Flash Counter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Flash Counter


Counter target instant spell.

clayperce on Triple A [Modern Version]

6 years ago

I'm not Argy of course, but I think it's just that she hasn't gotten to comments yet today rather than a 'no' ... esp since it's not in her 'Cards Already considered' list. That said, I don't see how you can say Lantern Scout is strictly better than Kalastria Healer. That term is generally reserved for cards that offer a better effect at the same cost (e.g., Negate > Flash Counter), the same effect at a lower cost (e.g., Lightning Bolt > Shard Volley), or both (e.g., Back to Nature > Tranquility). And of course the Scout offers a VERY different effect (and not necessarily a better one ... the Healer is MUCH better for example vs. Ensnaring Bridge decks), plus it's at a higher cost (which of course raises the mana curve). Please note I'm not saying it's bad. Just that you and I have a very different definition of "strictly better" :-D

HobbyGamer007 on First Try

7 years ago

Some changes I'd do and try out how they fare:




izzetkid987 on MoBlu Spellspam

7 years ago

Adds I would recommend: More lands 35 is pretty risky and generally you would prefer mana flood to mana screw. I would aim for 38 myself. Utility lands Yeah, this list runs Back to Basics but you will not always draw it and a couple dead lands with it out still is not so bad. You exclude a lot of useful effects like Reliquary Tower, Myriad Landscape, Riptide Laboratory (for protecting talrand), Faerie Conclave/Dread Statuary (for emergency blocks) etc. by not running nonbasics and mono-colour decks with no duals have the most space for those. More mana acceleration Most edh decks need ramp and this deck is no exception. With more mana, you can counter more spells per turn cycle. Sol Ring and other mana rocks are staples. I would aim for ten total. More card draw Same deal as ramp. Most of your counters trade 1 for 1 with your opponent's spells so you will need hand refills or you will run out of cards trying to trade 1 for 1 with 1 with 3 or 4 opponents. Pretty basic multiplayer card advantage. This deck prefers instants so it can keep mana up for counters. Blue Sun's Zenith, Stroke of Genius, and Pull from Tomorrow have a big impact. Perilous Research costs little and you can just sacrifice the drake it makes. Board wipes Some games you will fall behind your opponents so you need more reset buttons. Evacuation, Inundate, Crush of Tentacles, and Engulf the Shore all get you out of sticky situations and simulate a blue Wrath of God. Oblivion Stone permanently destroys. Other Curse of the Swine, Pongify, and Rapid Hybridization are all instant or sorcery spot removal. Rise from the Tides gets you a LOT of tokens. Dismiss replaces itself. Propaganda protects you. Brainstorm, Telling Time, Think Twice, Opt and other cantrips do not really give you net card draw since you use up a spell to cast them, but give you card quality instead.Cuts I would recommend: Kraken's Eye is probably bad because cards that only gain you life typically are. Elixir of Immortality is the same unless you are regularly near decking yourself. Backfire, Creature Bond, Feedback, Power Taint, Psychic Venom and other cards that only damage players are typically too low impact in edh. Disperse and Flash Counter are strictly worse than Into the Roil and Dispel. Cancel is strictly worse than s many other options; here is an entire article detailing them: http://articles.edhrec.com/in-the-margins-cancel/ Disappearing Act seems worse than Cancel unless you particularly want to replay your permanents.

lemmingllama on counter edh wip

9 years ago

Cards to cut:

Blue Elemental Blast isn't relevant enough. Not enough red spells.

Envelop is pretty meh. Not enough sorceries out there.

Evasive Action is a bad Force Spike.

Extinguish is a worse Envelop

Flash Counter is a meh Dispel.

Mental Misstep is only good for laughing at the Sol Ring player. Very likely to be useless otherwise.

Outwit will rot in your hand.

You added Spell Blast twice. Cut one.

Spell Snip is a really meh Force Spike.

Spellshift doesn't actually stop their spells. Not really great.