AEther Adept

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

AEther Adept

Creature — Human Wizard

When AEther Adept enters the battlefield, return target creature to its owner's hand.

KongMing on Wizard101 | FREE Download | Play Now!

1 year ago

As a post-script, in a lot of ways, this deck is more about Naru Meha than Naban when it comes to getting your wincon online. But Naban is the superior Commander when it comes to fishing through your deck without tutors, gives Wizards broad efficiency, is cheaper to get out, and doesn't draw as much aggro from the table when people see him. Naru Meha as the Commander can give a lot of expert players a heads-up on your combo. Naban lets you be a bit more stealthy and allows you to constantly bounce creatures.

That's part of holding off your opponent - with Naban on the field, Venser, Shaper Savant can bounce one spell/permanent and himself, so you can keep casting him over and over again. Same for AEther Adept and the like - they're meant to bounce themselves and one other thing, just buying you time and disincentivizing people from attacking you - you'll just slow them down and lose no resources in the process.

Guerric on [Primer] Casting the Mythal

1 year ago
I made one small update to the deck

Merchant of Secrets OUT Aether Channeler IN

This one is a bit of a no-brainer as the new card is strictly better than the old one. Channeler is an awesome addition to this deck. It's nothing flashy and doesn't introduce new combos, but we hardly need more of that. Instead her provides ton of flexibility. He can draw the card just like merchant could, but he is also a second copy of AEther Adept, and can do anything that she can, thus adding more repeatable removal/disruption/recursion to our package. Of course he's a bit better than adept in that he can bounce a non-land permanent. He can also make a bird, though we'd rarely use him for that here. This is just a nice little addition that gives us more synergy and more options.

Guerric on [Primer] Casting the Mythal

1 year ago

Hi everyone! I do apologize for the time away from here. Things have been busy and I've been focused on developing my Giada, Font of Hope deck as this one runs pretty flawlessly. I thought I'd respond to card suggestions with some thoughts of my own. In short, I'm holding my current deck for now. It's always tempting to swap out with each shiny new set, but in most cases I'd favor the current list. Nonetheless, let me respond individually to the suggestions.


I like Wizards of Thay for Lore since I am a longtime DnD player, but I don't think it really goes here. We aren't running a ton of sorceries, and this isn't a deck that benefits too much from discounting that spell type. I also kind of feel like Red Wizards should be red, even though philosophically they fit with blue, but that's just a flavor point. Vesuvan Duplimancy could help us go infinite with Naru Meha, Master Wizard and Rite of Replication, and there would probably be some other shenanigans we could do with it with Venser. I don't know that it would be terrible, but I don't think it would do what we want it to do often enough to justify cutting another piece for it though. Cool card and interesting suggestion nonetheless!


I'm glad you are enjoying the deck! It does have a cool feel and stays a tribal deck which is nonetheless incredibly powerful and combo-y, which is unique. Omniscience is always a fun card and I very much use it as a central piece of my Tuvasa the Sunlit deck. With its high cmc I think it will just get in our way much of the time here. I used to run Clone Legion which is a similar cmc and does synergize, and it did make some memorable games but it was just too far off to make a difference. If you like it play it by all means, it's an amazing card and certainly won't be bad. For me it just would contribute to variance without helping the decks key synergies, but I am picky with that.


Aether Channeler is definitely good and absolutely the type of card that goes in here. It's the right cmc and like AEther Adept can effectively bounce itself back (via the token copy). But it has added utility in that it can draw cards and bounce other permanent types. It definitely replaces either Merchant of Secrets or Cloudkin Seer in that it is strictly better than the former and practically better than the latter. Barrin is good because of his second ability, which I've found to be relevant. And having an extra bounce option is very good without losing the card draw piece. I'm not so sure about Ertai Resurrected though. The abilities are certainly good, but the 4cmc *five to copy) is pushing it for me. I think he's a good option, I'm just not sold yet, particularly over something with a lower cmc.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions as always! I have so many decks and primers now it is easy to miss some suggestions, and as this is my original and favorite deck I do like to keep it up to snuff. Aether Channeler will probably go in soon.

Strangelove on Kos, or Some say Orvar...

3 years ago

Hey MutinyMate, +1!

Here's my list: Orvar the Rainbow [6/10 Budget]... I tuned it way down to play with friends (going for 6-7/10.) Here's an Index as well.

I favored cloning lands to guarantee playing Orvar if he's removed and sinking into big creatures and big draw.

You definitely need more than 3 draw engines... I really like sphinxes for this, like Inspired Sphinx , etc.

The most OP card is easily Coveted Jewel (with 25-30 Twiddle effects)... Think of it as Ancestral Recall + Gilded Lotus .

Parallel Thoughts is also pretty great.

I'd recommend dropping Thing in the Ice  Flip (clones don't flip and 7/8s are okay)... as well as most of the token generators (Hulk and Scholar of the Lost Trove are all you need).

Also, Orvar is very naked and needs some boots or something. I'm using AEther Adept , etc (bouncers) and counterspells to keep him on the board. Metamorphic Alteration and Artisan of Forms are also pretty sweet for making another Orvar if he's targeted.

Orvar was much more powerful than I expected! Its great :)

Happy building and glhf!

king-saproling on Something’s in my eye! Whatever shall I do?

3 years ago

A cool thing about this partner pair is that if Sakashima copies Kodama, you can replay a creature like AEthersnipe endlessly by bouncing itself to hand and alternating between the general's triggers to replay it (bypassing the "if it wasn't put onto the battlefield with this ability" restriction since it was the other general's ability that replayed it). In this example, you would also put all permanents costing 6 or less from your hand into play using the other kodama trigger. Toss in something like Garruk's Packleader and you'll be drawing and playing your entire deck.

You might like these too: Elemental Bond, Garruk's Uprising, Soul of the Harvest, Angler Drake, AEther Adept, Man-o'-War, Mist Raven, Separatist Voidmage, Aven Surveyor, Kiri-Onna, Voidwielder, Hoverguard Sweepers, Altar of the Brood, Galecaster Colossus (in the above-mentioned combo, tap a bounce wizard before returning itself. this way the colossus can bounce all your opps' nonland permanents)

Frostfrenzy on Naban's School of Witchcraft and Value

3 years ago

You miss a ton of ramp. You have only 4 ramp pieces, while a deck wants a minimum of 8 with approx 38 lands. I suggest (budget in mind) adding Wayfarer's Bauble, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone Mind StoneAlso, remove both Trinket Mage and Tribute Mage. Having but 1-2targets for them to fetch really doesn't validate their use in this deck. If you go for the ramp suggestions I made, keeping Tribute Mage might be worth considering. When it comes to speed, your 4-slot is incredibly heavy, way to heavy. You could play some more removal in the form of cards like AEther Adept, Exclusion Mage etc. and more effects like Ghostly Flicker in the form of Essence Flux, Teferi's Time Twist Displace etc., which can be alot more powerful when combined with more instant and sorcery recovery like Archaeomancer, Salvager of Secrets and Shipwreck Dowser to repeatedly abuse your ETB triggers. Conjurer's Closet might be one of the few worthwhile more expensive flicker setup cards next to Thassa.

Idoneity on Brago, Budget Eternal

4 years ago

I haven't delved upon the blink strategy myself for quite some time, though I may be of aid.

There is a budget constraint, wherethrough I shall keep all of my suggestions under two dollars.

So this should go in nearly every deck, and this one seems perfect, and— (okay I'm done jesting).

Upon actual suggestions are a couple categories worth bolstering.

Some flickering and blinking:

Yorion can do quite a bit, and it begins looping with effects such as Charming Prince. Ephemerate is an overperformer whiles Ghostly Flicker, though more to cast, gets the job done. Combined with a counterspell in the graveyard, it can be a soft-lock with Archaeomancer (run that, too). Flickerwisp is just potent. Soulherder is oft the very best card to resolve.

A multitude of card draw:

Arcanist's Owl just keeps digging. Augur of Bolas could be fun. Barrin, Tolarian Archmage is able to bounce your own utility creatures or pester the opponent's board. Elsewhere Flask does its job. Wall of Omens draws many cards and serves as defense for those pesky aggro decks. Champion of Wits loots through the deck until life's end. Fblthp, the Lost is just greater. Golden Egg cycles and draws more cards.

Some removal effects:

Angel of Finality is an efficient flyer with a relevant trigger. Every deck needs graveyard hate! Dream Eater goes through a lot of cards and bounces important targets. Elspeth Conquers Death is as powerful here as it is in Standard. Leonin Relic-Warder serves a similar purpose. Frost Titan locks down important threats.

Snow basics would be a nice addition for Arcum's Astrolabe. It cycles, fixes, and is banned in Modern so you know it's powerful.

And some cards that don't really fit in tother categories:

Angel of Serenity deals with threats and can recur creatures from your own graveyard. Angelic Chorus gains far too much life for the opponent's comfort. Annex is nice, for you can switch it around as better lands come into play. Nevermore can keep changing card names to prevent anyone from casting their commanders.

Fall of the Thran is really mean and I love it.

Now for a few non-budget options:

Cavalier of Gales is an absolute power house, Ephara draws a meiny of cards, and Solemn Simulacrum offers a lot of advantage.

Just on one to note, Conjurer's Closet is going to be reprinted in Double Masters, thus it may drop to within budget.

There are quite a few things I would recommend cutting.

AEther Adept is lacking, Archaeomender doesn't seem to be retrieving much of worth, Archon of the Triumvirate is overcosted, Aven Surveyor is as well, Artisan of Kozilek triggers off of cast and is thus useless to blink, Your artifact tutors do not search for much of relevance, Subjugator Angel is a worse Tempest Caller, Hoverguard Sweeper is EIGHT MANA (what?!), Dispel is too narrow, and Aether Tunnel is lacking in power.

Let me drive this one in. Eon Frolicker just loses you the game. Giving someone a turn is ceding far too much time for them to gather resources and defenses. The "protection from that player" really doesn't do that much.

I suppose that is to be all from me. Happy blinking!

IvanS on Naban Wizard Pod

4 years ago

AEther Adept is good, tho it's usually worst than Venser and Barrin.
Champion of Wits is pretty good and can certainly work in place of Gurmag Drowner, but even tho you have to sacrifice two creatures to double his ability with Naban, i really like how many cards deep you get to dig with the Drowner.

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