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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Giant Berserker

Your opponents can't gain life.

At the beginning of your upkeep, Quakebringer deals 2 damage to each opponent. This ability triggers only if Quakebringer is on the battlefield or if Quakebringer is in your graveyard and you control a Giant.

Foretell (During your turn, you may pay and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast it on a later turn for its foretell cost.)

TheMeadiator on Calamity Flinger (Modern Budget Combo)

1 year ago

Thank you seshiro_of_the_orochi! Very cool of you to say!

It's true that 7 mana may as well be 7,000. I think you're right that slimming that curve down would help: I just liked the idea of flinging something world ending like Borderland Behemoth. The first run build of this deck had 2 copies of Quakebringer in it because he's so much fun, and great point with Inferno Titans card draw potential.

Thanks for the advice, I'm going to make a few adjustments!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Calamity Flinger (Modern Budget Combo)

1 year ago

First off, this is a master piece, very cool deck!

I'm not a modern player, but I think you could optimize this build by chosing a different creature to fling. As I see it, you basically need any giant with power 5 or greater to deal the 20 damage you want with your combo. So as awesome as Borderland Behemoth is, it's seven mana, which I heard is basically a million mana in modern. I went through the existing giants to suggest you some that might be more efficient. Here's what I found:

Inferno Titan and Frost Titan are obviously powerful, and they happen to be giants power 5+. Basically they could help you win games even without the combo. Quakebringer is similar in that it's pretty powerful even without the combo, and even when your opponent gets rid of it, it still has some damage potential.

All three of the mentioned giants give you a way to stay in the game if you can't assemble the combo. Oh, and thanks to Aegar, Inferno can even draw you some cards. The three I'll list now could help you going for tje combo a bit harder if you really want to focus on that:

Chronosavant would need a way to entomb it and even needs a splash. It's still propably the cheapeast way to get a 5+ power giant.

Zalto, Fire Giant Duke and Deep-Slumber Titan cost just four or five mana for a 7 power creature you can use for the combo kill.

No matter which way you decide, I wish you lots of fun with this very creative deck.

Lhunthane on Birgi

2 years ago

Hey here is some thoughts I have on the deck. The comments are through the lens of trying to be very competitive.

With Birgi, the strongest win condition is storming out and clapping all of your opponent's cheeks in one fell swoop. The best way to achieve this is comboing out as opposed to going for a lot of chip damage. Chip damage by its very nature takes time and is hard to make work in a competitive meta (maybe in some form of stax it could work). Your deck list appears to have its foot in both doors which is fun and cool, but ultimately reduces the overall lethality of the deck.

The problem with mono-red as a top-tier EDH colour is that it is very limited in tutors, which makes it difficult to find your win conditions consistently. To overcome this, a player needs to put in a few win conditions and the ability to dig for them in the deck. You really are on the right track I think with all the cantrip and impulse draw spells. Dragon's Rage Channeler filters like a champ in this deck, and synergizes very well with Past in Flames and Underworld Breach

You have Grapeshot which is great, but if you were to also throw in an Aetherflux Reservoir and Manaform Hellkite you would be set up. Grinning Ignus with Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip gives you infinite storm. Add a Ruby Medallion to turn this into infinite mana, and a Impact Tremors or Altar of the Brood for an additional win con. Also quite funny with Sunbird's Invocation. You can tutor for the Ingus pretty reliably with Imperial Recruiter and Flamekin Harbinger.

So I realize this is turning into a small essay so I'll try to keep it a little briefer.

If you take the path of trying to combo, some cuts I'd make because they either are clunky, work towards a different win con, or just don't generate a ton of value are: Insurrection Captain Lannery Storm Quakebringer Toralf, God of Fury  Flip Blindblast Traitorous Blood Experimental Frenzy

If you are going to all-in commit to just combing off with ingus (which I think you should) also consider cutting: Sulfuric Vortex Stigma Lasher Solphim, Mayhem Dominus Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Mechanized Warfare

I can talk on and on and on about theory for this deck so just hit me up if you want more insight. You know what you're doing, so obviously ignore me if this "deck primer" doesn't suit you at all!

Headers13 on Nassari's Firesale

2 years ago

If cmc is a concern then throwing some suspend and/or foretell creatures in their to make use of 2 mana here or there whilst still setting yourself up for a cast from exile might be worth it? (e.g. Quakebringer, Gargadon)


3 years ago

1empyrean I wanted so bad for Svella, Ice Shaper to be a playable upgrade to Roshi, the art even looks like if our girl hadn't stood up for a while. I love her flavor wise but hate that she doesn't just go off.

I hadn't even seen Quakebringer before you mentioned it and it's going in. That's hilarious.

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