Ill-Gotten Gains

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ill-Gotten Gains


Each player discards his or her hand, then returns up to three cards from his or her graveyard to his or her hand.

Remove Ill-Gotten Gains from the game.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Oskar Graveyard

1 month ago

Quick headsup: You propably got Stick Together mixed up with another card.

Regarding cards to maybe consider:

Ill-Gotten Gains is a great card for many decks. You can use it for recursion, but it's also quite the house when used offensively. There are situations where this just tears any well-prepared plans your opponents might have had to shreds.

Containment Construct can be cheap redundancy if your commander is out of reach for some reason.

Thran Vigil can be another nifty payoff for cards leaving your grave.

Oversold Cemetery is easy reacursion.

Dread Return is a great reanimation spell for decks filling the yard.

SufferFromEDHD on Sleep Paralysis

4 months ago

Unearth doesn't do enough in your list. Ill-Gotten Gains does serious work with Tergrid.

SufferFromEDHD on The Abyss

7 months ago

Cabal Interrogator tech! Well played. Ill-Gotten Gains is my Tergrid tech.

That Maze of Ith needs Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Deserted Temple is always nice alongside utility.

Tyrite Sanctum Tergrid wears a target. This solves most problems.

Blighted Fen perhaps.

Profet93 on Tergrid removal pants

7 months ago


I wasn't sure what your budget per card is but this should hopefully not break the bank. I can recommend cuts should you wish

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Mind Twist - Note it states random, especially effective if ramped into in the early game. Also useful as counterspell bait.

Night's Whisper - Draw

Nightmare Unmaking - Versatile wipe

Sheoldred's Edict/Hero's Downfall - PW Removal

Bubbling Muck - Ramp! Highly recommended. Especially because you're not running urborg

Ill-Gotten Gains - Up to you, could be useful, could backfire.

Barter in Blood - Mass sacrifice

griffstick on Hot Wheels

7 months ago

Yes I love a good hand disruption deck the wheels for damage but more so makes them discard like Delirium Skeins, or Ill-Gotten Gains

SufferFromEDHD on Through Sacrifice v2

1 year ago

Dark Deal and Ill-Gotten Gains are brutal alongside Tergrid.

Mire in Misery and Sheoldred's Edict are swiss army knife utility.

Death Cloud bomb.

Oppression if you hate your friends.

SufferFromEDHD on Rainbow in the Dark: Haakon Reanimator Combo

1 year ago

One with Nothing I see it in your maybe board. If you want to run it for flavor I respect that but what immediately comes to mind in a mono colored graveyard strategy is... Null Brooch. Sure it's more than 1 mana but it's a repeatable Negate in mono black.

Dark Deal is a black Windfall. Another Ill-Gotten Gains type effect.

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