Duskwatch Recruiter FlipCombos Browse all Suggest
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Krallenhorde Howler
Creature — Werewolf
Creature spells you cast cost less to cast.
At the beginning of each upkeep, if a player cast two or more spells last turn, transform this.

Elnxida on
Cost Reduction Cards
2 months ago
I've noticed a few* omissions, namely effects that let you pay an alternate cost - which can be less than the regular cost (Zombie creaturess: Rooftop Storm) or reduced by other effects (Samurai: Kentaro, the Smiling Cat).
*Yeah, so I decided to do a proper search and it bloated into more than a "few"... Sorry for the wall of text, but here you go!
You've already got Fist of Suns and Jodah, but here are some less ubiquitous ones:
Echo: Thick-Skinned Goblin
Slowly Increasing 1/turn: As Foretold
Runes: Runeforge Champion
Fist of Suns and Jodah-like: Leyline of Mutation
Alchemy, Dragons: Sarkhan, Wanderer to Shiv
Pay life instead as Activated Ability: Marshland Bloodcaster
Alchemy, cards you don't own 1/turn: Grenzo, Crooked Jailer
From Exile 1/turn: Charred Foyer / Warped Space
Colorless 1/turn: Darksteel Monolith
Creature from exile 1/turn: Tlincalli Hunter
Conditional, Cycling: New Perspectives
Pay life instead 1/turn: Cramped Vents / Access Maze
Additionally, other regular omissions:
Flash: Cunning Nightbonder
Instants and Sorceries: Voracious Reader Flip
Creature spells: Krallenhorde Howler Flip, Honest Rutstein
One Giant: Invasion of the Giants
Target me! (auras, buffs, mutate): Spellwild Ouphe, Elderwood Scion
First Kicked: Vine Gecko
Historic: Ballad of the Black Flag
Not your turn: Geyser Drake
Aura and Equipment: Golden-Tail Trainer
Next Spell (honorable mention?): Hardened Berserker, Saheeli, the Gifted
Pay counters instead: Mutated Cultist
Dragons: Nogi, Draco-Zealot
Alchemy, Dinosaurs: Scalespeaker Shepherd (Not sure why is isn't linking, but I promise it exists)
Alchemy, from graveyard: Shellfish Scholar
Instants and Sorceries MV5+: Spectacle Mage
Prepared: Uvilda, Dean of Perfection Flip
Undaunted keyword: Durnan of the Yawning Portal
First instant/sorcery, conditional: Eluge, the Shoreless Sea, God-Eternal Kefnet
Alchemy, Goblin: Goblin Influx Array
Next instant/sorcery (honorable mention?): Maelstrom Muse
Face-down: Panoptic Projektor
Doctors: The Eleventh Hour
Cards from exile: Commander Liara Portyr
Next instant/sorcery, conditional: Elminster
Spells you don't own: Gonti, Canny Acquisitor
TMMadsen on
Wolves of Armageddon
11 months ago
What do you think about possiably adding Weaver of Blossoms Flip to the deck and cutting down or out lambholt elder?
I think Weaver of Blossoms Flip is a bit costly on the mana-side. With Birds of Paradise, Scorned Villager Flip and Krallenhorde Howler Flip I'm doing pretty good for mana, so adding another mana-producer might be over the top. Lambholt Elder Flip packs quite a punch, and lets me draw cards which is awesome. I think, I'll try experimenting with replacing Birds of Paradise instead. They're missing the werewolf subtype, but they contibute with a lot of speed. The Weaver of Blossoms Flip however can be used in combat. Thank you for pointing me to this card!
Branchloft Pathway Flip for mana versitility.
I recently ordered a playset of Sunpetal Grove to improve mana versitility. I looked at Branchloft Pathway Flip, but they're quite costly where I live, and decided to go with Sunpetal Grove instead.
Thank you for the feedback.
burferking on Moon art cards for Princess …
5 years ago
I made a mistake: I thought Luna's wording said ''play'', but it is ''cast'', so no need to name lands with Moons in them.
Shadows Over Innistrad block: Markov Dreadknight Olivia's Bloodsworn Prophetic Ravings Courageous Outrider Convicted Killer Flip// Branded Howler Voldaren Pariah Flip// Abolisher of Bloodlines Ethereal Guidance Devils' Playground Descend upon the Sinful Long Road Home Humble the Brute Howlpack Resurgence Ghoulsteed Vexing Scuttler Turn Aside Tamiyo, Field Researcher Silverstrike
Tiny Moon: Desperate Sentry
Debatable: Olivia's Dragoon Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip
Only on Transformed side: Moonrise Intruder Flameheart Werewolf Fibrous Entangler Krallenhorde Howler
Uskebasi on
MTG list of EDH Ramp Cards | last update: 30-05-22
7 years ago
Oh yes I see the Curious Homunculus! So...
Artifacts: the Monument cycle from Amonkhet ( Bontu's Monument ecc.), Conduit of Ruin, Helm of Awakening, Foundry Inspector, Mana Matrix, Planar Gate, Seal of the Guildpact, Semblance Anvil, Stone Calendar, Inspiring Statuary, Heartstone
Blue: Arcane Melee, Baral, Chief of Compliance, Battlefield Thaumaturge, Etherium Sculptor, Jace's Sanctum, Chief Engineer, Training Grounds
Izzet: Goblin Electromancer, Herald of Kozilek, Mizzix of the Izmagnus
Land: Teferi's Isle, Crypt of Agadeem, Lake of the Dead
Azorius: Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Red: Hardened Berserker
Black: Heartless Summoning, Infectious Curse, Liliana of the Dark Realms
Green: Herald of the Pantheon, Krallenhorde Howler, Recross the Paths
White: Hero of Iroas
Selesnya: Oath of Ajani
Rakdos: Rakdos, Lord of Riots
The cycle of the Familiars ( Nightscape Familiar, ecc.)
Mandalorian on
The Pack Hungers
7 years ago
I think Silverfur Partisan should def be a 4 of since it synergizes so well with your creatures.
I think some of the enchantment are either unnecessary or can be upgraded to enchantments that synergize with your deck. I would drop the Blood Mist, Gruul War Chant, and Gift of Paradise for stuff like Howlpack Resurgence and Full Moon's Rise.
Naturalize is also probably pretty weak here and could be replaced. Creatures like Solitary Hunter Flip, Brazen Wolves, Smoldering Werewolf Flip, and Thornhide Wolves can be upgraded as well.
Here are some cards that are budget friendly I would find room for:
Breakneck Rider Flip/Neck Breaker Flip
Duskwatch Recruiter/Krallenhorde Howler Flip
Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack Flip
For options that are above budget:
Huntmaster of the Fells/Ravager of the Fells Flip
Rhadamanthus on Double Transform Triggers?
8 years ago
It doesn't have anything to do with the card's name, only whether or not it has already transformed since the ability was put onto the stack. When a card uses its own name in the text of an ability, it means "this object", and it will continue to refer to itself even if the name of the card changes somehow.
For example, if Krallenhorde Howler was about to transform, but you responded by casting Cytoshape and turning it into a Bear Cub, it would still transform (it would also still be a Bear Cub until the end of the turn, but that has to do with the rules of how copy effects work).
metalmagic on Double Transform Triggers?
8 years ago
Your creature will stay as a Duskwatch Recruiter Flip because, as you mentioned, it is indeed only going to anything if the card is named Krallenhorde Howler when the transformation trigger resolves, but not quite for that exact reason. Here is an excerpt from an article on WotC's website explaining this when Shadows Over Innistrad came out.
brokendwarf on Double Transform Triggers?
8 years ago
Asking for a friend.
What happens if my opponent plays 2 spells while I have my Krallenhorde Howler on the field and I use Strionic Resonator to copy Krallenhorde Howler's transform ability? Does he transform into Duskwatch Recruiter Flip and then back into Krallenhorde Howler or does her transform into Duskwatch Recruiter Flip and then stay Duskwatch Recruiter Flip because the 2nd transform is looking for a Krallenhorde Howler?