Play It Again, Yisan! *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH NV_1980


baritone0645 says... #1

Hello, it's me, from the ELf deck. I really like what you have done with this deck. I can tell from the list that your meta is very enchantment and artifact based. If so, then I think this would be a fun deck to pilot and run against, because it has a lot of that mono-green control that is always fun to see. One question, do you find that it is limiting to have to deal with the Verse Counters on Yisan? If not, then what makes it that way?

January 15, 2018 4:30 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #2


Thanks for commenting. My meta is indeed very artifact/enchantment based. There are several players who love to try and create these lockdown situations which are just about impossible to break without enchantment/artifact control.

As for your question: the deck contains ramp/control/bruiser options of every mana cost (between 1-7). So yeah, the verse counters are slightly limiting but not as much as some would think. Also, Temur Sabertooth can be used to get Yisan back into my hand and summoning him again, thereby resetting his counters if need be.

January 15, 2018 5:25 a.m.

znenneman says... #3

Thanks for the comments on my Selvala Deck, this is one of yours that I liked.

I also play in a group with things like Zur and Bruna, as well as a fair share of indestructible enchantment Gods. Have you played around much with Bane of Progress? I've enjoyed seeing him in mono green builds, wipes out an early board of opponent's mana rocks :D

I see the Devour creatures in here, have you tested Birthing Pod?

March 16, 2018 3:59 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #4


Thanks for commenting. I've not been inclined to use Pod because Yisan fullfills just about all of my tutoring needs, this is not a combo deck and I hardly have any recursion in here to get stuff back that I sac to it.

As for Bane, I do not like it very much in this deck as it kills of my own enchantments, some of which can mean the difference between a win or loss for me.

March 17, 2018 6:07 a.m.

eerie343 says... #5

Possible to make a $50 budget version of this deck?

August 15, 2019 1:04 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #6

Hi eerie343,

Challenge accepted! We will have a look and see what we can whip up.

With regards,

Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

August 15, 2019 3:24 p.m.

eerie343 says... #7

NV_1980 Sweeeeeet, looking forward to it!

August 15, 2019 4:23 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #8

Hello eerie343,

We gave your request a lot of thought. Our main objective was to keep the spirit of the deck the same. So we decided to try and find replacements for the more expensive cards while keeping the original thought of the replaced cards alive. Naturally this would mean we would end up with cards that are either slightly less effective at what the expensive cards do, or they have a higher CMC, or both.

Almost all replacements we have chosen cost below 1 dollar. Some of the replaced cards are cards we do not own, so we decided not to post a new deck as we only do so when we own all the cards in it. So, here is a list of the replacements we would make in order to turn this into a less expensive deck:

We were not able to find suitable replacements (i.e.: cards that would do the same thing but be slightly less effective at it) for the following cards:

So if you have any suggestions for these, please let us know. For now, we hope we helped you a bit to make a cheaper version of our deck. Have fun brewing it!

Kind regards,

Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

August 23, 2019 4:52 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #9

Woops, we meant Worn Powerstone for Sol Ring

August 23, 2019 4:56 p.m.

eerie343 says... #10

NV_1980 Thank you sooooo much! Love the suggestions and I'll look to try the deck. Thanks a bunch!

August 23, 2019 5:38 p.m.

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