Weaselback Redcap

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Weaselback Redcap

Creature — Goblin Knight

: Weaselback Redcap gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

TheVectornaut on red and black

3 years ago

I second the idea of cutting down to just 60 cards in 2 colors. Then, I'd try to identify the main gameplan you like to follow when playing the deck. That will inform any cuts, additions, and other revisions you make down the line.

The first archetype that jumps out at me is definitely knights. They are often Mardu () these days, but just Rakdos () should work just fine for casual play. You already have Belle of the Brawl , Barrow Witches , Charity Extractor , Embereth Paladin . Locthwain Paladin , Garna, the Bloodflame , Ogre Errant , Raging Redcap , and Tentative Connection which can definitely fit such a style. Most of the lower cost creatures and spells wouldn't be that bad either. I'll list some cards from the modern card pool under $5 that I think could be strong additions to such a deck.
Ashenmoor Liege , Bloodcrazed Paladin , Cavalier of Flame , Cavalier of Night , Champion of Dusk , Elite Headhunter , Embereth Shieldbreaker , Foulmire Knight , Hanweir Lancer , Hero of Oxid Ridge , Knight of the Ebon Legion , Kulrath Knight , Midnight Reaper , Murderous Rider , Olivia, Mobilized for War , Stormfist Crusader , and Weaselback Redcap are all knight creatures with various effects, costs, and price points that I see as playable. For more general knight synergy, Blacklance Paragon , Fervent Champion , Joust , Sigiled Sword of Valeron , Tournament Grounds , and my favorite, Smitten Swordmaster are options too. Toss in some solid removal like Lightning Bolt , Terminate , or Bedevil and you have the recipe for a strong tribal aggro deck.

The other major archetype I see being possible here is some sort of angel/dragon/demon big stuff deck. The problem is that such a deck is likely to be much slower, making it tougher to keep up in 1v1 games. Plus, a lot of those cards are legendary, so they tend to come with a hefty real-world price tag. Still, I've seen Kaalia of the Vast do some very scary stuff in casual. Such a deck would support your larger creatures as well as spells like Cauldron Dance and Victimize .

forneyt on Big Bad Goblins

4 years ago

I think to make your deck faster and more consistent, you would need to make the mana curve lower and/or create better synergies with your cards.

First, I would address your mana curve. As a mono-red deck, you rely on speed to gain advantage, but you only have 8 cards that you can play turn one (Theoretically, you can play others with Simian Spirit Guide, but I will get to that). Legion Loyalist is an amazing 1-drop. However, to get out your 3-drops, you rely heavily on SSGs and Infernal Plunges to ramp up, both of which require you to essentially get rid of one or two cards respectively. SSG takes up a card in your hand, Infernal Plunge takes a precious creature and a card in your hand. Then, if your 3-drop is removed, then you basically get 2 or 3-for-one'd, losing a LOT of value. So, if you want to pursue this ramp style, you need to utilize more cards that give you card advantage before turn 3. Dragon Fodder or Goblin Instigator would give you a body to sac while leaving one to attack, though have CMC 2. These cards would also later take more advantage of your lords' +1/+1 because they would be 2 bodies instead of 1. Even adding one or two lands would also help with this build.

If you are not set on the sac playstyle, I would suggest increasing your 1-drops and 2-drops and lands. Goblin Bushwhacker is a great 1-drop that has advantages to playing later with its kicker, and Weaselback Redcap can be useful for its combat trick to get extra chip damage while still playing your cards. Goblin Guide is also a popular 1-drop. Some great 2-drops include Warren Instigator (which you have only one of), Conspicuous Snoop for card advantage, Goblin Wardriver for his pseudo anthem, and of course the 2-drops I mentioned earlier. Having 1 and 2-drops will take advantage of your lords right away, and adding more lands would make it simpler for playing cards each turn, thus making your deck faster and more consistent.

As for your synergies, some of the cards are interfering with other cards in your deck or not taking the full advantage of their potential, making them weaker cards. For example, Vexing Devil, while it is an amazing card, does not take advantage of the Goblin theme and is sacked right away 9/10, thereby making it not useful for both themes of the deck. The Simian Spirit Guide and Infernal Plunge, while can be useful to get out a 3-drop, are not enough to consistently get each 3-drop out of your hand, filling your hand up with unplayable cards. The Temur Battle Rage does not benefit from the Ferocious ability most of the time, and is a win-more kind of card in this deck. Even if you ramp into a Krenko, Mob Boss Turn 2, you would lose 2 cards and risk losing your 4-drop, for one or two 1/1s that can't attack for another turn. Having a ton of lords is not helpful when there are no underlings to take advantage of their boosts. Some other 3-drops you should consider would be Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Legion Warboss, and Pashalik Mons.

I wrote all this out because I don't want to take away your decision making as a deck builder; I want to bring up considerations for you to make your own decisions. However, I'll leave a suggestion for additions and subtractions that you can adjust to your preferences.

Take out:

-4x Vexing Devil

-3x Infernal Plunge

-3x Simian Spirit Guide

-2x Goblin Grenade

-2x Temur Battle Rage

-2x Krenko, Mob Boss

-2x Goblin Warchief

-2x Goblin Rabblemaster

Add in:

3x Mountain

1x Goblin Chieftain

1x Goblin King

3x Warren Instigator

4x Goblin Bushwhacker

4x Conspicuous Snoop

2x Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin

2x Legion Warboss

freestylerof911 on List of Bugs and Feature …

4 years ago

Do I miss something or should Weaselback Redcap not Apear as a 3 CMC gold, including green card?

In this deck I fixed its CMC to 1 but the color problem still appears: StdP Knights

freestylerof911 on Weaselback Redcap Color Error

4 years ago

Do I miss something or should Weaselback Redcap not Apear as a 3 CMC gold, including green card?

In this deck I fixed its CMC to 1 but the color problem still appears: StdP Knights

Lordeh on First Fire Deck

4 years ago

Howdy, when it comes to making a deck the first thing you need to pick is a theme and/or win condition. If you have no idea what kind of theme you are going for you can just look up other archetypes that people have already created.

From what I can see you are going for a kind of Red/White Knight/Dragon aggressive creature theme using what cards you have on hand. That is perfectly fine but what your main goal should be is to find out what are the most efficient creatures/cards available in those colours and work towards getting them.

Having 4 Inspiring Veteran is a good choice as you try to max out the cards you want to see in your hand.

I suggest getting your hands on some Embercleave as the double strike and trample can give you the extra damage you need to close out a game. Consider swapping out your Shivan Dragon for a couple if you can afford them.

Although not a knight Bonecrusher Giant is a solid red card which can act as removal for small creatures and/or a 2 damage to your opponent as well as coming down as a creature afterwards.

Instead of Jaya's Greeting have a look at Lava Coil . Although it is at sorcery speed instead of instant the extra 1 damage and exile can be hand against a range of creatures.

I would also try to include some turn 1 plays such as Fervent Champion or Weaselback Redcap for early damage.

Just check the MTG gatherer website and look for cards you find interesting within a theme and see what else pops up at you.

Good luck.

SMASHER101 on R/U Delver

5 years ago

-4 Gingerbrute +4 Faerie Miscreant Sometimes draws you a card and still has evasion. Haste on a 1 power creature isn't that great.

-4 Weaselback Redcap +4 Augur of Bolas Weaselback is a bad card augur is a premium 2 drop in the format.

-1 Mana Leak +1 Counterspell Counterspell is just strickly better if you can pay the UU cost which you will once you change the manabase.

-4 Izzet Guildgate +4 Evolving Wilds Shuffle is good for brainstorm but mainly it gets snow lands for skred.

-1 island -1 mountain +2 Terramorphic Expanse or Ash Barrens if you can afford it.

-4 Negate +4 Accumulated Knowledge You ideally have 8 real card advantage spells in 4 ninja and 4 accumulated knowledge. You can replace the ninjas with more cantrips to find draw spells but you need some draw.

-4 Opt -4 Thrill of Possibility -1 Chain Lightning -2 Shock +4 Preordain +4 Ponder +3 Brainstorm Uut with bad cantrips in with better ones and shock is just not good enough for pauper not even in burn. Chain lightning isn't BAD but it also isn't as good as Brainstorm

-4 Galvanic Blast +4 Skred Main reason to go red is for Skred .

Add snow lands for Skred and play only 2 Snow-Covered Mountain s and the rest in Snow-Covered Island s. My suggestions put you way more into blue. Snow covered lands are 50 cents each but worth it. 4 Ninja of the Deep Hours will run you around $7-$8 but if you have pauper events at your store I would sudgest "investing" in them because they will help you win. IF your store is just casual pauper then you may not want to bother with that.

YuiHirasawa on

5 years ago

I don't think Syr Gwyn is quite the pure "aggro" deck. Considering the relatively high cost of the commander and the fact that you need to cast equipments to make use of her, I think this deck should lean more towards a "Midrange Aggro" deck.

With that in mind, I don't think

Walking Atlas , Weaselback Redcap , Venerable Knight , Smitten Swordmaster , Foulmire Knight Quite make the cut. They are low cost, but also very low in value.

I think a cool idea would be to include some Knights that have protection against colors, so that your opponents cannot block. White Knight , Black Knight , Silver Knight , Knight of Malice , Knight of Grace , Mirran Crusader , Phyrexian Crusader are good examples.

There are also a lot of knights that provide a lot of value Puresteel Paladin or card draw, Hero of Bladehold for more aggro power.

I also think you should pick and choose your equipments. There are a lot of good equipments, but running all of them might prevent you from getting to your knights or even be clunky.

Just my 2 cents

Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg on Mono Red Calamity

5 years ago

How about Weaselback Redcap instead of Fervent Champion so you can pump it after Cavalcade goes off?