
This is the most fun Zombie commander in the world! It's a mid-range deck with a couple of different pathways to victory, and really good resiliency.

Early game: focus on getting out as many 1-3 drop Zombies as possible in the first few turns. I will usually not keep a hand that doesn't have at least one low-drop Zombie and two of the three colors needed to cast Varina, Lich Queen. The game plan early is to ramp and prep for Varina.

Once you cast Varina (on turn 2-3 usually), you'll want to have zombies out to trigger her ability. The primary goal for me is to fill the graveyard with as many zombies as possible. The beautiful part of Varina is that you will often see a huge amount of the deck through her looting. As a result of the filtering, I rarely miss land drops (you can just keep one land each turn to make sure that you'll hit it). Land Tax is so amazing for this reason -- you can use it as "draw three each turn," as you can trigger Varina and then just discard the lands, keeping the non-lands in your hand.

There are a couple of main win-cons or paths for the deck.

Mass Reanimation

My main goal in the deck is to fill up the graveyard as quickly as possible and land a Living Death or Zombie Apocalypse. That almost always wins the game between aristocrats and other things. One of the benefits of the filtering is that I'll usually see one or both at some point, and then just sandbag it for the endgame. Mission Briefing is also nice here for getting it back from the graveyard.


There are ton of aristocrats payoffs in the deck -- Carrion Feeder + Corpse Knight + Diregraf Captain etc. Play out some zombies and sac them for value!


Related, there are a couple of infinite combos. Phyrexian Altar and Gravecrawler goes infinite with a zombie sac outlet, and you can drain out the table.


Tombstone Stairwell is literally the best card in the deck. You get a ton of zombies (with all the ETB/death triggers)...... every player's turn. In one rotation around the table, you'll be getting easily 50+ ETB/death triggers from this one card. It's amazing and I don't think I've ever cast it and not won the game. Also, don't forget to read all of Vengeful Dead if you have it on the board...

Zombie smash

There are also 5/6 zombie lords in the deck, which can buff up a ton of tokens and you can always just attack for lethal (you want to be attacking every turn anyway). Zombie Master and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth are a nice combo together.

Other cool things

  • Kindred Discovery will draw SO many cards! I've never actually decked myself for what it's worth, but I have drawn 40 cards in one turn cycle with Tombstone Stairwell out.
  • Archfiend of Ifnir is totally worth not being a zombie because you get to essentially boardwipe every attack.


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97% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Copy Clone, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Haste
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