
HUGE UPDATE (See notes)

  • Generate tokens to sac to Jalira, Proteus Staff, or the Polymorph spells to cheat out some HUGE stompy bois, can win through combat or mill
  • Plenty of ways to filter and scry through your deck so you get that perfect Chef's Kiss combo
  • Combos = Geralf's Mindcrusher + Identity Thief + Jalira // Identity Thief + Floodgate // Chasm Skulker + any of the card draw effects + Jalira // Guile + Forbid combo (and just any of the counters he's amazing with) // Reef Worm + Jalira // Any of the creature lands and Jalira
  • Can swap out Nephalia Smuggler for any of the Identity Thief combos too!
  • In emergencies have a few options to untap Jalira or sac or transform in response to removal
  • Clear the Mind, Devious Cover-Up, and Stream of Consciousness helps dig needed creatures or spells back out of the yard
  • Use Tolaria West to fetch Tormod's or Inevitable Betrayal or one of the creature lands
  • Use Muddle the Mixture to fetch your equipment to protect Jalira (among other things)
  • Use Arcane Adaptation to protect your field while wiping theirs, and also triggering tons of other cards' effects!

  • NO, You don't get that, you get this instead! - TONS of polymorph and turning things into things with this deck. You determine what the battlefield looks like (literally)! Be the arbiter of fun!


Updates Add

Honestly I've added and removed so many cards I couldn't keep track.

The deck has a much nicer flow now, all the cards I picked for a balance of flavor and power (bonus if they look like Jalira or things she would do)

My playgroup didn't like the power level at first (it was absurdly strong...) so I backed it off and then they didn't like me messing so much with them so would work to take me out first. Not conducive to a winning game or having fun! So now I've got some power to back up me messing with them! Deal with it! Ahahaha!

No, you don't get THOSE things, you get THESE things!


Revision 1 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Cultural Exchange maybe