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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Look at the top five cards of your library, then put them back in any order.

shadow63 on Blue Control

1 year ago

You only have 3 cards that ramp you You should have 10-12 pieces of ramp. I'd cut Brainstorm Index and Run Away Together for Mind Stone Arcane Signet and Fellwar Stone some more ramp options are Worn Powerstone Commander's Sphere and Thought Vessel I personally like Bonder's Ornament

NV_1980 on Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

2 years ago

This looks like fun but it also looks a bit (too) slow as most cards in your deck have an average CMC of 5+ and it will take on average five turns to summon your commander in order to cheat your creatures into play. I think there are ways to keep your deck budget, while still increasing its speed. First off, I think adding the talismans (Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Progress) would help.

Second, a few cheap scrying/draw resources like Portent, Esper Charm, Index, Telling Time, Otherworldly Gaze, Opt, Dream Cache, Serum Visions and Sphinx's Revelation can really help you find the cards you need a bit quicker.

Hope this helps.

Sharqy on Problem, Officer?

2 years ago

Sounds like a lot of fun in another bird tribal deck.

Mindshrieker with Index sounds like a neat combination, but ideally I want something to pull stuff out of my graveyard then.

Stitched Drake doesn't belong in this deck, but it was the only 3 CMC blue flyer I had on hand when initially building this deck from my collection of cards.

I'm considering the list of substitutes I added instead.

PyroSwardsman on Yuriko Test

4 years ago

The deck is looking pretty good. I like the creature base you have chosen, there are a couple questionable creatures though. Cloudreader Sphinx seems kind of bad in this deck. If you just want a flying scryer, perhaps Sphinx of Foresight, Prognostic Sphinx, Stormwing Entity, or Siani, Eye of the Storm.

Passwall Adept is just not good enough. its too much of a resource drain. Opt is not helpful in this deck since you immediately draw the card after scrying. Cunning Evasion wont do much good I am thinking since most of your creatures wont be blocked anyway.

In my opinion, you need a few less low CMC cards and a few more high CMC that you can use to get Yuriko damage in. For cuts, I would start by looking at any creatures that cost CMC 2/3 that dont provide value other than being unblockable (Invisible Stalker, Vault Skirge (love that card btw). I would then look at replacing sorceries with instants where possible. Darksteel Pendant and Crystal Ball are not good enough in my opinion and are too much of a resource investment unless there is some sort of artifact strategy I am missing. Dimir Keyrune provides interesting utility but is inefficient. Consider Arcane Signet instead or perhaps even Dark Ritual. Thran Dynamo is fairly efficient for cost to mana provided but it seems most of your mana needs are for color. Key to the City is for yuriko after she is out I assume.. I would probably run Aqueous Form instead because it has a scry effect on attack which is pretty desirable.

Here are some cards to consider in not much particular order:

Zhalfirin Void

Moonring Island

Chromatic Orrery (high cmc and provides a lot of mana)

Mission Briefing (can add card to graveyard for delve and recast Brainstorm which is arguably one of the best cards in the deck)


Chain of Vapor (way to return a card to hand as well as an opponents card or cards)

Archaeomancer (can get brainstorm back and can be returned to hand with ninjitsu potentially)

Harsh Scrutiny

Shrieking Drake

Archetype of Imagination

Flood of Tears (this is a pet card of mine. You can return a bunch of cheap creatures and then put out something big like a Chromatic Orrery)

Lim-Dul's Vault

Scroll Rack (spendy but so good)


Spire Owl

Diabolic Vision


Spy Network

Trickery Charm (does multiple things you want)

Beseech the Queen

The Magic Mirror

The Cauldron of Eternity

Deep-Sea Kraken

Avatar of Woe

Void Beckoner

Dead Drop


Curse of the Cabal

Connive / Concoct

Grozoth (requires you to build around it to be worthwhile but can be good)

Scion of Darkness

Treasure Cruise

Baral's Expertise

Apollo_Paladin on Ghostie Gobblies

4 years ago

Solid build +1

I'd recommend adding in something like Vanquisher's Banner since you've got a consistent creature type to play off of. A lack of card draw is about the only glaringly obvious thing I can see that'd help this deck along.

You might also consider some Counterspell type effects since your mana curve is fairly high (not a lot of 1-mana drops and only a couple 2-mana's) as these would help keep you protected while you build up your board state a bit.

Spirit Mantle is devastating and equally makes creatures Unblockable (among many other things with Protection). I'm not sure if you're really leaning on the Lifelink from Steel of the Godhead, but this could be a beneficial swap potentially (maybe Sideboard for play against decks you can keep at bay w/o Lifelink while you build up?)

Beyond that, stuff like Index can help you churn out what you need fairly quickly, especially early game where you may be after a certain color of mana (your distribution looks pretty good tho, not like you're hurting).

Either way, nice job

Apollo_Paladin on Force i- GO FUCK YOURSELF I QUIT

4 years ago

It's not quite as good as Scry, but it has a similar effect and I don't know a better card for setting up Turns than Index.

It seems to me a deck like this you're probably going to be sifting through counterspells looking for your own key win conditions so you can do something besides stall the opponent in a number of games.

Something along those lines might help you sift out key win conditions for yourself a bit quicker, and without denying you the option of some counterspell power.

Hope it helps ya, +1 either way

Apollo_Paladin on Still the One

4 years ago

Neat build!

I'm not saying it NEEDS a revamp, but if you want to toy around with it:

Have you thought about splashing Black into this deck? That could help a lot with your control vs. creatures (particularly in Legacy format).

Vampire Hexmage is pretty much the other staple combo card with Dark Depths. You might also toss another Thespian's Stage in there as well just to complete that combo set for "speed Depths" too either way.

Slow Motion can be evil recurring control for you, I've got a midrange deck that uses those to devastating effect. It can be fun to stack them up on a creature the opponent is hell-bent on saving, only to lose out and return them all to your hand for a repeat.

Propaganda is another card I use in my blue control deck and it's quite effective (especially with multiples in play).

Index can be quite helpful in a deck relying on combos for speed. 1 mana for Scry 5 can be brutal and give you a massive advantage off the draw.

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