Empty the Catacombs

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Empty the Catacombs


Each player returns all creature cards from his or her graveyard to his or her hand.

TheVectornaut on black mono

1 year ago

Aside from Reaping the Graves and Extinction, it looks like everything here is modern legal. If you're looking for modern replacements for these cards, I'd consider Empty the Catacombs for the former since it synergizes with Leyline of the Void, and Plague Engineer for the latter because it's just good at dealing with most tribal strategies. That being said, there's no real reason to be returning cards from graveyard to hand instead of the battlefield since you have no on-cast triggers. In casual, I really like Hell's Caretaker as a way to turn a Reassembling Skeleton into a Sheoldred, Whispering One, Razaketh, the Foul-Blooded, or something similarly silly. You could always go with more traditional reanimator cards like Reanimate and Animate Dead though. Either way, I'd probably up the creature count and run a few less full board wipes.

king-saproling on D.D. Soldier Lady

3 years ago

Cool deck! I wish the eldrazi processors (e.g. Void Attendant) were better since they interact with Anafenza in a fun way. Could be worth it for the memes though!

You might like these too: Lifeline, Ill-Gotten Gains, Living Death, Empty the Catacombs, Pyrrhic Revival, Twilight's Call, Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Dust to Dust, Return to Dust, Barrier Breach

Arktaurous on Edgar Markov Vampires 2.0

4 years ago

Skeletal Scrying, Dregs of Sorrow, Damnable Pact, Necrologia are all viable options as long as your life gain is working well.

Patriarch's Bidding,Balthor the Defiled, Finale of Eternity, No Rest for the Wicked, Empty the Catacombs, Twilight's Call can all kinda undo certain board wipes.

White has some counter spells too like Rebuff the Wicked, Mana Tithe, Dawn Charm, Lapse of Certainty, Illumination that could help against removal sometimes.

king-saproling on syr konrad with auto win

4 years ago

I recommend Mimic Vat. It can double and in some cases triple the amount of damage Konrad deals. When a creature dies, put it on the vat: that's 1 damage from dying, and another damage for leaving the grave if the creature was yours. Then the old imprinted creature falls off the vat, another damage. So 2-3 damage per creature dying instead of 1!

Here are others you might consider: Neko-Te, Witch's Cottage, Memorial to Folly, Crypt of Agadeem, Buried Alive, Champion of Stray Souls, Death Denied, Empty the Catacombs, Footbottom Feast, Bone Harvest, Wake the Dead, Geth, Lord of the Vault, Cauldron of Souls, Dread Summons, Awaken the Erstwhile

lagotripha on

6 years ago

I really like this list.

Have you tested Akuta, Born of Ash? He doesn't see much in other dredge variants, but this is one of those lists that might reallly like the extra lands in yard and consistantly should have cards in hand. Empty the Catacombs/Shadow of the Grave and the like seems interesting for a keld/Conflagrate combo kill, but I can't think of anything that will make it reliable enough.

Grim Reminder and your own graveyard hate in the side seems like an interesting option. A one of Rekindled Flame is interesting but not amazing. And then its back to the traditional Raven's Crime, although Flame Jab is also an option.

topshelf7710 on Midninght graveyard

7 years ago

One small problem with your deck. Immortal Servitude isn't legal in your deck because your commander doesn't have white in it. You could try running something like Empty the Catacombs for a similar effect that complies with Varolz's color identity.

Blobby_Bobby on Uptown Rats

7 years ago

Vampiric Rites Is OK for card draw. Especially if we're balls deep in tokens.Death Denied could be good if having too few cards in hand is an issue. Get the rats wiped, cast this, next turn throw out all those rats again with their low CMC.Swarmyard is super pricey, so it may be a "down the line" kind of card, but it's so flavorful and really damn handy. Especially with the enormous target Marrow-Gnawer is going to have on his face. Empty the Catacombs is similar to Death Denied except it helps your opponents too. Maybe throw a Bojuka Bog and hope the two shall meet.Soul Foundry looks like it could have a ton of potential. Who needs cards in hand when you can just keep producing some kind of super rat, maybe one with an ETB effect? Hell, if Marrow-Gnawer gets put down hard you could use the untap effects to untap Soul Foundry too.Lab Rats is fun and funny, but 5 mana for a 1/1 rat doesn't seem the best use of deck space, you know? If we're looking to trim that looks like one to go.

Stop me if this is blasphemous, but maybe if we're looking to trim, the really basic, 1/1 for 1 mana or 2/2 for 2 mana rats could go? I know it's fewer rats, but hopefully Marrow-Gnawer is picking up the slack on that. Though it is good to get some rats out early. But there could be other cheap rats that have effects on them that could take priority. Just a thought.

I also figured Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni was a no-brainer, considering you already have her and she kicks ass on like 3 levels (Rat, regenerates, steals from graveyards). I mean, she's her own Beacon of Unrest if she can hit, if only there were some way to give her Fear... cough Marrow-Gnawer cough

Maybe I'm ignorant, so stop me if I'm wrong, but I'm not enamored with Hecatomb 4 creatures is a lot, I know we'll have rat swarms, but every 4 rats can produce 4 more rats next turn if things are going as intended.

I'll give it some more eyeballing later, but my last thought is a lot of those untappers cost 3 mana a pop, I wonder if they could be replaced with an artifact tutor to just get the 1,000-year elixir and call it good? Though that, of course, means only 1 untap a turn.Again, I'll keep noodling it.

and NO FUCKING Black Cat

Not. Cool.

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