"Steal from one place, it's plagiarism. Steal from multiple places, it's research!" - paraphrase from something I read once.

This is my rendition of Lavinia. I took from inspiration from the top decks listed on this site, The Commanders Quarters YouTube channel and my own personal hatred for fun to create this deck.

Trade Routes is so broken in this deck. Any MLD card we play can be responded to by tapping our lands and bouncing them back. If you don't have mana rocks up, why did you blow up all the lands? Anyway, if your hand is full of lands now, tap those rocks and swap them with more cards baby yeahhhhhhh

Restoration Specialist is an often overlooked card that is comparable to Eternal Witness albeit strictly worse. But for 1WW and sac'ing our 2/1, we're getting up to one artifact AND up to one enchantment from our graveyard. We'll need it for the amount of hate we may attract. Other recursion/ protection effects include:

Faith's Reward : For when you had to blow up the board with no backup plan or in the event of a Vandalblast

Teferi's Protection : This card is a lot like Smothering Tithe in that, if you're playing white in EDH, you're playing this card.

Hurkyl's Recall : Here is a card slot that could/should be for Retract . However, I like the option of pseudo-cyc rifting any troublesome artifact decks if I'm not saving my own.

Crucible of Worlds : This helps to make our ability to play around our own land destruction consistent. It's a staple in any deck that is concerned with lands. We're playing blue so of course it's friend Trophy Mage will come along with it. If she's not busy

The bulk of the mana base being basic lands is for Back to Basics. This effectively turns it into a one-sided stax piece. Besides, we're playing two colors with enough mana rocks to fix for anything too mana intensive while keeping the overall cost of the deck down. It also benefits with Land Tax to thin our deck and pay into Trade Routes to draw into straight gas. * Finger guns *

Cascading Cataracts is an indestructible land that can filter the loads of colorless mana we get from cards like Thran Dynamo and Basalt Monolith and turn them into whatever we need post land destruction. If you have all the dopest, tier 1, fast mana, I could see this being another basic or perhaps Maze of Ith

Darksteel Citadel is one more indestructible land that if worse comes to worse, you can start to rebuild after being swept and cast a Sol Ring at least.

High Market is in here because gosh darn it I want to live the dream and sac Academy Rector to fetch Omniscience.

"Don't cry, it's such a waste of suffering" -Pinhead, Hellraiser

The cards here will slow the aggressive creature decks down and force everyone to "dance around" the lands constantly bouncing or straight up being sacrificed. Oh, and Mana Maze as a cheaper cmc'd Rule of Law.

Overburden is the next cheapest and hates specifically against creature heavy decks.

Mana Breach is the mtg version of 'one step forward, two steps back'. Careless players trying to dump their hand will eventually end up with no lands left.

Mana Vortex is the most mana intensive spell of this selection being 1UU. Play this at your own risk. Sacrificing a land is an additional cost for this card. More land hurty goodness.

More often than not, I only use 'counters' to protect myself whereas other will typically use theirs to control the whole board or stop one person from winning. I'm typically not affected by what other people are doing, even if it's setting up the win (so they think)

Polymorphist's Jest This card is great offensively, defensively and even politically. The flexibility and affordability of this card as well as how hilarious it is to think of any epic battle being reduced to frogs earns it's spot in my deck.

Consulate Crackdown Artifact decks are resilient and even non-artifact based strategies use powerful artifacts. Let's exile them all.

Forsake the Worldly Targeted exile at instant speed. For anyone trying to Stony Silence my deck.

Humility As a player, I like to think my trademark is an 'emergency button' in all of my decks. This is actually a flex slot that'll change soon.

With all the mana rocks in this deck and not wanting to lock the game out only to see my stubborn opponents refuse to concede, I've put a small voltron package in the deck ready to beat face when some people just don't know when to quit.

Sovereigns of Lost Alara Lavinia is the only creature I intend to swing with in the deck so we'll take the attack trigger as an opportunity to fetch out Eldrazi Conscription followed by Corrupted Conscience. A 13/13, trample, annihilator 2 with infect seems good.

Thassa, God of the Sea When she's not helping us scry through the deck, she's making Lavinia unblockable.



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93% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.12
Tokens Treasure
Ignored suggestions
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Views 133