Mind Funeral

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mind Funeral


Target opponent reveals cards from the top of his or her library until four land cards are revealed. That player puts all cards revealed this way into his or her graveyard.

wallisface on Surgical Forfeit

3 months ago

mooffalosystema i have played a load of competitive mill, winning tourney with it, and know full-well the ins-and-outs of competitive play.

If you do the math on Mind Funeral you’ll find that it is absolutely terrible when compared to almost all other 2-and-3 mana mill spells. There’s a very good reason no competitive builds ever run that card.

Indiscriminate discard is always worse than being able to target and remove the card that actually poses a threat. There will be a bunch of games where Inquisition is only able to grab the cards the opponent doesn’t really card about. Not being able to grab a Sheoldred, the Apocalypse or Scion of Draco or Murktide Regent or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is a massive mistake when these are all very-commonly seen threats.

Your assessment of Lazotep Plating baffles me. It only temporarily stalls some combo decks, and feels negligible anywhere else. I think Storm is the only deck that would ever need to be cautious of this card, and nobodies playing Storm atm anyway cause it’s bad. If your local playgroup somehow validates this cards existence, it’s still only a sideboard card at-best (and even then, a terrible one - there’s sooo many better options!).

wallisface on Surgical Forfeit

3 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • Lazotep Plating seems really underwhelming considering you have no permanents outside of lands, so all you're really making is a piddly 1/1 army to act as block-fodder. Why not something more impactful here?

  • Why Inquisition of Kozilek instead of Thoughtseize? Particularly in any midrange/control matchup, Inquisition of Kozilek just doesn't hit enough targets. But even in combo decks there's a lot of high-mana cards you'd really be needing to hit.

  • Mind Funeral is possibly the most underwhelming mill card out there - there are a LOT better options.

NV_1980 on Scarabian Nights

7 months ago

During play-testing, I noticed this deck is relatively slow. In most tests, I couldn't cast anything meaningful before turn five. Not sure if this is an issue in your meta, but it would be in mine.

My advice would be to:

Good luck with the build.

wallisface on Mill deck

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • mill decks never want to run any creatures other than Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab. All these other creatures you’re running do nothing to help you mill, and end up being anti-synergies in your deck (you’re unlikely to win through combat damage, and by having these cards you’re just ruining your chances to win by milling either).

  • some of your mill cards are super sub-optimal. For instance Tome Scour is the equivalent of running Shock in a burn deck - both cards too to little to get the job done and just end up leaving you empty-handed while your opponent is still alive. Same goes for Mind Funeral… it does too little for its investment. Better options include Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony, and Tasha's Hideous Laughter.

  • You currently have no form of interaction, which means you’re just going to get stomped on… even the fastest mill decks can’t outpace typical aggro/combo decks, and need to buy themselves time. I would expect to see cards like Fatal Push, Extirpate/Surgical Extraction, Drown in the Loch, and Crypt Incursion here.

wallisface on Blue Black Mill - Hedron Crabs & Jace

11 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • as jdogz32 already mentioned, Brainstorm is not modern legal.

  • the only creatures mill ever wants to run are Ruin Crab and Hedron Crab. Stuff like Jace's Phantasm aren’t useful, because you’re not winning by damage, and its just one-less mill effect. Your other creatures are also unuseful, largely due to their excessive mana cost.

  • you’re running far too few lands for what you’re trying to do here. Imo you need around 23 lands here.

  • you’re running far too many cards as 1-ofs and 2-ofs, which is going to make your deck quite fractured and chaotic. I would suggest trying to ensure that the majority of the cards you run are run as playsets (4-ofs), to help keep your deck focused and consistent.

  • i think you need to seriously upgrade your mill package. Stuff like Mind Funeral, Tome Scour and Memory Erosion are all incredibly, incredibly weak, and you’ll find it very hard to mill an opponent out with these options. You want to be aiming for cards like Glimpse the Unthinkable, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and Fractured Sanity.

wallisface on Dude, Where's My Deck?

1 year ago

Some suggestions:

CopperheadCA on Therapy failed because I kept putting up Walls

1 year ago

Kyyoo, I'd suggest removing any sorceries/enchantments that that focus on milling a player, such as Mind Funeral and Psychic Corrosion and Mind Grind. While your goal is a mill victory, these cards are acting separately from your commander. I'd go hard into being able to tap your creatures to mill, as they are a reusable action as well as.. well defenders. At the very least, the balance should always be tipped towards getting your commander out and tapping creatures, and these effects should be secondary (less of them in your deck).

Duskmantle Guildmage is a bit expensive to mill two cards for 4.

wallisface on 8 Crab Mill

1 year ago

I would suggest ditching Mind Funeral, it’s a pretty garbage return for 3 mana. I would also drop that Fraying Sanity, as any mill spell will almost always be better for finishing the game quickly.

I have a competitive mill deck here if it helps inspire any changes in your own version.

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