Cascading Energy Storm

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Yenergy! A casual powerlevel commander deck that plays like an CEDH deck at times! I have spent countless hours building, playtestingh and evaluating this list over the last few years. Hope yall enjoy!

A long time ago in a standard season far removed; I extremely enjoyed playing temur and grixis Energy. The card card; Aetherworks Marvel was an amazing backbone of some of those decks (Before the Ban). I loved this mechanic so much I set out with a mission. Build a commander deck around a seemingly terrible mechanic and make it work. Two years later I finaly have what is almost the final form. A tuned Energy Commander deck that actually works!

When I first built an Energy deck. I, of course built around card; Atraxa, praetor’s voice. Her poliferate mechanic seemed like the perfect synergy for Energy. This was not the case poliferate as is turns out is incredibly slow for Energy. Only one extra Energy a turn is a terrible rate and does not accelerate the game quickly. For four mana it's better to tutor for Winding Constrictor as it gives way for value. poliferate does however work well with the Energy creatures wanting +1+1 countersm but after playtesting this strategy just didn't work out. The other problem with card; Atraxa, praetor’s voice is her color identity. With the Energy mechanic the omission of is a Felony, Some of the best Energy Card are such as card; Harnessed Lightning, card;Spontaneous Artist and vcard;Whirler Virtuoso. Plus the inclusion of gives maybe only one playable Energy card, After much Playtesting I changed to a “Sweet” Five Color Energy deck around card; Ramos dragon engine. But unfortunately that deck was just way too slow and got blown out every game, even by out of the box precons. A few months went by and I was playing in A CEDH meta with a storm combo deck with card; Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder at the helm when suddenly I got an idea. I quickly tested card; Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder with Energy. The change seems subtle but the explosiveness of cascade gives the deck enough steam to push it over the hump and become a viable deck. Thus CASCADING ENERGYSTORM! Was born.

The goal of this deck was never to be a highly tunable completive combo deck; I already have too many of those. Instead I wanted to create a fun casual deck to play with my friends that’s all value. Recently my personal playgroup has grown a lot with new players who play with jank good stuff or slightly upgraded pre-cons and it just wasn’t fun for them when most of my decks are tuned and powerful. This deck is set up to just get value and win some of the times. If you must win, don't play this version, but if you want to have fun, and play good ol’ kitchen table magic then you would probably enjoy Yinergy. With that said the deck is tuned to be a strong 6 maybe 7. It can hold its own against most non- combo decks. Play your cards right and most games you will have a chance to win. The Difference however between this and most other casual decks is that a lot of other “Week” decka are incredibly boring. The gameplay is super slow and early turns are wasted. And other turns you don't really do anything. With cascade every turn is a new wonderful exciting, extravaganza of excellent, elegant excitement and euphoric ethos. Every untap is filled with new possibilities in a game of chance. You will have some very interesting turns where you cast 20 spells and do lots of things but don't win. Every time I play this deck I always have lots of fun and always ready to shuffle up and play again.


Because we have an unconventional strategy some sub optimal card choices must be made. Such as card; Glint-Sleeve Siphoner  card; Live Fast   and card; Shielded Aether Thief  are strange card draw options, And  card; Servant of the Conduit is a worse mana dork.
The main problem I found was creating a nice balance between cards that produce Energy and cards that are just good. There are a lot of creatures that use ETB to create Energy. Some of these are playable but most of the time their impact just doesn't cut it. Examples card; Aethersquall Ancient and card Shipwreck Moray. I found that putting just lots of energy cards in a deck doesn't exactly play out the way I wanted it to. A Lot of the time the deck went nowhere. Thus we needed a strong backbone

Deck Backbone

The backbone of most commander decks is ramp and Card Draw. and this deck has plenty of it, the reason is the deck mostly functions by casting lots of spells in a turn. We Cascade to a ramp spell. Then cascade into a card draw spell. Refuel and then rinse and repeat. Along the way we make tons of Energy which progresses the game plan.

The other staples that are needed in all of the commander tables is target removal and board wipes. The most valuable thing in a commander deck is the card slots. And sometimes efficiency is needed. card; Blasphemous Act card;Damnation and card; Toxic Deluge are very efficient board wipes but don't create energy in the way card Demon of Dark Schemes does. Yes being an Energy deck does mean we get Energy, but we do still need good cards to play the game.

Yidris Synergy

Part of playing card; Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder means that we need to get in  combat damage to get that sweet sweet cascade trigger. Some cards help us get there like Card; Lightning Greaves  Card; Whispersilk Cloak and Card; Arcane Flight . These cards take a slot in our deck but are imperative to help us in the late game get in.

Cascade Synergy

It's a well known fact that suspended cards are great with cascade. Since their mana cost is zero we can cast them by cascading with a one drop.  card; Mox lotus and card; mox tantalite provide free ramp while card; wheel of fate and card; ancestral vision  provide a very effective card draw.

Okay so this deck is just a value deck cast spells- get hopefully cascade to more - use on our payoffs to get value so, winning isn’t every game scenario. To win normally I cast triumph of the hordes with a rather large board or just a huge electrostatic pummeler or another big creature. Sometimes lightning runner can give us another combat step to kill another person with infect. The deck relies on 2 main pieces to create a large board; whirler virtuoso and architect of the untamed. Both creatures turn our reserves to creatures. Without triumph of the hordes all we can do is beat down our opponents and try to out value them hence the “Fun” not competitive aspect of this deck. Finally, the “easiest” way to win is a rather strange infinite combo built into the deck. It’s hard to get to or assemble all the pieces but it’s awesome once it gets going. Its built around the previous mentioned creatures; whirler virtuoso and architect of the untamed. And it goes like this. The first combo is the simplest- Built around whirler virtuoso and its token ability. The pieces needed are a few but not all of the following : Winding Constrictor- always gives us an extra : Panharmonicon - Doubles ETB Effects : Gonti’s Aether Heart –2 for artifacts ETB (Thopters are artifacts) : Decoction Module – 1 for creature ETB (thopters are creatures) The loop: Pay 3 with whirler virtuoso – Create a thopter- Have either Gonti’s Aether Heart or : Decoction Module- Get - Have Winding Constrictor and/or panharmonicon to double are - Make 3+ to produce the loop infinite times creating infinite thopters. Then either use Gonti’s Aether Heart to take an extra turn and attack or use Spontaneous Artist to give them all haste- (Roll Credits) The next combo is a lot harder because it requires 6 energies because of architect of the untamed ability. We pretty much need all the pieces listed above to get there, but if you do it is quite awesome.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.78
Tokens 6/6 C Token Artifact Creatures Beast, Energy Reserve, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Energy Storm
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