Ahn-Crop Crasher

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ahn-Crop Crasher

Creature — Minotaur Warrior

Haste (This can attack and as soon as this comes under your control.)

You may exert this creature as this attacks. When you do, target creature can't block this turn. (An exerted creature won't untap during your next untap step.)

nuperokaso on The Mummy

5 months ago
  • Ahn-Crop Crasher saw a lot of play, you should definitely include it.
  • Play at most 1 Deflecting Palm. It's not really good when the opponent expects it.
  • Don't play Thrill of Possibility. You have no synergy with it.
  • Funny thing with exert mechanic is that if you exert same creature multiple times in a turn, the creature won't untap only once. Hence play cards such as Response / Resurgence which give you an extra attack.

mrweaselman on War Champs

2 years ago

Take out Garna, the Bloodflame, Gatekeeper of Malakir, Rushblade Commander, and Intimidation Bolt and this deck is pioneer legal. Some of them aren't all that good here anyways and they're not worth being in a much higher power format.

Cards that are also not very good: Chief of the Scale, Goma Fada Vanguard, and Pacifism. Cut Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants if you have trouble finding space for other cards.

Your best creatures would probably be Blood-Chin Rager and Chief of the Edge, so run 4 each.

Since you have Herald of Dromoka, you can do some pretty cool things with exert creatures. Brave the Sands also has this effect. Ahn-Crop Crasher, Combat Celebrant, Devoted Crop-Mate, and Glory-Bound Initiate are all really good warriors when paired with vigilance. Resolute Survivors too if you want to commit this route, although Brutal Hordechief is probably better. Path of Mettle  Flip is an interesting one too for grindy matches, maybe more of a sideboard card.

If you want more wide aggro, run Bloodsoaked Champion and either Gutterbones or Zurgo Bellstriker, take out vigilance or toughness effects, and work to increase power. You can win with a couple Arashin Foremost, Brutal Hordechief, and more Secure the Wastes.

Fatal Push is probably the best pioneer removal spell, but if you find larger CMC creatures in your meta Cast Down or Heartless Act will hit almost anything.

For mana base, Battlefield Forge and Caves of Koilos are better budget dual options than anything that comes in tapped. Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are almost auto includes for tribal.

Desmous on Pioneer RDW Hazoret

2 years ago

Really cool prowess build! I think it is pretty good by itself.

Some things to maybe think about?

  • Embercleave (I know, original) It gives a prowess trigger on the cast and usually hits for 6 when it comes in.

  • If you do put 2-4 Embercleave in the mainboard, you might want to consider Kari Zev, Skyship Raider, Gets you an extra attacker to help lower the cost of the cleave, and is hard to kill being a 1/3 with First Strike. You might want to just replace Viashino Pyromancer with Kari Zev, as the extra "go wide" 2/1 Ragavan it makes helps a lot on turn 3 and 4 when you are swinging for the most damage

  • Lava Coil in the sideboard instead of Fry (if you are playing against a lot of Izzet Phoenix, if you are playing against a lot of teferi control, first off that is the best matchup so you shouldn't have to really use Fry) deals with Thing in the Ice  Flip and Arclight Phoenix, and a lot of the things Winota, Joiner of Forces deck likes to play.

  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance (for more midrange reach) also gives prowess trigger, card draw, and a little ramp / control for grindy midrange matchups. Sideboard and probably replaces the Experimental Frenzy on the games it comes in from the sideboard

  • Improve landbase, Castle Embereth is an easy add I think, it is pretty easy to come in untapped, so it is very beneficial up to 4 Ramunap Ruins as if you are the aggro deck, the 6 ish damage you probably average from tapping it for red should not matter against most control or midrange decks if you win.

  • Bomat Courier for card draw, although it will be going further away from the prowess game plan, but I'm just giving you cards and ideas you might want to try!

  • Glorybringer for midrange matchups, takes a defender out for your prowess creatures before blocks (this is sideboard ofc)

  • I would put the Goblin Chainwhirler in the sideboard and put a more versatile 3 drop in the deck. Chainwhirler could be amazing in your metagame, but in mine Ahn-Crop Crasher removing a blocker on a big attack turn is usually better for me

Again, you have to build your deck to your metagame, so just giving you some cards // ideas!

Landarzt on Jund Brew 29.02

4 years ago

Things i would change personally:

Angrath´s Rampage --> Unearth

Finale of Devastation --> Spawn of Mayhem

Fire Covenant --> Risk Factor

Reclamation Sage --> Ahn-Crop Crasher

Golgari Charm --> Terminate

Funeral Charm --> Bloodghast

I do think it could get a little iffy with the amount of black mana this deck wants, but certainly a good mana base can fix that. Also: Dreadhorde Butcher could be worth

multimedia on Lovisa Coldeyes rushdown

5 years ago

Hey, saw your forum topic asking for help. Looks nice, good start and a budget of less than $100, well done :)

Lovisa is all about attacking because her ability pumps your creatures therefore you want to have a well established army of creatures before you play Lovisa. You've done a good job with including many two drop and three drop creatures, but 18 four drops and 13 five drops is too much. I also don't think any of the six and seven drops are good enough to risk having one of them stuck in your hand in the early and mid game. My advice is cut a large amount of these cards for more one, two and three drops.

Budget cards $3 or less each to consider adding:

Others to consider:

Can add all these cards for about $18. Also consider adding a few more Mountains as 26 lands is a low total amount. Try 30 Mountains, Ghitu Encampment and Rogues Passage for a total of 32 lands. Temple of the False God is not worth playing in a deck that doesn't have any land ramp. Can't afford to have a land that can't make mana, does nothing, to cast early game two and three drop creatures.

There's a lot of red cards that can give you repeatable pseudo draw each turn; key word here is repeatable. Not draw, but can exile the top card of your library and you may play that card until end of turn. These cards are helpful because mono red has a tendency to run out of cards in your hand fast.

Many of these cards are four drops which means if I was building this deck I would reserve the four drop spots for some of these cards. Experimental Frenzy is good with many low mana cost creatures allowing you to play them from the top of your library. Lovisa gives your creatures haste meaning when you play them from the top of your library you can attack with them. You can potentially chain play a lot of creatures with Frenzy and attack with all of them, that's good with Lovisa.

Countryside Crusher can help to take away a drawback of Frenzy as well as help to not draw so many lands which can happen when playing 30 basic lands. With Frenzy if you hit two lands in a row on the top of your library then you're done playing spells from the top for your turn. Since you can't play more than one land per turn. You're able to play the first land you see on the top of your library, but not the second.

At your upkeep if Crusher sees a land on the top of your library you put it into your graveyard and you can do this as many times in a row as lands you have on top of your library each time Crusher gets bigger. Crusher also can get bigger when you discard land cards such as from Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion or Tormenting Voice, etc.

Good luck with your deck.

Zarathoustra on Reduced to Ashes

5 years ago

If I ask this about Ash Zealot , it's because my mate and most regular opponent is building a mono black zombie/discard deck. And I'd like to have some answers to it, already got Tormod's Crypt ... I know it is supposed to be a terrible match up for him, don't worry.

Lathnu Hellion looks good, but I'd like to keep Ahn-Crop Crasher for its ability to tap defenders. Not quite sure about that, I need to playtest this.

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