Burning Anger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Burning Anger

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature has ": This creature deals damage equal to its power to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

TheoryCrafter on "Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls" EDH …

3 weeks ago

Welcome Back to Magic. I broke my description down to the three deck types yer seeking.

Aristocrats: Take advantage of death triggers to hurt your opponent. Examples of cards are Blood Artist, Dreadhorde Butcher and Zulaport Cutthroat. Graveyard recursion cards like Disentomb, Gravedigger, Mortuary Mire and Valgavoth's Faithful should be considered.

Burn: Spells, instants and sorceries, and abilities of permanents that deal noncombat damage. Examples include, but are not limited to, Blightning, Bonfire of the Damned and Lightning Bolt. Cards you should add to any Rakdos burn deck include, but are not limited to, Pestilent Spirit, Soul-Scar Mage and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

Punisher: A Sophie's Choice in every spell. Examples include, but are not limited to, Book Burning, Dash Hopes, Killing Wave, Painful Quandary and Vexing Devil. I would also consider any creature with the Afflict ability, especially Wildfire Eternal to be punisher cards.

As for cards that will feed into your commander's static ability, I would recommend Burning Anger, Psychosis Crawler, Scrawling Crawler and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.

Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps give you a baseline of what you're looking for. Happy Hunting!

Kornjunky on Comedy Club

7 months ago

Fear Cursed Flesh Imposing Visage are on the chopping block. Too many evasion spells. Need more curses to stick around even when blim dies.

Also Soul's Fire and Burning Anger need to go because Blim actually needs to deal COMBAT damage.

Dani3377 on I got to Tomorrow

1 year ago

Have you considered throwing something like Burning Anger + Bounding Krasis or Deceiver Exarch in there as a combo? That card equips auras too.

TheoryCrafter on FLING THE BURN

1 year ago

Have you considered Soul-Scar Mage? This will not only give them Wither, it will practically make most of your instants, sorceries and activated abilities board wipes once All Will Be One enters the battlefield.

May I also recommend cards that don't target including, but not limited to Anger of the Gods, Blazing Volley and Scouring Sands to get around cards that grant some sort of Hexproof, Protection, Shroud and/or Ward?

Plus, with all the looting going on you may want to consider cards with Flashback(including, but not limited to Increasing Vengeance, Past in Flames and Seize the Storm) and Madness(including, but not limited to, Avacyn's Judgment and Fiery Temper).

Other cards to consider are Bearer of the Heavens(if you're feeling really spiteful), Burning Anger and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

TheoryCrafter on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

FauxFaux, Great punisher card! Burning Anger on one of your Rogue tokens targeting Begard will also do it.

Hogaak's Defeat

Enchantment- Saga

Cleave (You may cast this spell for its cleave cost. If you do, remove the words in square brackets.)

Destroy target permanent. [It's controller searches their library for a land card and puts it on the battlefield].

You may remove all counters from all permanents [you and] your opponents control. [You lose 1 life for each counter removed this way.]

Exile [this card and] all opponents' graveyards.

Difficulty level for next challenge:

Newb: Do a saga for a jeskai enchantment matters deck.

Skilled: Do a Saga with Cleave. It can't have black or green in its identity.

Boss: Do a Saga with Cleave. The Cleave cost must be on a entirely different color scheme from the initial casting cost. Removing the Brackets must make the Saga do something else entirely.

TheoryCrafter on Equipment for Burn/drain deck with …

2 years ago

Have you considered Livewire Lash? Guaranteed to be a boon if it's equipped yo your Commander and isn't killed. Also, if you're looking into auras at some point you may wish to consider Burning Anger. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

patmurphy1986 on Lathliss Commander

2 years ago

Ok here is my take on the budget side. TLDR: Land total and Ramp increased. A lot of subpar removal taken out, and better ones put in. Some cheaper dragons/shapeshifters added to smooth out curve and provide cheap dragon drops for commander ability. Most importantly is added some value for getting extra dragons from cards, either by creating tokens or playing them for free from hand/deck. Added in 3 additional wincons similar to Terror of the Peaks to make it easier to win just by populating board and swinging in. Note that the wincons also can serve as creature removal, which is why so many of the outs are instant/sorcery removals

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