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Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)

Commander / EDH Control Enchantment GWU (Bant) Infinite Combo Jank Multiplayer



Creature (1)

What's the difference between the Rolling Stones and Angus Mackenzie (a Scottish Shepherd)? The Rolling Stones sing, "Hey, you, get offa my cloud" and Angus Mackenzie calls out, "Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe!"

This one is a controllish deck with lots of goofy combos. Plea for Guidance is overpowered. Well, maybe at one time, but not in 2025.

Enduring Ideal can get the win. I once cast it when there was a Mindlock Orb on the table! Ach! I did not win that game. Easiest combo if you have a creature is Presence of Gond and Intruder Alarm. Archetype of Endurance is a good enchantment creature to put out if you don't have a target for Presence of Gond. Enchanted Evening and Tranquil Grove or Calming Verse can blow up each permanent, the latter just kills everyone else's permanents. Back from the Brink works under the Epic, "no more casting spells" clause of Enduring Ideal. Seedborn Muse is good with storage lands like Calciform Pools and Kruphix, God of Horizons. Hmm, I removed Kruphix, God of Horizons to be the commander of his own deck. Another major Enduring Ideal target is Paradox Haze--two enchantments every subsequent turn, please and thank you. Paradox Haze happens to allow the Mirror-Sigil Sergeant to get out of hand. Strionic Resonator works with Enduring Ideal and Mirror-Sigil Sergeant as well. Angelic Chorus can gain you a ton of life in that scenario or go infinite with Tolsimir Wolfblood or Presence of Gond and Intruder Alarm.

Harrow can get all your basic lands from your library into your hand with Uyo, Silent Prophet.

Unnatural Selection, why is that in here? Try it with Willbreaker! Make your opponents' creatures Reflections and use the 0 cost ability of Spirit Mirror to destroy them or Dismiss into Dream to force their sacrifice. Willbreaker and Cauldron of Souls is good. Willbreaker and Sway of Illusion is actually even better. People expect this deck to have a million fogs, but it has none. Chronomantic Escape and Kor Haven are the closest things to Fog. I have finally removed Ith, High Arcanist. No, we have Boardwipes! Fated Retribution or Rout right before you untap can win the game, especially if you have Faith's Reward. I am not convinced Novablast Wurm needs to be here, though. 2025 edit--gone.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 1 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.40
Tokens 2/2 W Creature Reflection, Boar 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Morph 2/2 C, Saproling 1/1 G, Voja
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