Chosen by Heliod

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chosen by Heliod

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When Chosen by Heliod enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Enchanted creature gets +0/+2.

ClockworkSwordfish on Rasaad Likes Big Butts

2 years ago

Looks like a great start! I like the idea of combining Rasaad with Raised by Giants to potentially attack for 20... not to mention the mess the rest of your critters will do. I sympathize with having to make cuts. I'm seeing a few cards that I think you could safely cut without missing them too much, though!

For one thing, I think you're a little too heavy on the auras... and of the ones you have, most are kind of subpar. The real problem with auras is that if the creature they're on is killed by anything, you're suddenly down two cards to their one, just like that. I'd say Carapace, Chosen by Heliod, Ritual of Steel and Web are all just very piddly effects. You should aim for enchantments that really make a difference (like Stoneskin!) if you're going to run them... 2 or 3 more toughness isn't really worth a card.

Likewise, I don't really think Animate Wall is worth running. You have seven possible targets which isn't bad, but the problem is that you need to draw a wall and a way to make it able to attack and a way to let it use its toughness for damage. That's kind of a lot of steps. For that reason, probably you could cut most or all of your walls while you're at it. Meanwhile, Treefolk Seedlings will probably never get that big in a two-color deck, and Shield Mate and Snubhorn Sentry don't feel like they'll do enough by the time Rasaad's out and they're usable.

As far as instants go, I'd venture you probably have too many pump spells. Tower Defense is probably strong enough to warrant using, but Solidarity, Iron Will and Bar the Door are mostly overpriced. Your deck's curve isn't so bad, so Great Defender will usually be weaker than you might think, too. If anything, you'd probably prefer having more removal and ways to deal with stuff rather than combat tricks!

Lastly, a lot of your equipment just feels too underwhelming. Slagwurm Armor seems respectable, but Kite Shield, Endoskeleton, Paladin's Shield and Warmonger's Chariot don't do much considering how much mana they ask for.

Overall, the theme is solid and the commander choice is a neat one! I hope these cuts help make your deck the best it can be.

klaudiohmm on The Kill(ian) Box

3 years ago

Hey! I think that you should use more Auras that draws a card when they enter the battlefield (e.g. Angelic Gift for flying, Grisly Transformation for evasion to non-Orzhov creatures, Sage's Reverie ). A card like Chosen by Heliod probably work better than Holy Strength , for example.

A card like Skeletal Scrying may help you drawing cards. You can use Auras destroyed by the first time Killian is removed to fuel it.

What do you think about Hateful Eidolon ? It can be a voltron beater and help you draw cards if Killian is destroyed. Scarab of the Unseen can also help you recovering Auras from a creature that is about to be destroyed. This with Auras that draws a card when they enter the battlefield may be a good card advantage play.

Maybe a boardwipe or two can help you in some situations.

9-lives on None

3 years ago

I think that white should have some abilities of the archcetype of aikido, like Deflecting Palm and Karmic Justice and Manabarbs Comeuppance and have it work with stax, angels, lifelink, cats, token decks, etc. We could add aikido of Karmic Justice to a small 1/1 cat token. If we could use lifelink, and cards that deal damage according to lifegain (usually black), with these aikdio instants and sorceries and enchantments, we would have a great advantage and synergy across all white archetypes. . There are some pretty good white card draw stuff like Angelic Gift , Chosen by Heliod , even 1 white mana cost Defiant Strike . And these are just a few of white cards that have drawing power in pioneer.

taofuerza on Equenauts

4 years ago

I am trending away from global enchantments in favor of repeated life gain or creature generation in this batch of edits. I made sweeping edits in several categories:

  • Lands

Swapped out 8 Plains for Cryptic Caves, Desert of the True, Encroaching Wastes, Idyllic Grange, Karn's Bastion, Labyrinth of Skophos, Radiant Fountain and Secluded Steppe.

  • Defensive Auras

Upgraded Pious Interdiction to Recumbent Bliss (which would potentially provide many instances of life gain instead of 1) and dropped Bonds of Faith in favor of Gossamer Chains.

  • Offensive Auras

Upgraded Chosen by Heliod to Soaring Hope, Hope Against Hope to Spirit Mantle, Indomitable Will to Gift of Immortality and Ordeal of Heliod to Sunbond.

  • Sorceries

Upgraded from Blessed Reversal to Aetherflux Reservoir, Plea for Guidance to Silent Sentinel and added Pegasus Stampede for more ETB creature triggers.

  • Vanilla Creatures

Swapped out generic flyers (Armored Pegasus, Concordia Pegasus, Loyal Pegasus, Mistral Charger, Stormfront Pegasus, Wingsteed Rider) for ones with more ability or utility (Pegasus Charger, Plated Pegasus, Eiganjo Free-Riders).

  • Relevance

Bigger is not necessarily better so I opted to swap out Serra Avatar for Danitha Capashen, Paragon.

  • Defense and Removal

I swapped out Elspeth Conquers Death and Ghostly Prison in favor of Sacred Mesa and Monastery Mentor and Giant Killer for Frontline Medic.

  • Boost

I also replaced 3 boost effects (Commander's Insignia, Dictate of Heliod, Honor of the Pure) with 3 alternate win conditions (Test of Endurance, Felidar Sovereign, Archon of Redemption).

  • Life Gain

Replaced 3 less efficient or reliable life gain sources (Soldier of the Pantheon, Righteous Cause, Honden of Cleansing Fire) with better ones (Soul's Attendant, Auriok Champion, Pious Evangel / Wayward Disciple, Linden, the Steadfast Queen, Answered Prayers).

griffstick on Survive and overwhelm

4 years ago

I have Hobble in the deck. But is it worth it to have Chosen by Heliod in the deck just for the flickering effect to draw an extra card at the cost of a card? Especially if the card only Grant's +0/+2

Ruffigan on Survive and overwhelm

4 years ago

I think Chosen by Heliod and Hobble could be added. Both add 1 devotion and draw a card, can be grabbed with Pilgrim and be bounced by Aviary Mechanic and Kor Skyfisher . Up to you though, if you don't think they Jyve with the gameplan then I would hold off.

Flooremoji on Ghostly Prison ||Tallowisp Spirit Tribal cPDH||

4 years ago

Podkomorka: On the enchantments suggested: I have really found many more pacifism effects to be really meh, especcially at threee mana. I have found that whenever playing against a cPDH deck, I don't need that sort of effect because most of the combat oriented commanders lose to a protection from URBG wall with lifelink, so I have been slowly cutting them. I have really been wavering on Gelid S, because of the mana requirements, but your recommendation might push it over the edge. Crown of Awe was originally in the deck, then I cut it, but i should re-add it probably. The DoD player is getting more aggresive tutoring for removal before Tallowisp is online.

On to the cuts, pretty much every spirit under 4 mana is included, no matter how bad jusy because of the tutor effect and how badly I need to have protection from URBG by turn 4. Mortal Obstinacy is neccisary beccause every game my plagroup has a turn 3-ish Rhystic Study , probably because of DoD. This gives me a consistent answer, while also allowing me to destroy harmful white enchantment-based removal. Armillary Sphere probably should go, I have some sentimental attachments, but I will cut it in the name of cPDH. Chosen by Heliod is also borderline, I like the draws, but it's been unimpressive.

I can defenatly see adding more Auramancer type cards , and thanks with the help!

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