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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Suppression Bonds
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant nonland permanent
Enchanted permanent can't attack or block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.
jamochawoke on Path to Exile or Swords …
3 years ago
TypicalTimmy the best removals are actually the Arrest enchantments. Your examples give them an indestructible chump blocker and a land for ramp as well.
I'm talking about:
- Arrest
- Demotion
- Desert's Hold
- Faith's Fetters
- Gelid Shackles
- Bound in Gold (arguably the best one)
- Nahiri's Binding (this also targets walkers)
- Prison Term (best value over a long game)
- Serra Bestiary (gets around the mana abilities clause)
- Stasis Cocoon
- Suppression Bonds
- Trapped in the Tower
SilverBrood on DOGS
4 years ago
Undamageable, 3/2 deathtouch trampling lifelinker? Seems pretty aggro.
Maybe get those slow purphoros auras out and consider replacing Supply Runners and them with some good early removal? I love that the ordeal has a dog kicking a dudes butt though.
Even just Soul Tithe or Suppression Bonds / Bound by Moonsilver might be justifiable, but pacifism and burn are lower costed. Barl's Cage is sorta on theme?
Consider land improvements after playtesting.
Not feeling the 5 drop dogs much. Maybe drop CMC on some and turn 1 or 2 into a larger body that you could call the kennel owner?
6 years ago
Update: Out (1) Succumb to Temptation in (1) Suppression Bonds.
lithium142 on Big Darien's Soldier Machine
6 years ago
aw man, i do love token decks!
first place for you to make improvements; getcha self a Skullclamp! that card is op in most decks, and it's game breaking in token decks. if you get no other card, get that one. that said, it's so good, that it's worth running Stoneforge Mystic and Steelshaper's Gift to find it.
some good token generators:
sadly a lot of the best ones are in green, but these are certainly improvements over a few you got in right now.
the best game enders are either in green, or the white one's are VERY expensive, so ill skip that, even though there are some very good includes you could run. the only cheap one i can think of is Mirror Entity.
you already have Hour of Reckoning and Martial Coup, awesome. here's some other goodies for ya.
i run all three in my competitive token deck. Sunblast Angel is something i use in tandem with Birthing Pod. wipe their field, and then after they spend a turn on damage control, pod again into Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite for the win, but i digress.
a big advantage you have in tokens is being able to bounce back from boardwipes faster than your opponents, so having a good arsenal of them is important.
you also look a little short on spot removal. im assuming you omitted Path to Exile because of the price. some cheaper alternatives that are particularly good in commander are
these are brutal, because they dont kill anything, they just make it useless. I.E. it wont send commanders back to the command zone. it does have it's own weakness (obviously they can destroy your enchantment), but honestly it's better for you to have them destroy your Faith's Fetters to get their commander back, than to have them use that same removal spell on your Divine Visitation. do be careful with Darksteel Mutation though; some decks have ways of buffing creatures, and then you have to face down a big dude with indestructible.
hope this helps you out! unfortunately it will never be as good as it could be in a G/W shell. the problem is white has all the powerhouse cards, while green has all the ways to search for them, and you're missing out on things like Aura Shards that are just flat out OP. in any case, mono white gives you a problem to be solved with ingenuity. a friend of mine has a mono white deck like this that uses reanimation cards like Resurrection and a load of board wipes. dont be afraid to make things interesting =P
anyway again, i hope this is some help to you! =D
lithium142 on Big Darien's Soldier Machine
6 years ago
aw man, i do love token decks!
first place for you to make improvements; getcha self a Skullclamp! that card is op in most decks, and it's game breaking in token decks. if you get no other card, get that one. that said, it's so good, that it's worth running Stoneforge Mystic and Steelshaper's Gift to find it.
some good token generators:
sadly a lot of the best ones are in green, but these are certainly improvements over a few you got in right now.
the best game enders are either in green, or the white one's are VERY expensive, so ill skip that, even though there are some very good includes you could run. the only cheap one i can think of is Mirror Entity.
you already have Hour of Reckoning and Martial Coup, awesome. here's some other goodies for ya.
i run all three in my competitive token deck. Sunblast Angel is something i use in tandem with Birthing Pod. wipe their field, and then after they spend a turn on damage control, pod again into Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite for the win, but i digress.
a big advantage you have in tokens is being able to bounce back from boardwipes faster than your opponents, so having a good arsenal of them is important.
you also look a little short on spot removal. im assuming you omitted Path to Exile because of the price. some cheaper alternatives that are particularly good in commander are
these are brutal, because they dont kill anything, they just make it useless. I.E. it wont send commanders back to the command zone. it does have it's own weakness (obviously they can destroy your enchantment), but honestly it's better for you to have them destroy your Faith's Fetters to get their commander back, than to have them use that same removal spell on your Divine Visitation. do be careful with Darksteel Mutation though; some decks have ways of buffing creatures, and then you have to face down a big dude with indestructible.
hope this helps you out! unfortunately it will never be as good as it could be in a G/W shell. the problem is white has all the powerhouse cards, while green has all the ways to search for them, and you're missing out on things like Aura Shards that are just flat out OP. in any case, mono white gives you a problem to be solved with ingenuity. a friend of mine has a mono white deck like this that uses reanimation cards like Resurrection and a load of board wipes. dont be afraid to make things interesting =P
anyway again, i hope this is some help to you! =D
jakeelephant006 on Athreos
6 years ago
In a gist, less removal, more ramp, creatures and lands.
This is a solid deck. It really has some power in some places. The trick is getting it to be cohesive. Right now there doesn't seem to be a real solid theme or focus which makes the deck unwieldy during play. It wouldn't take much to fix this, though. I think it would be a good idea to focus on getting Athreos out and then playing value creatures and forcing opponents to make the decision on whether or not you get to play those creatures an additional time.
Cards to pull: Removal - You have more than enough in here so you can cut some of the less effective (more restrictive) cards like Divine Verdict, Pillar of Light, Ghostly Possession, Reprisal, Murderous Cut, Arrest, Suppression Bonds, Doom Blade or Armament of Nyx. (I put the cards in order of what I would think is best to pull to worst to pull). I would generally stay away from creature based removal here because you want to increase the number of creatures you have in the deck.
Other - These are cards that kinda just take up a slot. They're generally not bad, but they kinda pull this deck in directions that don't help the deck win like it should. These include Raise Dead, Baneful Omen, Edge of the Divinity, Cutthroat Maneuver, Erebos's Titan, Nighthowler, Pontiff of Blight, and Hopeful Eidolon. I hesitate to put the creatures on here cuz I think it would be best to have more creatures than fewer but these ones are good things to cut if you're looking to make more room.
Cards to add: Generally, I'd try to slot in some more ramp cards like Sol Ring, Orazca Relic, Orzhov Signet, Commander's Sphere, Solemn Simulacrum and the like. Also you could do with more card draw. For instance Dusk Legion Zealot, Ambition's Cost, Read the Bones, Hedron Archive, etc. And then put in some more quality creatures. Maybe they should have etb or death effects like Merciless Executioner, Fleshbag Marauder, Demon of Dark Schemes, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Blood Artist, and more. Or maybe they're just solid creatures like Bontu the Glorified, Cataclysmic Gearhulk, Crested Sunmare, Urgoros, the Empty One, or Vona, Butcher of Magan. Maybe even a couple more board clearers like Crux of Fate, Bontu's Last Reckoning, Fumigate, or Hour of Revelation
Essentially, this deck has the structure to be real strong. It just needs some focus and a few upgrades to really get where it wants to go. Hope this helps.
soulwarden11 on Lyra
6 years ago
facepalm I supposed I should have expected my snark to bring Karmic Justice right back to me, eh? haha Give enough snark, you'll eventually get it back! XD Touche!
Running Auras with Sram and Spiritdancer would definitely help since you'd be able to trigger Mesa Enchantress as well since all Auras are Enchantments; and it looks like you've found most of the powerhouse Auras.
If you're looking for more lockdown Auras, I've always liked Prison Term, Suppression Bonds and Faith's Fetters since they take them out of combat AND turn off their activated abilities (plus the latter two can hit things other than creatures).
Buffing Auras Holy Mantle and Angelic Destiny or other anti-combat Auras like Pacifism, Guard Duty, Temporal Isolation, Journey to Nowhere can also be niche, but useful in the right meta.
Sigarda's Aid can help your Auras gain Flash. While Authority of the Consuls gains you life and slows down opponent's using creatures (especially hasty ones). Path of Bravery can also be an Anthem effect and gains you life.
Open the Armory and Three Dreams are useful for finding Auras in your deck.
TheVectornaut on Ah, Curses!
7 years ago
UseForgottenAncient, Pillory of the Sleepless doesn't negate activated abilities, but I want to move away from creature-specific auras anyway. I misread Faith's Fetters as an enchant creature spell so I'll definitely swap Suppression Bonds for it.
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