Herald of Kozilek

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Herald of Kozilek

Creature — Eldrazi Drone

Devoid (This card has no color.)

Colorless spells you cast cost less to cast.

TypicalTimmy on Jankest/Worst Artifacts

2 years ago

Razor Boomerang has one of the dumbest and most intensive infinite kill combos in the game, lol. You need Razor Boomerang, Sigarda's Aid and Blisterspit Gremlin or Nettle Drone.

The way it works is SA acts as a magnet, allowing RB to ETB and attach to either of the creatures. You tap the creature using RB's activated ability and unattach it. It returns to your hand and deals 1 damage.

When you cast RB again, your creature untaps. SA attaches it to them and, once again, you use Boomerang's activated ability to deal 1 more damage and return it to your hand. When you cast again, it will once again untap your intended target.

But on top of these three cards, you need a way to free-cast it. So it usually befalls a healthy assortment of cards such as Cloud Key and Herald of Kozilek.

It's like a 6 - 7 card setup just to ping 1 damage at a time, but it is 100% possible if nobody knows what the hell it is you are doing lol

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Return of the Eldrazi

Legendary Tribal Enchantment - Eldrazi

Eldrazi you control have Indestructible, Ward and Annihilator X where X is the number of nontoken Eldrazi you control.

They thought Ulamog, Kozilek and Emrakul were defeated, turned to stone and imprisoned within the Silver Moon. They were wrong.

Eye of Ugin, Eldrazi Temple, Shrine of the Forsaken Gods, Ancient Tomb, Herald of Kozilek, Cloud Key, etc etc.

Big wild card

CrimsonWings3689 on The Swarm

4 years ago

To Remove:

Extricator of Sin  Flip - easily one of the least impactful cards you have and you have 9 to cut.

Abstruse Interference - a 3 mana Force Spike/Mana Tithe seems bad, even if the upside of getting a creature token is there.

Otherworldly Outburst - Like Extricator, a 3/2 is unlikely to make a very big difference.

Isochron Scepter - with 109 cards in deck right now, there are only 4 cards that could even meet the criteria to use this. Fall of the Titans won't work because this won't let you pay alternative costs.

Planar Gate - quite expensive, and while awesome, you would get more mileage out of something like Ugin, the Ineffable, since your Devoid spells are technically colorless. It would benefit your artifacts as well as your Eldrazi. His activated abilities are nothing to sneeze at either.

Rhystic Tutor - someone is going to pay the 2... if you could pick the opponent, different story. As is, it's unlikely to ever resolve. you would be better off with something like Vampiric Tutor if you were going for another tutor effect, but that one is rather pricey as well.

Shard Convergence - Have this be something like Cultivate or Kodama's Reach to make sure that you can cast your spells sooner.

From Beyond - very slow for what it does, not sure it's worth it in the long run.

Endless One - a big mana sink with no keywords or activated abilities is underwhelming.

Desolation Twin - the 10/10 token is only on cast, so if there are any effects that would reanimate it, put it into play, etc that happen to go off, it's just a vanilla 10/10. For 10cmc, you would be better off running either version of Kozilek or Ulamog.

Emrakul's Evangel - I didn't realize that the condition to get the 3/2's required "non-eldrazi" to be sacrificed. It's a non-bo with the deck.

Cards to consider:

Void Attendant - Mana sink to potentially get more scion tokens.

World Breaker - a recurrable threat that exiles permanents.

Essence Depleter - Mana sink to lifegain/drain someone.

Grip of Desolation - 2 for 1 removal spell.

Ruination Guide - Colorless, front-end creature pump.

Sire of Stagnation - Jerk card for jerks. Slows opponents down or exiles their fuel. slows them down either way to give you more time to amass your army.

Spell Shrivel - This is a counterspell that's better than the one you have in the list currently (Abstruse Interference).

Call the Scions - Similar to Awakening Zone and From Beyond it gives you 2x 1/1's for 3cmc all at once.

Cards to Add:

Herald of Kozilek - cost reduction for your deck.

Swarm Surge - Colorless creature pump and First Strike.

Smothering Abomination - Card draw for sac'ing a token on upkeep.

Brood Butcher - turns your tokens into removal for BG to -2/-2 something.

Deepfathom Skulker - lets you draw for each attacking creature you control that connects with a player.

MLGDolphinStudios on Jeskai Elsha Eggs

4 years ago

I think you could make some use from cost reducers so you aren't so reliant on Krark-Clan Ironworks. Helm of Awakening, Jhoira's Familiar, Foundry Inspector, Herald of Kozilek, and Etherium Sculptor are all fairly good.

K1ngMars on Breya King: Have It Your Way!

4 years ago

As a fellow Breya player, I have a few suggestions. Get a better mana base! Karoos suck in a 4 colour deck. I'd go with checking taplands as a bare minimum, but if your budget allows it, shocks and fetches are always welcome (but not necessary imo). If you'd like to check my manabase feel free.

As for the core deck, it's the standard EDHREC combo Breya deck, and it's a good thing: it's balanced and not too fast with respect to a standard playgroup and I can relate very well with those builds. If you want to go down the combo route and go for cEDH performances, you should just take out some cards like Commander's Sphere , Tezzeret, Artifice Master or Herald of Kozilek . This will take you, possibly, towards Doomsday builds.

If instead, you'd like to move more toward a slower type of gameplay, with more artifact interactions, you could take a look at my build. There are some janky combos here and there, but nothing as serious as the combos in yours. Be sure to check the latest version!

Overwhelming Machines

Commander / EDH K1ngMars


Keep up the good work!

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