire of the Dire Moon, Gifted Aetherborn, Vampire Nighthawk and Gatekeeper of Malakir, these offered some pretty good board control. I'm not sure if you have enough board interaction effects, there are also endless Black spells that remove creatures. There is also Nighthawk Scavenger, which is probably better than the old Nighthawk. This might tie into my other thought, your deck would probably be stronger if you leaned harder into a specific typal theme, there are a few Zombies and other types in here. If you do lean into just Vampires or just Zombies there are quite a few fairly strong cards that really care about those types, these can make good finishers, stuff like Bloodline Keeper  Flip can quickly take over a game.

A final point, most decks really want more cards. You might not want to buy x2 or x3 of The One Ring, but Phyrexian Arena is an old standby, it's much better in a Vampire deck because you can recover via lifelink. There are also cards like Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper.

Dazard on Daddy Eddy

2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback!

I finally had the time to play with this within a 4 player group and i managed to place a good 2nd. i got boardwiped three times and always clawed my way back into having the most dominant army on the table rather fast thanks to card draw. But after quickly amassing a horde of vampires i fell really short in the politics department, where i seemed to be "the bad guy" from round one. And it's hard to argue with that, if you have a bunch of guys out who are basically all about "killing stuff" and "getting stronger". :D Nevertheless, i had a blast with this deck, always being a deadly threat to my opponents. i guess i takes some practice as well in negotiating on the table just like you need to know your cards.

i took out Door of Destinies and replaced it with Shared Animosity. the door is just to slow for this deck, while shared animosity can instantly boost your vamps as soon it hits the table.

I also took out Falkenrath Gorger and Stromkirk Condemned, i am not down the discard/madness road, so these two won't really support my general strategy. Instead i added Skymarcher Aspirant, which is just another one drop with flying and Pitiless Pontiff to give me another sacrificer, especially to guarantee to get some use out of Skullclamp, just in case my vampire tokens are being buffed by some other effects.

And Bolas's Citadel is now in, just to see how it will turn out. I figured that with so many low mana spells in this deck, paying some life here and there in order to cast them won't be a big deal for my lief counter, especially in a deck that has lifelink.

Still not sure which one of the "big guys" i should be running constantly and which ones belong to the sideboard.

YamishiTheWickedOne on Sexy Vampires

3 years ago

If you're looking for further advice still, here's my list of best 1 mana vampires:

Viscera Seer

Knight of the Ebon Legion

Stromkirk Noble

Indulgent Aristocrat

Insolent Neonate

More niche 1-drops include

Falkenrath Gorger

Vampire Lacerator

Vicious Conquistador

Skymarcher Aspirant really only if you wanna be hyper aggressive and run like 8-12 lords.

If you want my opinion on the best vampires in MtG in no particular order:

Viscera Seer

Gatekeeper of Malakir


Knight of the Ebon Legion

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet

Gifted Aetherborn

Stromkirk Noble

Olivia Voldaren

Champion of Dusk (because Sorin's a thing, before 5 mana was really pushing it)

and a narrow niche that makes him the best vampire in the game but ONLY in manaless dredge: Balustrade Spy

Coward_Token on Strixhaven spoiler season

3 years ago

The Stadium basically gives all your creatures poisonous 1 , kinda. For EDH, I find it neat that it plays to white's strengths since it's good at both pillowfort, evasion, and going wide.

Cogwork Archivist: Pretty funny flavor text there, but the MV and power is unfortunate for Grenzo, Dungeon Warden

Conspiracy Theorist: It's not quite Falkenrath Gorger for everything (sorry Anje!), but this is pretty solid mono-red card advantage

Approach of the Dragon: Kinda wish this fetched from your hand as well. Oh well. Discard the other four so that you don't have to spend 15 mana before you can get your Trogdor out. Knollspine Dragon seems pretty nice to keep going. Tribal+Spellslinger Niv-Mizzet, Parun ?

(Really minor but kinda disappointing that the Fractal tokens don't have a more abstract appearance)

Paramourcat on Eddy Markov

4 years ago

Since you have a lot of the ping life type guys like Blood Artist and such, I'm surprised you aren't running the Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood combo.

Also you are missing some other good lords and tribal vamp stuff like Bloodline Keeper  Flip Bloodlord of Vaasgoth Champion of Dusk Elenda, the Dusk Rose Falkenrath Gorger Forerunner of the Legion Indulgent Aristocrat Kalastria Highborn Legion Lieutenant Legion's Landing  Flip Malakir Bloodwitch Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle New Blood Olivia, Mobilized for War Olivia's Bloodsworn Feast of Blood Patron of the Vein Sanctum Seeker Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord Stensia Banquet Stensia Masquerade Thirsting Bloodlord Urge to Feed Vampire Nocturnus Vampiric Fury

ok way more suggestions than I expected, but all good cards to consider! Obviously don't need all of them, it depends on your strategy and what you want to focus on. I would very highly recommend at least Bloodwitch, Mavren Fein, Sanctum Seeker, and probably Legion Lieutenant and Landing for good cheap value on the low end. There's a lot you can get into if you want to mess with madness strategies, or focus on lifegain type stuff and exsanguinate. Like typically you would run Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for an exsanguinate wincon, among other things. There are other Sorins you can dabble in if you want, but Imperious Bloodlord is probably the most value at 3 CMC and has strong synergy for straight vamp strategies.

Hexapod on The Partnership | Edgar Markov

4 years ago

One more update, still more vampires than before.

I have shifted the haste enablers from enchantment form to bodies : Olivia's Bloodsworn and Olivia, Mobilized for War. To capitalize on the discard from Olivia, I included Falkenrath Gorger who turns it into value.

Looking forward to playtest this version!

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