Off and on player since 2010. Has dabbled in standard, modern (competitive and draft), and most recently commander. These days I emphasize building decks that are well-constructed, but intentionally casual, with the goal of playing with friends and letting everyone have a good time!

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I've been brewing a budget deck with this commander and can recommend a few cards that seem to be flying under the radar for this guy: Boss's Chauffeur, Custodi Soulbinders, and Jackdaw Savior. The first, when copied, can both be huge and generate tokens to feed Witty Roastmaster/Goblin Bombardment stuff or just pump up the next time you copy it while the original continually grows stronger. The second just has potential to be an absolutely gigantic flying kill threat, especially if any of your opponents are also generating creature tokens. The third one works because your flying token copies keep the mana cost property of the original (e.g. every time your copy of Ao, the Dawn Sky dies you can return a creature of CMC 4 or less to the battlefield). This can give a lot more leeway for declaring nontoken creatures as attackers or sacking them with Skullclamp, etc, knowing you can return them when your token copy dies at endstep.

October 1, 2024 12:56 a.m.

MTG Decks

Three Dog actual budget deck

Commander / EDH TitanWalls

SCORE: 1 | 266 VIEWS

Blink, or you'll miss it!

Commander / EDH TitanWalls


Budget Inga and Esika

Commander / EDH TitanWalls


Meren's Charnel House

Commander / EDH TitanWalls


Bilbo's Funky Soul Sisters

Commander / EDH* TitanWalls


Finished Decks 73
Prototype Decks 54
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank 155
Helper Rank None yet
Cards suggested / good suggestions 16 / 3
Joined 7 years