Divine Favor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Divine Favor

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature.

When Divine Favor enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.

Enchanted creature gets +1/+3.

Brutal_B on Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest

5 years ago

Hell yeah! Another heroics deck! I have one too but Daxos the Returned commands mine, same idea tho.

Some creatures that I don't see here that could benefit the deck are Celestial Ancient , Danitha Capashen, Paragon Dawnbringer Charioteers , Graceblade Artisan , Lagonna-Band Trailblazer , Sram, Senior Edificer , Wingsteed Rider , Umbra Mystic and my personal favorite Thran Golem .

Some enchantments I really like in my deck are Celestial Mantle , Daybreak Coronet , Divine Favor , Face of Divinity , Griffin Guide , Hope Against Hope , On Serra's Wings Angelic Destiny and Bonds of Faith can go offensive or defensive. You should look into some umbras like Felidar Umbra and Hyena Umbra .

Windborne Charge is a great little pump spell for a good cost. I'm surprised you're not running any enchantment tutors. Crystal Chimes is great graveyard enchantment recursion.

I noticed you have some token generation. Intangible Virtue could be an option. With that said Sigil of the Empty Throne is an excellent card in decks like this.

I realize I've only suggested white cards but that's the only overlapping color our decks share.

Sorry to spam this comment with so much but I got excited. I love the heroic mechanic and I'm glad to see other people utilizing it. A big enchanted +1 from me!

joecool1299 on Brago Eternal Triggers

5 years ago

Here are some easy swaps when you have the chance.

Voidwielder and the other subpar bounce creatures for either AEther Adept or Man-o'-War or Reflector Mage or all three!

Scholar of Stars for Mulldrifter

Fogwalker for Frost Lynx although honestly I'd cut it when I get the chance.

Spell Burst for Forbid but that's pretty expensive, Insidious Will is a lot better or you could go full protection and go for Swan Song or Dispel

Enlightened Ascetic for War Priest of Thune or Leonin Relic-Warder

Fleeting Memories for New Perspectives though again, I'd cut this when I get the chance.

Divine Favor for literally anything else but I'll say Flickering Ward

Meteorite and Manalith for Chromatic Lantern and Coldsteel Heart. I don't think you need a subpar card like Meteorite when you have infinite blinks.

Why Homarid Explorer? Seems like an odd choice. Again, infinite blinks will win with literally anything so why not play card that synergies with your deck more? How about Deadeye Navigator which is a stupid card and a back up brago? Or Venser, Shaper Savant to bounce all the lands.

That's the biggest piece of advice I'd give you. You have a lot fo random mill that doesn't synergies with your commander like Psychic Corrosion. I'd see about removing that.

Finally 33 lands is kinda low. I aim for at least 36, maybe even 38

bushido_man96 on Balan... No Longer on a Budget?

5 years ago

Get rid of Expedition Map and go with Sword of the Animist. Staff of Nin will provide more solid card draw. I'd also dump cards like Greatsword for something that adds more than just a power boost. For example, O-Naginata is a straight upgrade and easier on your mana curve. Blackblade Reforged is perfect for a mono-colored deck. I think Divine Favor and Glaring Aegis are both kind of lackluster, and should be replaced. If your looking for some removal, go with Swords to Plowshares and Disenchant.

carpecanum on BIG SLAP - Uril

5 years ago

Cho-Manno's Blessing traded in for Divine Favor

Mage Slayer traded in for Soul's Fire

Are people counterspelling your boss since they can't target him? Price of Glory traded in for, what, Serra's Embrace maybe?

landofMordor on Magic Art Pairs

7 years ago

Divine Favor and Dark Favor

Hand of Cruelty and Hand of Honor

Knight of Glory and Knight of Infamy

a few more will probably come to mind after a bit.

DragonzBane on Cat Tribal Aura

7 years ago

You should probably drop 4 cards to take it to 60. My suggestion would be to drop Divine Favor and an Anointed Procession. If you do so it would improve consistency

Karzalar on Holy Hell.

7 years ago

I'd remove the 4x Hero of Iroas, 2x Divine Favor, 1x Pacifism, 3xImmolating Glare, 1x Mass Calcify.

As to what i'd add.

Budget version suggestions down below - choose what you'd want from it.

Lands : Emeria, The Sky Ruin, Ghost Quarter to help against problematic lands.

Creatures : Soul's Attendant, Soul Warden, Rhox Faithmender, Felidar Sovereign for another wincon.

Enchantments : Test of Endurance for another wincon, Darksteel Mutation (fetchable), Ethereal Armor encourages the use of Oblivion Ring, Banishing Light and Stasis Snare as removals.

Artifacts : Well of Lost Dreams (since drawing in white is hard)

Instants : Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares if you don't want to play a lot of enchantments. Return to Dust is nice, also.

Non-budget suggestions :

Lands : Serra's Sanctum if you play a lot of enchantments. Can help ramp up quick for more angels.

Creatures : Archangel of Thune for massive creatures, if you gain a lot of life. Triggers with the ''Soul sisters'' in the non-budget version, for each time a creature enters you gain +1/+1 counters.

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