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Spontaneous Generation
Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token into play for each card in your hand.

KBK7101 on
Grothama Fight Me IRL
2 years ago
Fungal Sprouting and Spontaneous Generation have the ability to explode your board state if you're looking to make more tokens.
Life's Legacy is another way to draw stupid amounts of cards. Even though it's only a sorcery, I prefer this card to Momentous Fall because it's a lot cheaper to cast. You do lose out on the lifegain portion, though...
Monstrous Onslaught is basically a green board wipe for this kind of deck.
Finally, all of these recommendations come from a deck that I have for this last recommendation... Multani, Maro-Sorcerer. While it's on the Reserved List, it's not terribly expensive at the moment ($3-6) and is an incredible card with enough card draw support, which you clearly have! It can be a bit of a pain to keep track of his power/toughness but there was an episode of I Hate Your Deck on Youtube where Multani was played and they were basically like "We'll keep track of it when it matters" which can make things a lot easier.
If you're interested, the deck is here : Multani, Maro-Sorcerer - Growth Spiral (v1.6)
king-saproling on
Slimefoot (Saproling/Combo)
2 years ago
You might like these: Carnival of Souls, Earthcraft, Jaheira, Friend of the Forest, Illusionist's Bracers, Black Market, Life and Limb, Awakening, Druids' Repository, Zulaport Cutthroat, Neko-Te, Phyrexian Altar, Sprout Swarm, Saproling Symbiosis, Spontaneous Generation
Personally I would cut these: Golgari Locket, Druidic Satchel, Sporeweb Weaver, Necrogenesis, Saproling Migration, Verdant Force, Butcher of Malakir, Verdant Embrace, Feed the Serpent, Status / Statue, Elvish Farmer
Strangelove on
Hogaak and friends
4 years ago
Hey ICanAlwaysBeWorse, @your post, +1 friend!
Here's my Hogaak deck. I wanted to play Hogaak as soon as possible (to swing face)! To that end... pumping Hogaak +5/+x (with cards like Become Immense) or Grafted Exoskeleton lets you two-shot people with commander damage.
I'd also recommend Greater Good, Momentous Fall and the like.
Feed the Pack, Spontaneous Generation, Carrion, Plague of Vermin, etc are great in an aristocrats build.
Discard outlets like Putrid Imp are a lot of fun, but they might lean you away from the power level you're looking for. I would at least play Zombie Infestation; its great in Hogaak.
Slivortal on
Freyalise High Tide
4 years ago
Hi ShinyZ and DivineKhaos, sorry for the delayed response; things have been pretty hectic IRL, and I haven't had a chance to play much given that most game stores remain closed. Here are my thoughts on the more recent cards to come out. They're mostly theoretical, though I hope to test them soon.
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - A powerful card with a powerful effect. The main problem with Vivien though is how she fits into your curve. She's very good on the specific turn between when you cast Freyalise and when you combo off, but she's not very good on other turns. Since this deck's goal is to cast Freyalise on-curve, she's not the first thing we'll cast on 5 mana. And on our combo turn she's not very effective, given that she's 5 mana for her tutor effect. She can still be worth it if you can cast her and a 6+ drop given that she can tutor for a Hermit and make her mana cost back, but that requires specific cards and a lot of mana. One of her upsides though is that she can provide a reach token to fend off fliers, and she obviously has a lot of value in grind games. I can see a place for her, but her clunkiness is noteworthy. The bar for noncreature spells that cost more than 2-3 mana is very high, though.
Kogla, the Titan Ape - This card is relatively good, and outshines all previous Somberwald Stag effects given the size of its body for its mana cost. The ability to toolbox into it makes Kogla actually very tempting. The other two effects are unfortunately somewhat niche; our only humans are Eternal Witness and Dosan the Falling Leaf. Looping Eternal Witness is good, but I think there's a nonzero chance Dosan gets cut (see below). As for the artifact/enchantment removal effect, it's also good, but like Vivien shines much more in grind games. It can also be tutored by Fierce Empath/Woodland Bellower via Fierce Empath, which is a relatively big deal, and it has a great base power for Greater Good
Manascape Refractor - Too slow and clunky, unfortunately. As I mentioned with Vivien, it's only good on the turn between when you play Freya and when you combo. However, unlike Vivien, it's not nearly as good in grind games. It's also very fragile, since this deck tends to dodge and blank artifact removal in a good amount of games, while this plays right into it.
Curious Herd - Again, this is a noncreature spell that costs more than a couple mana, which is almost an immediate death sentence. While it can create a decent amount of tokens, it's also conditional, and I'm not sure if the condition is better than that of Beacon of Creation, Spontaneous Generation, or Saproling Symbiosis, all of which have been tested at various points in this deck's history.
CORE 2021 There isn't much here, but Sporeweb Weaver is worth mentioning as a potential anti-flyer check, if you know you're going into a meta with a lot of flyers.
There's a lot to go over here, even though the spoilers aren't even over yet.
Llanowar Visionary is actually playable, surprisingly. This deck primarily values ramp creatures that are 1 mana, but it also values ramp creatures at 3 mana, for the 1-3-5 T3 Freya curve. Of 3-mana ramp creatures, Visionary is pretty strong given that it gives you back your card, and still cycles at minimum during your combo turn.
Allosaurus Shepherd - On to the big one. This card is absolutely absurd. For 1 mana, you get a creature in an extremely relevant creature type that can't be countered, and prevents all our other power spells from being countered as well. Additionally, the 6-mana effect is relevant with Greater Good, since it gives all your elves an effective +3 to +4 power. Immediate comparisons will be drawn with Dosan, and I don't think there is room for both given tight deck space. Shepherd has several benefits over Dosan; it's in a better creature type, it has far more relevant text in games where you don't need the interruption protection, it costs far less mana, and its inability to be countered is key in games where the opponent has multiple counterspells. It's also not legendary, which means that it's a valid part of the Woodland Bellower toolbox. It's also easier to play on turns you don't go off, given that it doesn't shut down other players' abilities to interact with other players' combos. The downsides are worth mentioning though, in that Shepherd only stops counterspells. That means it's weaker against opposing counters + removal, since the Shepherd can be removed and counterspells can be turned online. It also still allows opponents to interact with removal at key chokepoints in certain combo lines, even with a lack of counterspells. However, I think the benefits of Shepherd far outweigh the negatives, and I fully expect to replace Dosan upon release.
Takeaways - Takeaways - Vivien, maybe. Kogla, strong maybe. Refractor, no. Herd, no. Visionary, maybe. Shepherd, yes. No other cards worth discussing. Potential cuts:
Ramunap for Kogla - Depends on which toolbox you value more; creature removal or land recursion.
Song for Vivien - The problem with this cut is that Song is much easier to cast and is one of our few answers. Vivien's strong, but it's really hard to find a noncreature to replace. You can replace Carpet if you're going into games where you know that you're not playing against blue, but I think the potential cuts are low.
Ramunap for Visionary. I think if you don't cut Ramunap for Kogla, cutting Ramunap for Visionary is very tempting. While Ramunap is an additional recursion piece for Cradle and Nykthos, Visionary is simply far more proactive, and the more I play this deck, the more I value proactive cards.
Dosan for Shepherd. Unfortunately, I think Dosan's time is up. He's a pet card of mine, and he's served his purpose well over the years. However, Shepherd is extremely powerful, and I don't think there's room in this deck for two cards with this same effect.
Snake_Oil on
The Bloodhall Season 4 - Baru, Fist of Krosa
5 years ago
With the amount of Saprolings you can generate, Life and Limb might be something to consider for Baru -- It's highly risky admittedly, but if it works the way you think it'd work, something like Spontaneous Generation/Saproling Symbiosis or Second Harvest suddenly becomes an even bigger threat.
Love your work, MH, keep it up!
crash328 on Slimefoot Aristos Suggestions
5 years ago
I run slimefoot as my favorite go to deck. Look up Optimus Slime Prime Time. A couple cards to heavily consider: Spontaneous Generation and Saproling Symbiosis. These two cards can produce saprolings in a hurry. I know cards like bankrupt in Blood and altars reap look good but Skullclamp is far better as essentially its cast and first use will net you exactly the same amount of cards as altars reap ans will only to continue to do so the longer it sticks around. The Best draw engine for slimefoot is Keen Sense. Each time you sac a saproling, it deals 1 damage to each opponent, meaning keen sense triggers three times for each saproling death, so you draw up to 3 cards per saproling. Snake Umbra does the same thing but with a little more protection and a small power boost at the expense of more mana. Seedborn Muse is a powerhouse in slimefoot as she allows you to just pump whatever mana you have into slimefoot or jade made to just churn out tokens. I won't bore you with a bunch of other suggestions. Just check out my deck if youd like. I like to think its decently optimized. And wins consistently
deathchobo on
The Warriors Follow
5 years ago
probly cut Rankle, Master of Pranks for Phyrexian Altar and cut Winding Way for Pitiless Plunderer, i would cut Catacomb Sifter for Korvold, Fae-Cursed King mithg cut Falkenrath Noble for a Woodland Bellower as some great target like Grim Haruspex Imperial Recruiter Blood Artist and the like . ON a diferent note i would personaly( it is just my opignion feel free to disagree) change the foder part to make it creature with biger upside like Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder Nesting Dragon Spontaneous Generation but then if you go with these change you would have too boost the ramp since they have a higher mana cost then what you are runing
SueMe on
Hogaak: My Favorite (Infinite) Combo Deck
5 years ago
Thanks for the upvote and the suggestions!
Yeah Zombie Infestation is definitely one of my favorites.
At first, I was skeptical about the Syr Konrad, the Grim idea, because it seemed to be doing exactly what our combo was doing, and I didn't want to use up another card slot for another Altar of Dementia , but after some thought, I'm starting to reconsider. Maybe Konrad doesn't need a combo to be deadly. I'm picturing a scenario with Konrad on the battlefield, and then resolving a Living Death . Or even just drawing a whole bunch of cards, then discarding a whole bunch of creatures. It'll be something interesting to try out.
I put Desecrated Tomb into my Marchesa, the Black Rose deck, and it did really well, but I don't think it'll do too well in Hogaak's case. In general, I try to stray away from exiling creatures from my graveyard, but even if I did start exiling them, I don't picture myself getting that many bats....
I've never been too much into the token build. I usually don't need a whole bunch of tokens to replay Hogaak, though there are a couple times when I'm short on creatures. I don't think I'll need the Plague of Vermin or the Spontaneous Generation if I'm being honest.
You're right, there's little reason not to include Deathrite Shaman . Maybe I'll take out a Wood Elves for it.
I feel like for each person who makes this deck, they have to make the decision between Hermit Druid and Traverse the Outlands . I personally think I'm fine without the Hermit, so that's why I don't include it and have the Traverse instead.
Now Cadaverous Bloom .... Wow. Just wow. I think this card is busted, and I'm surprised that this is the first time I've ever heard of it. I know it exiles, but that's a small enough price to pay when you're drawing 8 cards a turn. A definite include.
I think I've put in and taken out Skirge Familiar twice now. It's good, but sometimes I need to replace it with some better stuff. For example, that Cadaverous Bloom you just mentioned! If I have the space, I'll add it in.
Hmm. My second Corpse Dance suggestion. I'll give it some thought, but as I said earlier, it hampers my ability to keep my Bridge from Below s on the top of my graveyard.
I think Living Death is enough. I don't particularly need a whole bunch of mass recursion.
Again, thanks for the suggestions! I know I'm rejecting a whole lot of them, but I'd rather stay honest, than give people my false opinions. But that doesn't mean people shouldn't give me a whole bunch of suggestions; the more the merrier!