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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Ooze

At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

At the beginning of your end step, destroy each creature with converted mana cost/mana value equal to the number of +1/+1 counters on this.

Dredge 2 (If you would draw a card, instead you may return this card from your graveyard to your hand and put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard.)

Craeter on Burning Brains

5 months ago

Balaam__ I should add that Burning Vengeance definitely counts as removal, it's just not always accessible due to the trigger condition. I could just slide in another copy of Necroplasm for mass removal if you think that would be more effective than Grave Pact.

Andramalech on MBD Zombie

2 years ago

Balaam__ I agree about building towards a goal that is non-traditional:

Building to win is so Spike, and I wanna win like Timmy or Johnny. I personally think this deck is more Johnny because at first glance.. you might miss some of these key interactions!

I.e.: things like how Zombie Infestation makes bodies that can be tossed for Scourge of Nel Toth, and then replenish your hand with Shadow of the Grave.

Boneyard Scourge is a cool card, but admittedly it isn't eternal format legal... that doesn't mean I won't use his happy ass anyways!

As far as "going second" as a precedent, I would think things like Serum Powder could help do a thing.. I even really like the idea of "going second" but having a strong "turn zero" presence to throw off your opponents (things like the Leylines or Chancellors).

Unfortunately, in competitive settings we both know it's gonna be typical "lame"/boring stuff like:

You splashed blue:

Or you splashed white:

Or, my personal favorite, if you splash green, you can have access to all my favorite removal, Graveyard staples, etc.:

And I wouldn't leave feedback about "How to" without covering the obvious ones, or at least some cards that immediately cross my mind for improvements:

There is a piece of my heart that wishes older Zombies had a more dangerous presence for this, like (I think) Lord of the Undead or Undead Warchief. Even a little slot for Soulless One.

Hell, I've even considered taking this theme to an EDH setting due to a video I saw of Jimmy Wong on Game Nights where he uses Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar as a psuedo-reanimator type build. With the inclusion of , I would especially love to use Bladewing the Risen or his newest iteration from Dominaria United. Initially, what I remembered wanting was "Zombies and Zombie Dragons".

And if we're mentioning that new set, Defiler of Flesh makes this blow up too. So many great "The Rot of the Horde" feeling cards that feed a sensation of an overwhelming wave of Undead minions!

Things like Abomination of Llanowar in a build would also be fun.

Really enjoyed our discussion about this and I'm really curious to see if/what kinda spin you would put on it!

Andramalech on MBD Zombie

2 years ago

Balaam__ I agree about building towards a goal that is non-traditional:

Building to win is so Spike, and I wanna win like Timmy or Johnny. I personally think this deck is more Johnny because at first glance.. you might miss some of these key interactions!

I.e.: things like how Zombie Infestation makes bodies that can be tossed for Scourge of Nel Toth, and then replenish your hand with Shadow of the Grave.

Boneyard Scourge is a cool card, but admittedly it isn't eternal format legal... that doesn't mean I won't use his happy ass anyways!

wallisface on Ooze tribal

3 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • As far as creatures, i’d suggest ditching Experiment One and Manaplasm. You have almost no creatures that can evolve Experiment One so its basically a vanilla 1/1, which isn’t great. Manaplasm just feels very weak for a 3cmc card.

  • You should consider adding Scavenging Ooze, as that’s probably the best Ooze in magic. A copy or two of Biogenic Ooze could also be useful for this deck.

  • Necroplasm feels incredibly dangerous to your own board state, as its very likely to kill a lot of your creatures. It also kills itself once it has 3 counters, which feels really bad. I would be very hesitant running that card.

  • Massive Might, Appetite for Brains, and Fossil Find are all terrible cards, and should probably be swapped out for anything else. Your deck is already 10 cards more than it needs to be, so i’d suggest just ditching them all to try get back to 60 cards.

RambIe on Advice For Olivia CMDR

3 years ago

I think Olivia, Crimson Bride has the potential for competitive 1v1 if you pack some serous rocks, and optimized level in pod games

good rakdos functions that would support her
Etb Creatures like: Rune-Scarred Demon & Terror of the Peaks
Extra ETB: Molten Echoes & Mirror March
Direct Damage:Flayer of the Hatebound & Syr Konrad, the Grim
Dredge: Shenanigans & Necroplasm
Extra card: Sin Prodder & Dark Confidant
Recursion: Charmbreaker Devils & Sheoldred, Whispering One
Extra Combat: Port Razer & Breath of Fury
Load GY: Burning-Rune Demon & Shifting Shadow
Infect: Ogre Menial & Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
Big Ouch: Ebonblade Reaper & Malignus

Balaam__ on Engineered Plasm

3 years ago

Great use of Slitherhead/Retribution of the Ancients to dodge the self destructive drawback with Necroplasm. My mind immediately went to +1/+1 counter spells, but those are the better approach.

MindBoogaloo on

4 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions abby315 & seshiro_of_the_orochi.

Transmute really has one of the strongest synergies with Ramirez; however, I didn't end up adding it for each CMC, because the deck is still in construction and I don't have key cards to tutor for yet. Also, I want to make sure that the card with transmute has a relevant ability. Otherwise, it'll only be a tutor and a waste of a card slot, imo.

I haven't thought of Dredge cards. Thanks for that suggestion! I think cards with that ability might work best when I have both commanders in play. (probably cutting some cycling cards for Dredge) These are the ones I'm currently considering: Golgari Thug, Necroplasm and Dakmor Salvage. I think I need more cards that recur stuff from my graveyard besides Ramirez. (just in case he gets removed before combat dmg etc.)

What's your opinion on redundant cards? I already have 2 creatures that reduce costs of artifacts and 2 creatures that return artifacts to my hand when they die. How many is enough do you think?

Also looking for cards that synergize well with my commanders and help me recur non-artifact, non-creature cards.

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