Arcane Flight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcane Flight

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has flying.

kortioznikas on Big Angry Turtle

1 year ago

I like the idea, but thinking if it would be possible to add few equipments, auras or other spells to pump your commander. Because you need to deal 16 commander damage and this means 3 attacks per player, but with pump spells attack count can be reduced to two. Adding 1 power would be enough, for example:

Balaam__ on Indestructible Visions

2 years ago

As DreadKhan mentioned, Sol Ring is banned in Legacy. Usually the site is pretty good at emboldening banned cards in red, but I guess this one slipped by.

That said, there’s a lot good here but some not so good. You have a fairly good grasp on exactly what you want your deck to do, which is key, but I think some card choices don’t fit well in the greater scheme of things even if they possess theoretical utility.

Protean Thaumaturge and Copy Enchantment are questionable. There are too few Enchantments in the deck to make either viable; Protean Thaumaturge is essentially useless unless you successfully resolve an Enchantment, of which there are only 12–and your opponent is likely going to view this possibility as a distinct threat, holding counter magic in reserve (particularly if they’ve already cast a powerful creature threat of their own).

At 4 copies, Copy Enchantment is already in and of itself a full third of your total Enchantment count, which make the odds of effectively utilizing it diminished. If you can fulfill the criteria to cast it and have it resolve, all well and good, but if not you’re stuck holding a dead card. Imagine an opening hand with one or even two copies.

Ensoul Artifact and Arcane Flight are both great choices that offer immediate, tangible results. I’d recommend cutting the other cards I mentioned earlier and replacing them with with something else. Good countermagic comes to mind, as since you’re in and in the format with arguably the best countermagic, there really isn’t a good reason not to run it. It’ll create opportunities to stop the opposing player from removing your own key pieces, as well as open the door for you to preemptively eliminate big plays on their side.

yggup on As Fabled (Wolf and Owl)

2 years ago

Thank you both for your suggestions.

CoarselyRefined I couldn't find room for Maskwood Nexus, Arcane Adaptation, and Turntimber Ranger, but I'll likely use that idea in another deck.

seshiro_of_the_orochi I added Cryptic Gateway and Warden of Evos Isle. Warden of Evos Isle also led me to find and add Curiosity Crafter, which flavor wise works nicely with Arcane Flight

DragonWolf420 on Modern Bant Bogles 2022

2 years ago

yeah i get that you can fetch them during the opponents end step, but that doesn't negate what i said. aggro decks want lands that can enter untapped.

you could probably cut blue entirely though. you only have 1 blue card mainboard. the biggest reason to even run blue in this deck anyway is Invisible Stalker, but green offers Silhana Ledgewalker. Arcane Flight can be replaced by Spider Umbra.

golgariassassin666 on Jeskai Auras (Budget)

5 years ago

SowLow, Arcane Flight is a great idea. I'll pop it in instead of Aether Tunnel . I already thought of Curious Obsession , and kinda strayed away from it due to the fact that the deck wants to smash face and win by turn 5, but Spectra Ward or Eidolon of Countless Battles can leave to make room for it.

SowLow on Jeskai Auras (Budget)

5 years ago

Curious Obsession can help with card draw, and Arcane Flight for evasion

lifemtg on Commander format pet cards

5 years ago

Arcane Flight is really fun and the art is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DragonChampions on Blue White Flying deck

5 years ago

Why do you have 4 Flight s, but only 2 Arcane Flight s? Arcane Flight is a strict upgrade.

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