Mob Mentality

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mob Mentality

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature has trample.

Whenever all non-Wall creatures you control attack, enchanted creature gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of attacking creatures.

KBK7101 on Valduk's Vergazos

2 years ago

Love Valduk! He was one of the first commanders I built and I love that he can easily be built on a very low budget.

Cards I highly recommend from my (admittedly fairly short experience):

Some other ones that seem like they'd have potential:

Colonel_Kink on None

4 years ago

where does it end?

Mob Mentality is making things worse.

what about these cards? do people think that i want to Purge the black creatures?

or Rashka the Slayer a fighter who is skilled at killing black creatures.

or Shadowbane it shows a racially black character, and says prevent damage from source, unless its black, then do that and gain that much life cuz its black.

or Enslave what if i cast this targeting a black creature? "I Enslave your black creature!"

or Choking Restraints with the george floyd and shaver and many other incidents...

seriously, this is getting ridiculous, and i can find many more cards that could be reached for as racially insensitive.

king-saproling on All That Remain

4 years ago

Blades of Velis Vel could be a fun trick for stealing two creatures permanently. Just cast it before Varchild flickers or dies.

These might interest you as well: Angel's Trumpet, Tome of Legends, Bonders' Enclave, Castle Embereth, Arch of Orazca, Throne of the High City, Dingus Staff, Shivan Harvest, Assault Suit, Gauntlet of Power, Fiendish Duo, Claws of Valakut, Curse of Opulence, Mob Mentality, Bravado

Epicurus on The Gobfather

4 years ago

I love absolutely everything about this deck. Don't change a thing ;)

Well, except that I would love to see Squee, the Immortal in there, and Furious Assault in addition to the Impact Tremors you already have, because you have no enchantment fetch, and that's a good effect.

Other cards possibly overlooked that are worth looking at:

Though I could never conceive of a list of cards you could remove to fit all of that in.

Finally, I do think that Chandra, Torch of Defiance is a better Chandra for this deck than Chandra, Fire Artisan. In my humble opinion.

Anyway, I started this giant comment by saying you shouldn't ever change a thing. I mean that. The deck looks amazing as is. These suggestions are just food for thought.


thrane on Valduk-Tales! Woo-hoo!

6 years ago

Mob Mentality is a must! woo hoo!

moldycrow83 on In Mists Lain Thick, Monsters Reign

7 years ago

Hey there,

Excellent work on the Uril deck! I run one myself and it's a ton of fun. I gotta say, I love the Bear Umbra + Aggravated Assault; need both to keep the juggle going, but good god that's gotta be fun to pull off.

Anyway, here's a few cards you may want to consider!


These are low cmc cards to help get past creatures to trample right through them.

  1. Asha's Favor
  2. Gryff's Boon
  3. Giant Spectacle
  4. Shield of the Oversoul
  5. Messenger's Speed
  6. Mob Mentality
  7. Imposing Visage
  8. Primal Frenzy
  9. Tilonalli's Crown


These I like because they help remove a blocker. Potentially can be chucked considering the amount of evasion and trample, but once and a while someone has something that is worth tapping or preventing from blocking.

  1. Cartouche of Zeal
  2. Grasp of the Hieromancer
  3. Hammerhand


NV_1980 had some good suggestions, as did others. I've got some more :)

  1. Cataclysm
  2. Wildfire
  3. Hull Breach
  4. Destructive Revelry
  5. Destructive Urge
  6. Chandra's Ignition, +1
  7. Razia's Purification, +1


Not sure how you're doing on mana, but it never hurts to get more! Keep in mind utility enchantments help boost Helm of the Gods and others.

  1. Land Tax
  2. Exploration
  3. Fertile Ground
  4. Trace of Abundance
  5. Utopia Sprawl
  6. Wild Growth

Enchantment Protection

  1. Fountain Watch
  2. Sterling Grove

Hope some of the suggestions help. Again, cool deck. Hope you have fun smashing people's faces in!

Byvci on Tribal Tech (Every Single Tribe in Magic! Part 1)

7 years ago

assassin: Scarblade Elite

assembly worker: Mishra's Factory Self-Assembler (only works with changelings and itself

atog: Atogatog

aurochs: Aurochs Herd Bull Aurochs Rimehorn Aurochs

bat: Skeletal Vampire

beast: Vitality Charm

cephalid: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor

chimera: Brass-Talon Chimera Iron-Heart Chimera Lead-Belly Chimera Tin-Wing Chimera

druid: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid Seton, Krosan Protector

dwarf: Depala, Pilot Exemplar Dwarven Bloodboiler Dwarven Lieutenant Dwarven Pony Dwarven Recruiter Heart Wolf

eldrazi spawn: Brood Birthing

eye: Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore Evil Eye of Urborg

fox: Patron of the Kitsune

giant: Hearthcage Giant

goat: Springjack Pasture

gorgon: Hythonia the Cruel

kavu: Coastal Drake Alpha Kavu Kavu Howler Kavu Mauler Kavu Monarch

kithkin: Goldmeadow Stalwart

knight: Knight of the Mists is sort of tribal. Also War Falcon

kobold: Kobold Drill Sergeant Kobold Overlord Kobold Taskmaster

minion: Balthor the Defiled

moonfolk: Patron of the Moon

nightstalker: Return of the Nightstalkers

ogre: (don't really work in an ogre deck, but I guess they sort of count?) Gutwrencher Oni Painwracker Oni Scourge of Numai Yukora, the Prisoner

orc: Raiding Party Orcish Captain

pegasus: Sacred Mesa

pentavite: Pentavus only card with pentavite, but sort of works with changelings

plant: Avenger of Zendikar

rigger: Steamflogger Boss

scarecrow: Scarecrone Reaper King

wall: Fortified Area Glyph of Life Rolling Stones Wall of Caltrops Animate Wall Total War Mob Mentality Glyph of Destruction Wall of Mulch Glyph of Reincarnation Glyph of Delusion Glyph of Doom

There's also the flagbearers: Coalition Flag Coalition Honor Guard Standard Bearer But they don't really have synergy with each other. You might be able to pull some shenanigans if you give a flagbearer hexproof or protection with a changeling out though.

Thelon of Havenwood, Fungal Bloom, Sporesower Thallid, Savage Thallid and Pallid Mycoderm are all listed as saprolings. I don't know if you merged fungus and saproling intentionally, but if you did it might make sense to change saproling tech to saproling/fungus tech.

CommanderOfTheDanceFloor on Red One Dropper (Ultra Budget)

7 years ago

turns out Mob Mentality is listed as illegal in Pauper, Brute Force is its replacement

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