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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Discard X cards, then return a card from your graveyard to your hand for each card discarded this way. Exile Recall.

dUCKY1234 on Expected Results

1 year ago

so first of all you need an oathbreaker spell, i would recommend Thoughtcast. this is played as an artifact storm deck, running many 0cmc artifacts.(note do NOT run Chalice of the Void for 0cmc as it will stop you from casting the other artifacts)

assemble a loop, the most simple one is with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain or Vedalken Archmage play a free artifact, draw a card for playing artifacts. but you can’t guarantee you will always draw a artifact so cards that let you scry are very useful Artificer's Assistant is a prime example, also cards like Teferi's Ageless Insight bolster the card draw.

in addition remember that as you cast an artifact Saheeli, Sublime Artificer gives you another servo token, and adds that care about artifact count love easy artifact tokens. aka thoughtcast.

so you play artifacts to draw cards and play more artifacts, now what? how does this deck win?

cards like Hedron Detonator & Reckless Fireweaver deal damage when an artifact enters, and each artifact enters the battlefield with an additional token, so for playing a free artifact you can do 4 damage. good rate if you ask me. however if you have an opponent with prot. red dmg might be a hard time, however BrainFreeze is the perfect alt win con, allowing you to mill 3 cards, with storm.

storm cards are a good starting point but sometimes you’ll get to 15-20 and can’t quit finish them off, cards like Recall bring all artifact back to your had (sadly the tokens too) but allows you to play all the 0cmc artifacts again, doubling the storm count, pushing it well over 30 if done correctly

wrap up: i would say Spellbook is an auto include because you are filling up your hand so much. additionally if you are confident in your draw engine you can put Thassa's Oracle and have a second alt win con. alsoUrza's Saga is an a round amazing card in this deck rewarding a high artifact count.

finaly sometimes you just need a classic beatsick, beefed up monster shoot for ones with -keyword: improvise- like Kappa Cannoneer


if you have any more questions please ask :) happy to spread knowledge and love of mtg

heres my list, feel free to tweak it however :

Grind on

4 years ago

nice list!
any thoughts about Recall ?
it's not efficient, but it does give you a path to get any card out of your GY if your combo gets disrupted, and it is pretty versatile.
another possibility is Mystic Sanctuary , i think an underrated land. cheaply return a counterspell or another powerful spell to easy reach.
also, surprised not to see Mana Crypt in your list. you have all the other fast mana.

Klapp on Budget Mizzix Storm [~$150 Competitive EDH]

4 years ago

Hey Tyondai! Thankfully Commander Legends gave me a card that illustrates how reading your comment felt like to me: Mnemonic Deluge. This is how it must feel when you're doing your masters on a subject and suddenly get an email from the guy that wrote the first phd about it.

So here's how your comment impacted my build

Cards that got in:

Pieces of the Puzzle - I hadn't realized the graveyard fueling potential from this card for Underworld Breach and once I looked over at my own build and saw Careful Consideration it felt like a reasonable swap. It can be reiterated infinitely for the win, but maybe it's not worth the double pip.

Brain Freeze + Lotus Petal + Muddle the Mixture - Of course, should have gone in as soon as Underworld Breach got in the deck. I removed Sentinel Tower since Brain Freeze is basically the same win con and i was playing Thousand-Year Storm for the lols, it got out as well for Petal. For Muddle, Long-Term Plans really was slow and got cut, however it's the only other tutor that can fetch Underworld Breach so maybe that's enough justification for it to go back in one day.

Silundi Vision  Flip - I was on 33 lands, cut one for this MDFC.

Cards that didn't go in:

Grapeshot - I'm not running it. Admittedly, my build really only has two cards that can win the game. Brain Freeze and Stroke of Genius, this may be a problem and a point in favor of Grapeshot.

Pirate's Pillage - Oh man, the card that made you create the account. My build is not as red centered as yours, since I don't run Electrodominance or Grapeshot (yet). I definetly understand the value of having a red card that generates blue mana, oftenly the combo path gets to a point of "Ok, i have infinte red, now just need to turn it into infinte blue". But personally in my games because of the ammount of islands in the deck ther's usually at least one U available and there are a ton of cards that can work off of that such as Hidden Strings or the ever powerfull Frantic Search. However, I'll for sure pay attention during my games with the deck to see if I ever get to a combo point that only Pirate's Pillage could continue.

Electrodominance - My initial instinct is that having RR for this is rather difficult since the mana base doesn't generate that much red mana, and on top of that you need Mizzix out for the card to be worth it. Could you elaborate further? This is not a case where I can imagine how it would be like to have the card in the deck.

Cards that are in that I'm considering cutting:

Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time - The double pip on Dig really feels bad sometimes, but aside from that both are still on the list. However you've opened my eyes to the possibility that these cards may not be worth it and I really want to keep an eye out for their performance during my next games with the deck.

Rhystic Study - I agree with you that this card is generally slower than the rest of the deck and it doesn't help out much for comboing off. Probably take it out once I build another blue deck.

Enter the Infinite - Yes, it should go. I'll keep it in for now because it's funny.

Final thoughts: I haven't been able to get that many games in since the last batch of changes and I feel like that's a must to go forward, lots of things to keep an eye on. Adding the combo line with Underworld Breach makes the deck considerably stronger and it exacerbates that really this kind of deck is stronger in Grixis where you can reliably tutor Breach and don't really need Mizzix's discount for the combo lines. Aside from the cards above I really would like to add Jeska's Will and Valakut Awakening  Flip, if you'd like to check out my build and contribute some thoughts here's the link Mizziz of the Storm.

Also, have you ever looked at Recall as a way to possibly recur Underworld Breach if it gets countered?

SynergyBuild on Need advice to speed up …

4 years ago

The deck only really needs a good Recall effect, which though you run basically all of them, you don't run tutors for them.

Try out Merchant Scroll and Mystical Tutor, maybe even Gamble!

carlmoores on Rielle, the everstrong

4 years ago

This is very similar to one of the two Rielle decks I'm building (one fair with creatures and the other mill myself until it's Thassa's Oracle time).

Have you considered Diviner's Wand?

I'd also consider upgrading the mana rocks and playing Recall for when a board wipe dumps your creatures.

Grind on Win Con Artifacts

4 years ago

Cool deck!! I like that commander.
If mechanized production is your primary win con you might consider a little more countermagic to stop enchantment removal, or maybe Codex Shredder or Recall as ways to recur the card if it gets destroyed.

Grind on Nezahal Counterspells

4 years ago

cool deck! i have never played against a nezahal deck, it looks interesting.
if you want to draw cards, i have to recommend Recurring Insight. if you can make sure it goes off (which you should be able to with all your counters) you can usually draw 12 - 14 cards for just 6 mana. really great.
the other card i have to recommend is Turnabout. looks like your deck is going to the late game, not trying to combo out early on. when you have a lot of lands on the field, turnabout can really pump up your mana.
given that you are heading to the late game, i would usually run boring rocks like Worn Powerstone and Palladium Myr over Mana Vault and Basalt Monolith because they actually net you mana in the long run. but that is kind of a personal choice.
also, once it comes out you could look at Bonders' Enclave over Blighted Cataract.
also you say you are slowing down your opponents but you are avoiding stax, but in case you want to reconsider there are some good options in blue: Frozen Aether, Embargo, Mana Breach, Rising Waters, Standstill, Shimmer, Sunder, Stasis, Mana Breach.... just sayin you got options.
finally you have so many great spells in your deck, it is a shame you only get to cast them once! a little recursion goes a long way, i love to run cards like Archaeomancer, Call to Mind, Mission Briefing and Recall.
anyway, those are my thoughts and hope you find them helpful! keep having fun and cheers!

FGG on Volrath the Hated One

5 years ago

Nice deck. We love your name too! Sounds like you'd fit in perfectly with FatGuyGaming! About your deck; Lol you really are putting hate on the board! Overall, it sounds like you accomplish your goal. Bouncing, slowing things down, STEALING, and removing stuff straight from the deck. Really going to turn some heads and fists!

A couple suggestions.

I don't get Garruk Wildspeaker and Crucible of Worlds in the deck. They are powerful in their own right, but I think I'm missing the synergy they provide to the deck; other than their own utility.

Your Stax package seems to be unsupported by the deck. Except Garruk Wildspeaker , Seedborn Muse , Wilderness Reclamation , there really isn't an opportunity for you to capitalize or synergize the Stax. Particularly, running 14 creatures seems like a shallow amount to get value from Opposition .

Random note: I'd consider adding in Force of Negation to your counter-package.

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