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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Boiling Seas
Destroy all Islands.

DreadKhan on
Mishra's attackers
2 years ago
Berserkers' Onslaught is pretty handy if you've got big attackers, double power and first strike is sweet for 5 mana. Rite of the Raging Storm can help by giving you a 5/1 every turn to swing with, while also giving everyone else one to swing at anyone but you, which helps create some chaos as long as people don't run big blockers, and even if most people do, just someone not having a blocker will make that 5/1 a slow, steady source of damage, and people must hold back a blocker for it or take the 5. I like Onslaught with Rite, and if I can get a Mask of Griselbrand and Exquisite Blood you can do a tremendous amount of work with a 5/1, including drawing 5 cards when it dies. Mask is good in general in my experience, evasion is helpful in Rakdos, as is Lifelink for various 'pay life' effects that you might want to run. Some of those include Phyrexian Purge and Fire Covenant, both very strong old cards in many metas, but they work best with some life gain. 2 more cards that cost life and tend to feel pretty good in EDH are Ashes to Ashes and Reckless Spite, hitting 2 bodies is pretty helpful, and black Exile isn't super-common.
Kyren Negotiations are an interesting option if you have lots of goblins but can't swing through a Propaganda. Make an Example is very good value, you choose what dies (not targeted), and each player loses at least their best creature, maybe more). Volcanic Offering is a really solid card that can deal with 4 things that are bothering you if someone else is feeling helpful, but it can never directly hurt you, this can shut down an archenemy with one spell. If you find yourself troubled by Blue decks, there are Boil, Boiling Seas, Omen of Fire, and Citadel of Pain that are pretty helpful vs Blue and 2 colour Blue decks.
DreadKhan on
Generously Hellbent
2 years ago
You might look at Rite of the Raging Storm and Exquisite Blood, maybe Berserkers' Onslaught, even a Mask of Griselbrand as a backup to your Skullcap idea, paying 3 to draw 5 always feels great in my Pavel build, and the Evasion/Lifelink are often relevant. I run a ton of wipes and removal, perhaps the best of which is Make an Example, which is just backbreaking to any deck reliant on having a specific creature on the board, and it hits each opponent in such a way that it's almost impossible to protect against short of countering it. As my deck hates being interacted with itself (it's full of chonky spells/effects just begging to get countered) I run Boiling Seas and Omen of Fire, alongside a Citadel of Pain, Pavel can soak up a lot of spare mana anyways. Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast might be more reasonable than adding Boil, but the deck loves hosing Islands for some reason. Since I run lots of board wipes, I tossed in Tyrite Sanctum and Daring Fiendbonder to give stuff Indestructible. I mostly run utility creatures like Agitator Ant or token generators like Ophiomancer and Ogre Slumlord, I'm presently at 16 creatures in the 99, so it doesn't usually matter if I'm wiping the board 3 or 4 times in a game. It's not unusual to win off of a timely Thieves' Auction, it's funny when you have a deck full of questionable permanents, some people will just scoop to it as well, it's a salty card to some. I mean if you're already running Omen of Fire, why not throw in Thieves' Auction?
Hope some of these ideas can synergize with your build, Pavel is a great under-utilized Commander, I built him more janky, but the deck is truly a blast to play.
Azdranax on HELP ME!!!
4 years ago
For mono-red commanders, especially versus blue, there are two keys that will lead to the greatest consistent success - 1) out race your opponent (typically with a lower mana curve) and 2) maintain similar or greater card advantage to mitigate any counter magic directed at you.
As others have previously stated, you can attempt to beat the blue player at their own game by focusing on blue hate options specifically, like Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Burnout and Active Volcano. You can also use copy spells like Fork, Reverberate and Reiterate to beat them at their own game to counter their counter magic spells. Finally, you can venture down the road of mass land destruction specific to blue with by casting Overmaster into a Boil or Boiling Seas, bringing down the hammer if their counter magic remains focused on you. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of these card options to realistically create a reliable strategy to overcome blue counter magic, so deck building choices and strategies become even more valuable in most cases.
Simply outracing the blue player in resources and board state in the early game can be very effective. The lower your average CMC, the more you can advance you game plan before counter magic can oppress you. However, you then need to be able to recover your card advantage. While possible in mono-red, the best options are limited and can definitely stretch a budget. Wheel of Misfortune and Wheel of Fortune won't put you ahead in card advantage, but they'll definitely replenish your hand. Jeska's Will can be a powerful play, but it only affects a single turn. Most remaining options like Browbeat or Risk Factor are conditional to an opponent taking damage, which likely isn't a factor in commander if your needing cards in hand.
Based on all of these factors, unless you have the budget to pull together all of the blue hate spells and best draw option spells, I'd recommend giving a different commander in mono-red a try...Zada, Hedron Grinder. So long as you can get your commander in play, every single-creature targeted spell that can draw a card or scry becomes a cantrip or scry spell for every creature you have in play. Even if the original spell targeting Zada gets countered, the copies from the cast trigger can still resolve, so the value of individual counter spells is dramatically reduced for you opponent. Feel free to check out my specific list here: Yada...Yada...Zada
Best of luck with your mono-red goals and happy brewing.
Alledzebu on
[PRIMER] Trynn & Silvar, Dangerous Bonds
4 years ago
Foremost, I would first like to commend you for the solid effort attempt at optimizing this deck, you got some very interesting win conditions that I personally enjoy.
Now, with that said, I would like to point certain means by which I believe we can improve this deck even further:
1)The deck has few responses, if I may recommend the following: -Mana Tithe -Rebuff the Wicked -Pyroblast -Silence = this one is a "must" imo. -Angel's Grace -Red Elemental Blast -Ranger-Captain of Eos = also a tutor.
2)We can add more control, because the high cmc of the commanders makes you slow, since such is the case, why not slowing our opponents instead? -Authority of the Consuls -Blind Obedience -Deafening Silence -Terminate
3)Mess with their hands: -Duress -Thoughtseize -Inquisition of Kozilek
4)tutors to consider: -Imperial Recruiter he is human -Recruiter of the Guard human too -insert famous black tutors like diabolic intent etc...
5)burst ramp to consider: this cards for a cost can produce tons of mana in one turn... -Culling the Weak -Dark Ritual -Treasonous Ogre
6) key cards that can search thru all your deck your win condition: just be sure to have at least one piece of the combo in hand already and enough life to pay... -Plunge into Darkness -Tainted Pact -Demonic Consultation -ad nauseum this are insanely powerful cards...
7) Karmic Guide instead of Sun Titan she is less expensive mana-wise, and same eff almost...
8) there are a few better and unilateral land destruction effects out there like: Boil Boiling Seas
9) now that this new additions have vastly reduced the overall CMC of the deck, you can now have the luxury of cutting lands proportionate to reduction of cmc average :) depending how much cheaper your deck is, the less lands u can put in it... you could go all the way down to 34 lands, now am concerned with the quality of land base, so let me suggest a handful to you: -Forbidden Orchard -all 3 shock lands -all 3 pain lands -City of Brass -Luxury Suite -Ancient Tomb -Tarnished Citadel -Phyrexian Tower -Graven Cairns -Castle Ardenvale
10) add Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker he can create infinite copies with bell ringer and he can also create an infinite combo with silvar and fiend hunter...
-you need silvar and fiend hunter (with any card banished by his eff it doesn't matter here)...
-then summon kiki jiki, create copy of fiend hunter...
-new copy of fiend hunter banishes kiki giki...
-sacrifice the copy fiend hunter to silvar...
-kiki giki return untapped...
-create a new copy of fiend hunter...
-banish kiki giki again...
-rinse and repeat...
bryanedds on
Godo for Shodo
5 years ago
Let's replace Boil and Boiling Seas with Chaos Warp and Fork .
ToolmasterOfBrainerd on
6 years ago
Hate blue? You came to the right format. Also Boil is probably strictly better than Boiling Seas.
Also I'm unsure if this can even beat UW control. Nothing in here beats and everything dies to Supreme Verdict or Terminus. Gutteral response and choke are quite good, but protection from blue isn't a useful ability.
Yiggler on
Quicksilver Evaporation
6 years ago
Yeah, I know that. It's why I describe Boil and Boiling Seas as Armageddon instead of "one-sided Armageddon", though the other island-turners are there to try and make it more one-sided. The goal is to stick a walker while the foe has a negligible board, then boil the islands away and then just win off of the planeswalker in the rebuilding turns.
SynergyBuild on
Omnath, Locus of Armageddon v2.6
6 years ago
What decks do you go go against, Choke, Carpet of Flowers, Tsunami, Boil, Boiling Seas, Flashfires, Omen of Fire and Ruination are all good options depending on the group, and Magus of the Moon, Blood Moon, Blood Sun are also great cards