Animar's playpen {need imput}

Commander / EDH* crabopolis


Rofelos says... #1

Looks good to me. I'd think about Joraga Treespeaker maybe Sakura-Tribe Elder . You could probably cast a cheap Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur and Terastodon .

August 25, 2013 9:54 p.m.

crabopolis says... #2

I need some tricks. Creatures are nice, search is nice, draw and destruction are nice, i need some idea's for good "oh shit" cards.

August 26, 2013 12:08 a.m.

FateDecider says... #4

Hey If your looking for some oh shit cards i have a few in my deck you may wanna look at such as Akroma's Memorial My deck is not a commander deck but it is a big creature deck, Check it out The Big Green Dream

August 27, 2013 9:53 p.m.

crabopolis says... #5

Akroma's Memorial is an option, but the other cards in your deck won't work for me. Elvish Piper and Quicksilver Amulet don't cast the card so the don't pump Animar, Soul of Elements . I don't have any of the rare eldrazi, and i think "big E" is banned in commander.

August 27, 2013 10:41 p.m.

carpecanum says... #6

Look up "Morph" and see if you like any of the creatures and their effects. Morph gets creatures out cheap and then when you have mana flip em for effect (often on the same turn since Animar can usually cast the morph for no mana). I always have a few in Animar Mine ( Willbender , Nantuko Vigilante and Chromeshell Crab at least). Dream Stalker can be cast multiple times in a turn and then return itself to your hand for counters on Animar and it has a big toughness for evolve critters like Gyre Sage .

August 28, 2013 12:17 a.m.

spentbullets says... #7

Vorel of the Hull Clade seems like a perfect fit for any Animar deck, as he can double the counters on your commander for the low price of U/G-tap. he also has a low CMC of 3 to help lower your curve, and is a thirty-cent rare!

in terms of "oh shit" cards, I've found I most often get that reaction from Craterhoof Behemoth hitting the field. However, since you're playing red, how about running Bogardan Hellkite ? you could cast it at instant-speed for just RR if Animar is big enough, and with an unpaired Deadeye Navigator in play you could deal some serious damage for a very low mana cost.

August 31, 2013 3:38 p.m.

spentbullets says... #8

also, you just gotta get your hands on a Seedborn Muse . she's so worth the admission price of $7 (and slowly rising). +1!

August 31, 2013 3:40 p.m.

crabopolis says... #9

the Deadeye Navigator is already on my wishlist. Seedborn Muse is amazing don't know how i never knew she existed. I am always on the lookout for good dragons and beasts, just funds are limited. thanks for the +1

August 31, 2013 9:23 p.m.

Rakkhive says... #10

You must break this with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir . Quicksilver Gargantuan is decent. Fervor is ok but Fires of Yavimaya are much better, also consider Urabrask the Hidden . Im surprised you didn't put Avenger of Zendikar in here.

September 1, 2013 7:45 p.m.

crabopolis says... #11

@ Rakkhive the Avenger of Zendikar is on my wishlist just building on a budget. I actually own the Fires of Yavimaya , forgot all about it. I will put some of that on my wish list i appreciate the suggestions.

September 1, 2013 8:54 p.m.

greyninja says... #12

mana ramp mana ramp mana ramp

Coiling Oracle , Farhaven Elf , Ondu Giant , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Seedguide Ash , Solemn Simulacrum , Wood Elves , Cultivate , Kodama's Reach , etc. you'll be happy you stockpiled lands when somebody drops and Wrath of God and you have to start hard-casting the fatties

check out my animar deck, it's fun

Animar & friends!

September 2, 2013 11:35 p.m.

crabopolis says... #13

@ greyninja; Animar, Soul of Elements is pro white no wrath fear hear, but I understand where you are coming from. Question is, what fatties to take out to make room for ramp ramp ramp.

September 3, 2013 8:59 p.m.

greyninja says... #14

September 3, 2013 10:03 p.m.

carpecanum says... #15

Most of the lands in Animar Mine were cheap but I had a problem with everything coming in tapped. I put in more creatures that could pull any basic land in and that worked better (cheap creatures, chump blockers, a counter for Animar and if I can bounce them back to my hand I get another land with every recast). I ended up putting more basic lands back in. Pilgrim's Eye , Sylvan Ranger , Gatecreeper Vine . Prophetic Prism is nice and cheap, comes in before you could cast Animar anyway and draws you a card so it doesn't take up space in a deck. Llanowar Reborn is really helpful.

September 6, 2013 1:11 a.m.

carpecanum says... #16

Most of the lands in Animar Mine were cheap but I had a problem with everything coming in tapped. I put in more creatures that could pull any basic land in and that worked better (cheap creatures, chump blockers, a counter for Animar and if I can bounce them back to my hand I get another land with every recast). I ended up putting more basic lands back in. Pilgrim's Eye , Sylvan Ranger , Gatecreeper Vine . Prophetic Prism is nice and cheap. Terramorphic Expanse .

September 6, 2013 1:13 a.m.

carpecanum says... #17

oops, delete one of those. Had a glitch there.

September 6, 2013 1:14 a.m.

all I can think of, every time I see your deck name is:

"Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!"

September 19, 2013 2:34 p.m.

Rakkhive says... #19

Have you looked at the theros stuff. Polukranos, World Eater is great IMO. Or try Thassa, God of the Sea .

September 19, 2013 9:42 p.m.

carpecanum says... #20

Protection critters... first : Roaring Primadox , Species Gorger and Cloudstone Curio so you can use a protective creature every round. Draining Whelk , Plaxmanta , Elgaud Shieldmate , Willbender (and several other blue, morph creatures can copy spells, counter spells or do something nasty). Nullstone Gargoyle , Platinum Angel and Platinum Emperion are very protecty. If you get more card drawing ability try a Diplomatic Escort (I don't have enough card drawing in my Animar deck for it). Deadeye Navigator can save creatures but his effect removes counters from the creatures it saves and that makes Animar sad.

September 20, 2013 12:15 a.m.

Demyx says... #21

I would replace stuff that doesn't have Enter-the-Battlefield effects with things that do. For example, Balefire Dragon -> Bogardan Hellkite .

Also, try to avoid anything that has 3 or more colored mana symbols in its cost, unless it's really important. Maybe switch Borborygmos for Hunting Moa . By itself, it adds 2 counters to Animar when it comes in, and one more next upkeep.

Glamerdye is a good protection spell for Animar. You can customize his protections based on the game you're playing, and it's reusable. Also, the effect doesn't end at end of turn. Be careful giving him pro-blue though, as you will no longer be able to target him with it.

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur is good, but makes the game very unfun for your opponents, and Commander is supposed to be all about the fun. Up to you.

Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre is very good if you can get him bouncing multiple times to take out pesky permanents. Same with Brutalizer Exarch . I know you already looked at my deck, but I focus fairly heavily on repeatedly bouncing creatures with EtB effects, so you can check that out if you want. Animar, Soul of Creation.


September 22, 2013 5:38 p.m.

briyellowduck says... #22

the only card that you must have is PALINCHRON. it's a 4/5 for 5UU. when it enters the battlefield, untap up to 7 lands. you can pay 2UU and return it to your hand. if you play it right with enough blue mana, you have an infinite number of +1/+1 counters on it. make it unblockable and attack and win.

otherwise, the deck's looking great. I would get some shocklands or theros temples, and maybe a maelstrom wanderer, but that's it.

November 2, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Demyx says... #23

Palinchron is good but has no use outside of going infinite with Animar. I don't run it in my own Animar deck and don't regret it one bit. Similar creatures such as Peregrine Drake and Cloud of Faeries are much better because they can be used early game for other purposes and then late game to combo with Animar.

I think I already posted my deck, but here it is again if you or anyone else needs some ideas. I haven't updated it for Theros yet, but it's done very well and won every game I've played with it. Animar, Soul of Creation

Also, going to throw out a shameless plug for my new Standard deck that I would really like some feedback on. It's pretty wacky but works very well, wins most games against other competitive decks. :)


November 4, 2013 8:13 p.m.

AtticusLynch says... #24

You're running enough stuff that gives you counters that Doubling Season or Vigor would be good choices to run. Perhaps also consider throwing in some hydras like Kalonian Hydra , Primordial Hydra , or Mistcutter Hydra for some serious counter based muscle. If you don't want to drop that kind of money, then Primal Vigor would be a good budget option as long as you don't mind group hugs too much. My commander runs an absurd amount of voltron, so looking at it may provide you with some ideas. Kresh's Highscore!

April 10, 2014 8:45 p.m.

Rakkhive says... #25

Btw Sylvan Primordial is banned now. Instead try something like Woodfall Primus . Speaking of undying, since a lot of you're stuff has counters on them anyway Cauldron of Souls can save your stuff.

You need more draw in this. I would recommend Primordial Sage , Elvish Visionary , Masked Admirers , Sphinx of Uthuun , for some free spells you might want cascade like Etherium-Horn Sorcerer , Shardless Agent , or even Maelstrom Wanderer would be good additions to the deck. Maelstrom is OP, but only when he is the commander.

I'm not sold on the devotion stuff you'r running, because even if they do trigger they are kind of underpowered.

April 11, 2014 4:36 p.m.

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