Raise Dead

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Raise Dead


Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

legendofa on Zubera Zubera ずべら

8 months ago

Balaam__ I've gone back and forth on Echoing Return, and so far it just mostly acts like Raise Dead. But there is that sweet spot where it hits three. Haven't gotten four back with it yet.

legendofa on 1st Black deck (Revisited after a few years)

11 months ago

When in doubt, use four copies of the cards you most want to use. With everything at 1x and 2x, it won't be especially consistent or reliable. A rough guideline is

  • four copies of cards you want to see more than once every game, or are essential to your deck's strategy

  • three copies of cards of cards you want to see most games, or every game but not more than once

  • two copies of cards that are useful, but not essential, or are basically extra copies of your 4x cards

  • one copy of cards that are only needed sometimes to cover a gap

Also, look for ways to improves options and/or efficiency. Aid the Fallen has an option this deck won't use. Disentomb and Raise Dead do the important part for cheaper, or adding a couple of planeswalkers will give the second half of Aid the Fallen something to do.

Caerwyn on Using the graveyard as a …

3 years ago


Alpha already had various ways to interact with the graveyard--there might not have been mechanisms to fill your graveyard with relative ease, but it was clear from the very beginning of the game that the graveyard was intended to be useful. Five cards, spread across three colors (though mostly black) specifically allow you to use the graveyard as a resource: Animate Dead, Nether Shadow, Raise Dead, Regrowth, Resurrection.

Alpha also already had exile, though it went by "remove from the game entirely": Swords to Plowshares and Disintegrate.

Arabian Nights skipped over these effects, but they came back very quickly in Antiquities, which also expanded graveyard shenanigans to Blue, and Legends, which had more recursion options.

Then we got The Dark, which is the first real set to focus on using the graveyard as a tool outside of "get my card back"--cards like Eater of the Dead, Frankenstein's Monster, and Grave Robbers, which allowed you to weaponize your graveyard for additional boons. The Dark also saw the introduction of Tormod's Crypt, the first real piece of dedicated graveyard hate.

Even in the initial sets, it is clear that the graveyard was designed to serve as a possible second hand and, by August 1994, it was clear that the graveyard was to be considered a resource in other manners as well. Saying that it was "originally designed to be the modern equivalent of exile" ignores how many early-game effects interacted with the graveyard, as well as ignores the fact that exile has existed since the game's very first set.

Scytec on Tasigur cEDH Advice

3 years ago

@Caerwyn - I apologize, I didnt realize there were deck help forums for individual formats.

@Lanzo493 - Do you think Doomsday and Necropotence slot in here? Additional cards I pulled out of my collection with potential include: Pain Seer, Disciple of Deceit, Sphere of the Suns, Reason / Believe, Street Wraith, Raise Dead, Plunge into Darkness, Phantasmal Image, Siren Stormtamer, Commune with Nature, and Reclaim.

multimedia on Yarok, the Desecrated

3 years ago

Hey, well done on a budget, but what's with the manabase?

I understand this is budget, but you can't possibly think that 36 basic lands for a three color deck is any where near competitive; deck is in the competitive hub. Where's Command Tower ? The majority of rest of the deck other than Disentomb and Raise Dead is built with a competitive mindset therefore I know you have good card sense with the budget that you have. Even on a low budget you can include playable dual lands:

My advice is if budget is a concern cut some expensive price cards to add some playable dual lands. Grim Tutor and Heroic Intervention are two cuts to consider since these cards can be replaced by lower price options Lazotep Plating and Profane Tutor . On a budget Fauna Shaman is not worth it since it could be replaced with a less expensive price tutor Shared Summons .

Consider a backup win condition that doesn't require that you draw your entire deck and hope that Oracle or Maniac live/resolve? Gray Merchant of Asphodel , Venser, Shaper Savant and Gonti, Lord of Luxury can be infinitely blinked or cast for three different win conditions. Peregrine Drake + Venser, Shaper Savant + Yarok, the Desecrated is another infinite mana combo.

Consider budget backups to all your main combo creatures? Backups are helpful because without them the combo is very fragile, easy for an opponent to disrupt.

Good luck with your deck.

legendofa on Modern Horizons 2 Spoilers

3 years ago

See, this is why I'm frustrated with Zombies. Clattering Augur is a respectable casual mana sink with a little Phyrexian Arena action. Master of Death does basically everything Clattering Augur does, and has two more power, for the compensation cost of... splashing a second color? In Modern?

Total costs and effects of casting and self- Raise Dead -ing Clattering Augur: for draw one, lose one life, and a 1/1 in your hand.

Total costs and effects of casting and self- Raise Dead -ing Master of Death: and 1 life for surveil 2 and a 3/1 in your hand.

Yeah, Master of Death technically doesn't draw anything, but you're now in . If you can't figure out how to reliably draw a card in Modern , what kind of deck are you building? And you can recur Clattering Augur whenever you like, but Reassembling Skeleton does that too and Gravecrawler --hey, look! A zombie!--does perfectly well for the decks that would use this effect.

Every single time a Skeleton comes out, with literally three exceptions I can think of, there's a Zombie that does basically the same thing faster, cheaper, or more efficiently, sometimes all at the same time.

I'll probably get my hands on a Clattering Augur or two, but once again for Skeletons, they're thematic, not functional. Not that I'm bitter or anything. Why would you think that?

razelfark on First Brawl Deck - Arena

3 years ago

Your deck looks like it has some untapped potential with Onyx as your brawl commander for not making use of the adventure creatures in black. 3 of the adventure creatures that seem like they would be a good fit would be Foulmire Knight , Order of Midnight , and Murderous Rider .

Foulmire Knight - Solid defender with its death touch and will trigger Onyx when used for the draw. It also serves as a decent recursion target to be brought back to hand for the previously stated reasons.

Order of Midnight - More useful version of Raise Dead as you can use it as an early flier if you want to be aggressive, or it can just be used as a spell to bring a target back from your grave.

Murderous Rider - Solid removal spell and the lifelink body you can play afterwards can be relevant.

Sedgemoor Witch will be strong for taking advantage of our spell heavy you are. The tokens will give some good fodder for blocking and sustaining to get to your end game, or even swinging wide if you manage to generate enough.

Ayara, First of Locthwain would be a decent add to combo with the witch as it would give you life drain effects for the tokens and a sac out let for some extra draw power.

Some spell ideas to help the deck:

Blood on the Snow is a powerful sweeper of creatures or planeswalkers and will give you another reanimation effect if you switch to snow swamps (these will still count as regular swamps for other cards).

Feed the Serpent is a decent instant speed removal option that exiles a threat. Slightly better then using the Necrotic Fumes you are currently using.

Hope these help.

Icbrgr on Is Grixis Control Weak/Bad in …

3 years ago

I for one have my hopes for prismari command and would love to see grixis do good things with it (what you said sounds pretty good to me)....the only other countermagic i highly recommend to people that you didnt mention is good ol' Mana Leak ... much like Condescend its super generic/mana base friendly and is an allstar early-mid game.... a newer sweeper that I came across while playing MTGA is Storm's Wrath ... the fact that it catches walkers too seems like it could be pretty good?... never thought of silumgar as an option but honestly that seems pretty legit!

Cruel Ultimatum is definitely too slow for Modern in any competitive environment.... Unless the meta became Naya Zoo for some reason and Grixis control could just do whatever it wanted... I just Run Ultimatum because its Cruel Edict + Three Tragedies + Lava Axe + Raise Dead + Concentrate + Soothing Balm + Exile opponents soul.... It's my favorite card and got the playmat to match ;)

I was just wondering why when I looked into what SERIOUS Grixis control looks like nowadays it hasn't topped any events in so many years... That kinda bugs/concerns me way more that Ultimatum being obsoleted.... unfortunatly it just sounds like + splash whatever other color is just a case of "anything grixis can do I can do better" from the sounds of this thread.... oh well maybe someday Grixis Control will get what it needs to be a presence in the competitive landscape.

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