Brute Force

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brute Force


Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.

DadHumanPraetor on Feather, the Cruel Striker

1 year ago

So I play stuff like Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon so that when I cast Brute Force or Built to Smash and then cast Gods Willing targeting them, ALL my creatures are unblockable (from the protection) and pumped. I think the equipment and a lot of the creatures you selected are fun value cards, but its gotta be hard to close the game. Making things big, hard to kill, and unblockable...well that can close the game easily. Young Pyromancer and Leonin Lightscribe and probably better than Electrostatic Field and the spell recursion seems to go against the current, since your spells are rarely going to the graveyard. If you want I could upload my feather deck list when I get home later and you could sort of see the direction I decided to take it. Yours seems to want to grind out value, mine is more about killing your opponents

Balaam__ on Slippery Rush

1 year ago

Solid idea to build around. I have a similar deck somewhere, but one thing I’ve found is that Instants generally perform better than Sorceries. Less restrictive to cast, opening up opportunities to hold it in reserve after attacking in case your opponent has any tricks up their sleeve. Also gives the option to play them on the defense as you’re blocking, potentially turning the tide.

I recommend Brute Force, Built to Smash (extra benefits for Goldhound), or Dynacharge. Stuff like that.

Wuzibo on Zada Hedron grinder + "whenever …

2 years ago

Let me begin by saying I have a Zada, Hedron Grinder modern deck i play around with that i started playing as soon as she was released because I thought and still think that cantrips on her is probably some of the best draw mono red can do. This is going to be more directed at zada decks i see on here in general though.

I wanted to check out some newer decks to see what people are running these days, and i see a lot of people running heroic stuff like Akroan Crusader that triggers, like zada, when you cast a spell targeting them.

The important thing to note here is it says "cast". If i understand right, copies aren't cast unless it specifically says "cast", like an imprint effect. Ideally you use heroic stuff with something like a red cantrip or Titan's Strength, Assault Strobe or Brute Force. However, if Zada is on the field, you want to be casting your crimson whisps, Expedite and the aforementioned buff cards on her, to spread it to your whole field and/or get a lot of scrying or draw. 1 mana draw 3, with a little effect on all your creatures is insane, which you only need 3 creatures to pull off. That's Ancestral Recall level power, but it is gated behind that as a required setup.

In that instance, Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe only give 1 trigger each. For this reason, i think, like, Monastery Swiftspear and other prowess effects are a better choice, and more ways to put out more tokens. I feel she's better with more creatures. Turning 3 1/1s into 4/4s while making her a 7/7 is game ending. Stuff like Goblin Rabblemaster and any of the little goblins that make more goblins as an etb. Monastery swiftspear still only gets 1 trigger from the original spell you cast targeting zada, but, it still triggers when you target zada, unlike a Satyr Hoplite.

I wrote this to be about mono-red, but it's good to know this for any deck you're running them in. I actually do like Satyr Hoplite and Akroan Crusader. They're good if youre going for like, a thing that cares about auras entering the battlefield, since then you have a good target for your aura. I built a constellation deck once. Why did they get rid of keyworded stuff like that? Red is a hard color to do that with, but, something like that is more where Satyr Hoplite shines.

I hope this helps people build better decks.

legendofa on What does it take to …

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy If two colors share a skill, then pips of each color count as successes. If you want to check Insight, and you show a Counterspell and a Vindicate, that's three successes: from Counterspell, from Vindicate, and the doesn't contribute. For more advanced rules, hybrid mana counts as one success, regardless of the colors. Also, as a possible optional rule, if a revealed card name makes sense for context of the check, that grants an additional success. For example, if you make a Strength check and show a Brute Force, that counts as +1 from and +1 for the thematic name.

Generally, I see it as an individual pass/fail. If the player wants to try to sneak in somewhere, the will likely either hold back or find another way in, similar to a stealthy rogue/tanky fighter dynamic. Maybe extra successes can be "donated" to another player to help them pass. I tried to streamline the skill system so that a) it didn't become overloaded and b) each color would be reasonably balanced, with individual strengths and weaknesses.

Events after a success or failure are basically as D&D: You sneak around the guard, or they catch you. You gain all the information you need for your research, or you gain partial information and need to find a way to get more.

Most of the game will probably be actual Magic play, and the skills have basically two main purposes. First, they connect the combats together to tell a simple story. Second, they could adjust the difficulty of a combat--a group failure may result in starting with lower life totals, or a strong success may cut the size of a Horde deck in half.

Grubbernaut Uniqueness is part of it, but there are formats like Pack Wars or Tower that use unique rules without gaining wide appeal. Do they just not satisfy any market need, for lack of a better term? As for my intended audience, my playgroup was (yes, past tense, sadly) willing and able to break out either D&D or Magic on any given night, so maybe I'm a bit spoiled that way. I see this mostly as a way to add some variety to a group's Magic night, not something that's going to be public access at a Pro Tour or whatever. Also, I haven't heard of Conquest--what's that one?

Gattison Your idea sounds interesting. It's kind of like a deckbuilding game as part of the regular game, if I'm understanding right? And would it be worth it to get the T/O community to help develop?

Gleeock Seduction would be an interesting choice. Maybe more like Charm than Seduce, make it a little broader in scope. I think theft/larceny would fall more to and , depending on circumstances.

Alcolitox on Mono Red Elemental

2 years ago

I'd go something amongst the lines of this, on a simpler Mono R version

Creature Base

  1. 4x Brighthearth Banneret
  2. 4x Fire Urchin
  3. 4x Kiln Fiend
  4. 4x Lavakin Brawler
  5. 4x Goblin Smuggler
  6. 4x Pyre Hound

Spells Base

  1. 4x Built to Smash
  2. 4x Brute Force
  3. 4x Titan's Strength
  4. 4x Infuriate

There's a cheeky combo you can throw in if you'd like as well with Brighthearth Banneret + Brighthearth Banneret + Grinning Ignus for infinite mana, and use Fiery Hellhound or Igneous Cur or Inner-Flame Igniter or any of those Pay : gains +x/+x

legendofa on Baseline effect cards

3 years ago

There are cards that seem to get printed with some frequency, but also regularly get strictly better versions. Cancel and Mind Rot are two examples, and Blaze would count if it ever got reprinted. There's nothing quite strictly better than Giant Growth. Shock is also in there. What other cards can you think of that have these common baseline effects?

teafresch on Balaam__

3 years ago

It should apply to whatever its pumped up power is. I have a similar deck that uses cards like..

Metroid_Hybrid on How do you create card-draw …

3 years ago

I’ll echo what DrukenReaps & griffstick said about the draw engines.

I’ll add that in particular also has a myriad of Brute Force Draw spells, such as Sign in Blood , Read the Bones , & Ambition's Cost ... just to name a few. Most of them are Pauper-legal too, if that means anything to you..

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