Slimefoot, the Stowaway with a large quantity of Saproling generators and sac outlets. The deck tends to durdle for about 5 or 6 turns and then pulls out an infinite combo or sacs a bunch of dudes while Slimefoot, the Stowaway has infect.

There is nothing more important than a solid sac outlet in a Slimefoot, the Stowaway deck. They are primarily utilized to trigger the great Slimelord himself, but also assist in producing infinite combos and utilizing cards like Grave Pact to get the most out of every sacrifice.

The major sac outlets in the deck are

Perilous Forays, this card I feel is largely overlooked. With a little bit of luck and some good timing you can search out every basic in your deck. Sporemound combos with it and replaces the sac-ed saprolings with every basic you get. An infinite token generator going off or an infinite mana combo makes this an excellent addition to the deck.

Vampiric Rites, is similar to Greed but acts as a sac outlet instead. Allowing us to turn bodies into cards. While Skullclamp is strictly better, it doesn't help as much if you have a Lord in play.

Ashnod's Altar, is one half of the majority of our infinite combos. It is also ridiculously helpful if you need a little extra ramp in a turn.

Attrition is one of the best ways to deal with an oppressive creature base. It acts as a recurrable Bone Splinters that can't target black creatures.

Carrion Feeder is largely just to act as a free (no mana has to go into it) sac outlet. Not as impactful as an Ashnod's Altar.

Spawning Pit also acts as a free sac outlet and also is a part of an infinite combo built into the deck.

Westvale Abbey   provides a sac outlet that results in a resilient, but also giant dude entering the board.

Only slightly less important than a sac outlet, good token producers help keep our infinite combos going and can also be utilized to prevent death from damage by chumping.

Slimefoot, the Stowaway himself is the king of producing tokens. This deck loves ramping into some big spells and a lot of activations of his secondary ability. He also provides a solid mana sink later in the game.

Tendershoot Dryad, one of the best cards for saproling tribal, makes an excellent addition to the deck. It is essentially a cheaper Verdant Force that buffs our dudes.

Verdant Force and its partner in crime Verdant Embrace allow us to rack up tokens over a couple of upkeeps.

Sporemound, in combination with our relatively rampy mana base, tends to put a lot of tokens into play.

Sprout Swarm, not to be confused with Spore Swarm, goes infinite with Paradox Engine, and allows us to produce a couple of extra tokens on our opponents end step.

Saproling Burst Allows us to do some weird stuff regarding both combat and the ability to sac a lot of cheap dudes at any given time.

  1. Paradox Engine and Sprout Swarm produce an infinite combo, so long as you have at least 5 creatures and one of them is green. You can 5 creatures to make a saproling and buyback Sprout Swarm, then the cast trigger on Paradox Engine. Paradox Engine untaps the creatures you just used to pay for Sprout Swarm. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat for an infinite number of saprolings. If a sac outlet is present, Slimefoot, the Stowaway can drain infinitely. If Cryptolith Rite is in play, you can produce an infinite amount of mana as well.

  2. Doubling Season with Spawning Pit and Ashnod's Altar produces an infinite amount of Spawn tokens and colorless mana. So long as you already have two counters on Spawning Pit and one mana to activate it. Upon activating Spawning Pit two tokens should be produced thanks to Doubling Season. We can sacrifice one to Ashnod's Altar to produce two colorless mana. We then sacrifice one Spawn to put two counters on Spawning Pit. Then we pay one of the colorless mana produced by Ashnod's Altar to trigger Spawning Pit again. Then any excess spawns produced can be converted to mana or sacrificed again to the Spawning Pit to make more spawns.

2.5 If you use the same combo but with Phyrexian Altar you can produce an infinite sac combo. Which is good if you have a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos in play as it acts as a boardwipe that doesn't touch your board.

  1. Doubling Season or Parallel Lives, Slimefoot, the Stowaway, and Ashnod's Altar produce an infinite amount of triggers on Slimefoot, the Stowaway. The requirements to trigger this combination are either four mana of any color or two creatures (not Slimefoot, the Stowaway) to sacrifice to the altar. We can pay four to trigger Slimefoot, the Stowaway's secondary ability and put two tokens into play. (Praise Doubling Season for being great at infinite combos and good in token decks) We sacrifice the tokens ot Ashnod's Altar this triggers Slimefoot, the Stowaway's primary ability twice resulting in the opponents being drained twice. We then use the four mana produced by Ashnod's Altar to trigger Slimefoot, the Stowaway's secondary ability again. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat for all the triggers in the world.

Cryptolith Rite with our creature base of a bunch of small dudes results in a massive amount of mana at our disposal.

Sporemound and Perilous Forays for every saproling you sac to Perilous Forays, you get another basic out of your deck, Sporemound puts another one into play. Essentially it becomes you pay one mana to get a basic out of your deck.

Grafted Exoskeleton can be used either as a sac outlet if necessary or as a win con. Slimefoot, the Stowaway deals damage to the opponents and not loss of life. This means that if we can utilize Slimefoot, the Stowaway's primary ability ten times we win the game. A feat that is not hard to achieve when we can put a whole bunch of tokens into play at a time.

Paradox Engine and Cryptolith Rite allow us to essentially play all of the spells in our hand and produce a ton of mana.

Eldrazi Monument acts as a sac outlet and buffs all of our dudes.


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98% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.51
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, City's Blessing, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Morph 2/2 C, Saproling 1/1 G, Saproling */* G
Folders Fun times
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