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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Remove target nontoken permanent from the game, then return it to play under its owner's control.

TehGrief on Losing and Gaining Abilities
11 months ago
Player A controls a creature with Hexproof; Uril, the Miststalker. Player B controls an ability like Shadowspear or Bonds of Mortality, where it can remove the Hexproof from player A's creature.
Since these abilities are not worded in the same way as Archetype of Endurance, if player A was to Flicker their Uril, the Miststalker, it would regain Hexproof?
Azoth2099 on
The Maniacal Court
1 year ago
Flicker, Ephemerate & Cloudshift could be pretty nice here!
Azoth2099 on
Anikthea, Hand of Erebos is Graverobbing
1 year ago
I'd cut those Uncommon Sagas The Binding of the Titans & The Eldest Reborn for sure. Not enough bang for your buck.
Also consider Argothian Enchantress, Braids, Arisen Nightmare, Vraska, Golgari Queen, Claws of Gix, Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives, Doubling Season & Flicker.
Stardragon on Got a bone to pick?
2 years ago
Ok let's unpack your thoughts
Glad you like the less rare equipments. As for whip there is no real reason for it to have flash it could be cut. As for hammer yes it itself has regenerate in case someone tries to Shatter it, and it make opponents discard 2 cards.
As for bone plate it was meant to be skeleton equipment will fix that, and yeah it does do a lot but I wanted to a great almost finisher equipment to justify its mythic rare status.
As for your comment on have an Undying army if you have all of them on the field that's the point but the only way your going to be able do that is to run a 5 color deck
For Smoldering bone the pay 3 life is intended as part of the regenerate cost
For Calc yeah Mtg.design crop the pic will find another. His stats can change to make him more balance will probably go for a 2/3
For Lord I can change the hybrid mana to white mana and switch his P/T around but also his second effect doesn't hit him only other skeletons will make it non-token. The reason his regen cost is higher to balance him as he is a almost a combination of Atheros and Smothering Tithe
For Agamemnon thxs for noticing the zombie problem will fix that. For the spirits I'll make them a 1/1 for and keep the discard effect and lose the pay 1. As for giving creatures Undying, I wanted to have Unearth, Undying and Persist have more cards so this way skeletons have all the reanimated abilities without actually using reanimate cards
The whole Undying and Persist syergy was on purpose. And the whole keeping the counters was ripped whole from SkullBriar which existed before alchemy was even a thought.
As for his last effect hmm as it stands now with no tinkering Blood for Bones would trigger twice as would as would Zombify, and yes I fully expected it Flicker a bunch if the brewer so chooses.
As for his mana cost I could make higher or different will think on that
As for live test not at the moment need to balance them before it happens and you pointed out many things for me to fix so I'm glad I didn't print them yet
Gidgetimer on How do multi-faced cards handle …
2 years ago
The rule quoted in the question you linked was 711.5, which has changed rule number to 712.5. With the addition of modal double-faced cards (MDFCs) they added the word "transforming" in two places to the rule. MDFCs can't transform and won't transform. If The Prismatic Bridge Flip is ever Flickered or Blinked Esika, God of the Tree Flip will enter the battlefield since DFC enter with their front face up by default when entering from a zone other than the stack. If the card is bounced you will get to cast it on whichever side you choose, just as if it were in your hand from any other way like drawing it or casting a Regrowth effect.
712.5 Only permanents represented by transforming double-faced cards can transform. (See rule 701.28, “Transform.”) If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform any permanent that isn’t represented by a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.
712.10. A double-faced card put onto the battlefield from a zone other than the stack enters the battlefield with its front face up by default.
Hypothetically, if you could connive a way for a daybound card to be on the battlefield at night (cloning a daybound creature and waiting for it to become night for instance) and you cast Mirrorweave turning a transforming DFC into a copy of that creature, yes that creature would have to flip infinitely causing the game to end in a draw. This is convoluted enough that you are going to have to be trying to intentionally draw the game IMO, and there are easier ways.
Noholdmine on
Garth One Eyed Cheater
2 years ago
Some easy ways to add interaction to this deck would be to add some enchantment and creature removal spells. Krosan Grip, Return to Dust, Rapid Hybridization/Pongify, Arcane Denial to replace Dissolve, Anguished Unmaking, Damn, and Swords to Plowshares/Path to Exile are all clean and efficient methods of interaction. Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots, Shalai, Voice of Plenty, and Veil of Summer/Heroic Intervention are solid protection options for your creatures as well. Right now you're running Anger with only 2 Mountains in the entire deck, so that means either the mana base needs to be reworked or Anger needs to be replaced. Some easy ways to rectify the mana base a bit is to swap out some of your duals for the Red/x options (i.e, Blood Crypt, Stomping grounds, etc.). We can also make the deck more efficient by changing up the ramp so that it has utility or generates more than one color of mana. Cards like Deathrite Shaman, Kiora's Follower, Noble Hierarch/Ignoble Hierarch, Faeburrow Elder, and Birds of Paradise are all decent options. Right now Anger and Chainer, Nightmare Adept are the only cards that can give Garth haste. Since we only have a few creatures that actually benefit from the haste, cards that generate value outside of simply providing haste would be beneficial. Rhythm of the Wild would not only give our creatures haste, but would make it harder for opponents to counter the creatures and combos with the persist creatures in the deck by giving them +1/+1 counters. Temur Ascendancy is another decent option since we can draw cards even when our creatures don't benefit from haste and it synergizes with our Flicker and Undying/Persist effects. An infinite combo option would be Jeskai Ascendancy + Garth One-Eye + Any haster + Deadeye Navigator and even if we're not comboing, we can still generate value from each card individually. I personally feel that cards like Frantic Search and Careful Study are too good to not have in this type of deck, since a good majority of our cards benefit in some way from being in the graveyard or we have easy ways of getting them back. In tandem with this idea, I think that cards like Regrowth (even though Garth One-Eye already has a Regrowth) and Eternal Witness are musts, especially since Eternal Witness generates value with the Flicker effects and other revive effects in the deck. An honorable mention that didn't quite make it into my comment but could be effective is Spark Double since it would allow us to have multiple versions of legendary creatures if we so chose, 2 Muldrotha's could lead to quite the turn! Unfortunately, however, Commander has a deck maximum, which means that cards must be let go to make room for all the new fun stuff we want to play with. For this deck I suggest cutting Diamond Lion, Thespian Stage, Dark Depths, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle, Kitchen Finks, Desperate Ravings, Nim Deathmantle, Harrow, Magus of the Will, Gaea's Will, Scapeshift, Chronozoa, Raving Visionary, Thought Courier, Dissolve, possibly Twilight Shepherd, possibly Rampant Growth, possibly Seize the Spoilsand possibly, Purphoros, God of the Forge. At the end of the day, this deck is yours and you should play it and build it in the way that best suits you! Have fun gayming!
Epicurus on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
Spell_Slam I'm pretty sure that the correct wording for what you're going for there would be "...your life total becomes the total amount of mana spent to cast [CARDNAME]." However, I would think that it would be better suited as an ETB trigger rather than a "when you cast" trigger, since the latter would trigger even if the spell was countered. Just as long as your opponent doesn't have something to Flicker it with.
No card in mind for the challenge. Current challenge is: "Create another card that cares about Devotion and has lots of Devotion in its cost."
TypicalTimmy on 9/13 Commander Banning/Unbanning
3 years ago
- Command Beacon
- Sac
- Progenitus in hand
- Sneak Attack into play
- Flicker
Sneak Attack now loses sight of Progenitus and thus you don't sac him at the end of turn. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. With the amount of tutors you have in WUBRG, you can land this practically every single game. There's more efficient ways, also. Goryo's Vengeance would be ideal. Get Pro into your hand and discard him. Then flicker at end of turn.
Green has plenty of ways to tutor out non-basic lands, too, ensuring you always find Beacon. For example, Crop Rotation, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise and Expedition Map. Not to mention you can always just tutor a land via .
Pro gets removed somehow? Not a problem. You can always play Command Beacon from your graveyard using something such as Restore, Wrenn and Six and Crucible of Worlds, as some examples.
Then, it's as simple as dumping Gods into play. Because Gods count their own pips with regards to devotion, you only ever need +1 or +2 more.
A mono-colored God such as Heliod, God of the Sun, for example, needs 5 and counts his own. So with Pro in play, you need more. Comparatively, Pharika, God of Affliction needs 7x total in any combination of and . She already contains , so she needs a total of 5 more. Pro contains , bumping her devotion count up to +6. She literally needs +1 more pip to be online.
So yes, in my opinion Progenitus is the "Best" God Tribal Commander.
But, for me, Golos is more fun.
- Pro triggers in the graveyard to be put into-
Goryo in response. ;)
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