Thunderkin Awakener

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thunderkin Awakener

Creature — Elemental Shaman


Whenever Thunderkin Awakener attacks, choose target Elemental creature card in your graveyard with toughness less than Thunderkin Awakener's toughness. Return that card to the battlefield tapped and attacking. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.

Shorketh on $20 Sack of Elementals

1 year ago

This is the version of the deck I'm workshopping currently, I bought all these awesome premise pieces from Mobizque and I'm just tinkering with it. Having 16 creatures when all the instants, sorceries and artifacts all revolve around them seems a bit janky, but in the end all you need is a Thunderkin Awakener and a Lightning Skelemental to cycle. Cards like Call of the Death-Dweller, Unearth, Lightning Bolt and Supernatural Stamina working to keep the thunderkin alive.

The early game is to establish your game plan using what you have in your hand and Flamekin Harbingers to get you there. Turn one Duress is always good but I didn't want to lean too hard into it. Getting a Skelemental by turn three is surprisingly consistent, and cycling it doesn't prove hard. From there you can begin raking in your benefits from damage and card draw. Incandescent Soulstroke allows you to do some fun Nova Chaser shenanigans. I'm still iffy and changing things around so I'm all ears for what people have to say.

Thank you Mobizque and assorted comments >:D

Brickhouse on Balls Lightning

1 year ago

This thing is fast, harsh, and hard to deal with. It deals a ton of damage early and it's consistent about it. Thunderkin Awakener does so much work. Especially so because it has haste. If that isn't enough, them discarding two cards at a time to Lightning Skelemental happens in most games. Usually, the reason this deck loses is because of mana issues.

My advice is to keep your mana curve low. This is a full-on aggro type of deck.

wallisface on Tunneling Reclamation

1 year ago

Some notes on your deck description:

  • You want to use two "[" signs on either side of a card to have them show as card link/hovers. for example if you wanted [Jace, Vryn's Prodigy] to show up as Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip you need an extra "["/"]" on either side.

  • Getting a decklist to a 100% competitive rating as determined by this site isn't really at-all a good measure of a decks competency. Many tier-1 decks will only show as ~75%. It is always better to focus on actually make the deck competitively viable, instead of focusing on a number that gives you no indication of a decks actual competency.

Thoughts on the deck itself:

  • Your manabase could pretty easily support 4 colours instead of 3 - and I think white would offer you a LOT more benefits here as a 4th colour. Some of my suggestions below go further into this 4th colour option.

  • Flamekin Harbinger is a good reason to run a few 1-ofs as far as toolbox elementals. At the moment there are only 3 options for your Harbinger to grab, which really limits its ability to answer your opponents gameplan, or further your own. I'd suggest 1-of copies of cards like Flickerwisp, Fulminator Mage, Fury, Thunderkin Awakener etc so that your Harbinger can toolbox up whatever option provides you the best advantage at the time.

  • Going on from the above comment, your elemental count is really, really low. I'd really suggest fitting a lot more creatures into your deck.

  • I'm really not sold on Aether Spellbomb or Repeal being useful in the way you're describing. Bouncing your own Harbinger to your hand is a really slow approach to the game and will put you significantly behind on-board. Stuff like Recommission or Ephemerate could benefit you a lot more here, as they're overall spending a LOT less mana to get a better result.

  • Clutch of Currents feels really weak, and i'm not sure what it's doing here.

Chasmolinker on Rakdos Reanimental

2 years ago

JosephStardust While I agree with you, I believe the main point of Cathartic Reunion is to bin cards to recur with Unearth or Thunderkin Awakener. The card draw is mostly just an upside. Discarding more cards is better for Thunderkin Awakener

Zarthalius on Rakdos Reanimental

2 years ago

I love this deck idea, its one of my favorite!

Here is what I did; I went Mardu for Spark Trooper (lifegain) and some other artifact/enchantment removal options. I know you specified that the Trooper is missed by Unearth but it is not missed by Thunderkin Awakener or Flamekin Harbinger (tutor). My deck is so aggressive that I personally found that my graveyard could run dry, especially when Thunderkin was doing his job, making Unearth sometimes not helpful. So, I focus on Thunderkin as a main reanimation strategy with Unearth being backup.

Speaking of Unearth, may I suggest using the new on-theme version: Unearth

I found that drawing into new elementals was very important so that my graveyard could be full. But I do this by playing the elementals, not discarding them. To do this I decided to use a card I've always wanted to make work in a deck: Infiltration Lens. this card is really nice because Thunderkin must attack to trigger and him getting blocked is most likely how he’ll die. When he is equipped with the lens, your opponent must choose between a second graveyard elemental (next turn) or two new cards from your library. You can easily draw into more trample elementals or maybe another Thunderkin or an Unearth to reanimate Thunderkin. This repeatable draw gets out of hand really quick.

I also use Stigma Lasher to help fill the early game but he also shuts down lifegain decks by turn 3. Infiltration Lens equipped to him is also hilarious.

I just recently replaced Double Cleave (the double strike strategy) with the newly reprinted Twinflame. It makes sense to also use Twinflame on Thunderkin Awakener where double strike didn't. Its kind-of like a 2drop (with "strive") Unearth; it helps emphasize Thunderkin being my main strategy.

I also recently started using Bone Shards because, as other users have pointed out, you can discard to use it before combat or use it after combat and sacrifice one of the elementals that will self-sac anyways.

Anyways, If you are interested, here is the link to my deck for reference.

The Elemental Paradox

Zarthalius on Balls Lightning

2 years ago

Really nice! I've been perfecting my elemental Mardu deck for a year or so now. My goal was budget, heavy hitting tramplers, and reanimation. I had many of the same ideas you have here except white gives me access to Spark Trooper for lifegain.

  • Stigma Lasher has a very nice place in my deck. It helps fill the early game but also shuts down lifegain decks by turn 3.
  • I just recently replaced Double Cleave (the double strike strategy) with the newly reprinted Twinflame. It makes sense to also use Twinflame on Thunderkin Awakener where Double Cleave didn't. I figured 1 instant speed double strike 6/1 was weaker then 2 6/1s from my graveyard. This could possibly be a solution to your search for more Unearth-like cards.
  • Speaking of Unearth, may I suggest using the new on-theme version: Unearth
  • I decided to protect Thunderkin Awakener with Infiltration Lens because him getting blocked is most likely how he’ll die. This is because, Thunderkin must attack to trigger so why not force your opponents to decide between 1 elemental from your graveyard or maybe two from the top of your deck. Plus, I usually have an Unearth in hand. Or, maybe I'll draw into another Thunderkin.
  • Also, Infiltration Lens can also be equipped to the 6/1s to encourage full damage throughput.
  • There have been some games I’ve played where my graveyard seemed to run just a little dry. All my reanimation cards felt like dead cards especially when Thunderkin Awakener was doing his job. I found that drawing extra into more elementals was more reliable.

I do like a few cards you are using. I’ll look into replacing my Fall of the Hammer with Bone Shards; I really like what has been said here about it. Also Blood Mist sounds fun; I wounder if its not too slow.

If you are interested, here is the link to my deck for reference. Tappedout thinks its 75% competitive.

The Elemental Paradox

Zarthalius on Harsh Elements

2 years ago

I've been perfecting my elemental Mardu deck for a year or so now. My goal was budget, heavy hitting tramplers, and reanimation. I had many of the same ideas you have here except black gives me access to Unearth and hand discard with Lightning Skelemental.

Some key differences:

  • I use Stigma Lasher to stop lifegain decks by turn 3.
  • I just recently replaced Double Cleave with the newly reprinted Twinflame. It makes sense to also use Twinflame on Thunderkin Awakener where Double Cleave didn't. I figured 1 instant speed double strike 6/1 was weaker then 2 6/1s with lifegain and hand discard effects.
  • I also decided to protect Thunderkin Awakener with Infiltration Lens because he must attack for his ability to trigger; Him getting blocked is most likely how he'll die. So, why not make your opponent decide between 1 elemental from your graveyard or maybe 2 from your deck. Plus, I usually have an Unearth in hand. Or, maybe I'll draw into another Thunderkin Awakener.
  • Infiltration Lens can also be equipped to the 6/1s to encourage full damage throughput.
  • I find that the very persistant and constant barrage of 6/1s to be enough to overwhelm the opponent.

I do like a few of the elementals you have here like Incandescent Soulstoke. I'll have to see if they may work in my deck too.

Anyways, here is the link to my deck for reference. Tappedout thinks its 75% competitive.

The Elemental Paradox

vic on If a creature gets brought …

2 years ago

I attack with a Thunderkin Awakener. In my graveyard I have another Thunderkin Awakener and a Spitebellows. Can I use my attacking TA to pull out the other TA, then use my second TA to pull out the Spitebellows and attack with all three creatures?

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