Time Elemental

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Time Elemental

Creature — Elemental

When Time Elemental attacks or blocks, at end of combat, sacrifice it and it deals 5 damage to you.

(2)(Blue)(Blue), Tap: Return target permanent that isn't enchanted to its owner's hand.

FormOverFunction on I still don't understand why …

1 year ago

I’m on board with what both Gidgetimer and Caerwyn have said here, so I’ll try not to restate any of that. The two other issues I was going to raise were (1) they are a perfect embodiment of the “all upside” era of magic that we’re in, and (2) the “railroad plotting” era we’re also in. For (1): Asymmetrical value and gameplay is not new to magic, but it usually took multiple spells/draws to pull it off. Or, to put it more simply: it was a thing that you had to pull off. For a while now we’ve been given cards that have that baked in, such as Fevered Visions. The controller of that spell really shouldn’t be exempt from the damage. Planeswalkers have generally been the apex of asymmetrical gameplay, and that’s okay. It makes sense, I just don’t like it. When they’re relatively balanced it’s not a huge deal, but it’s easy to have them spill into a total mess of a card. For (2): when PWs were added to magic, it was very disappointing to me, because I was one of the weirdos who grew up with RPGs in the 80s and spent a significant non-zero amount of time imagining things like “what is it that the guy in Pitfall (on Atari) has in his backpack?” PWs drew the game closer and closer to a “sit down and watch the movie” feeling for me. “Play the heroic intervention that has Ajani on it to save your purple-vested 1/1 from that net spell your opponent just cast” can start to build a feeling in some (like myself) that the game is being built more and more as a re-enactment rather than a “here’s a pile of tools, build something fun” game. When magic was full of nameless Time Elementals and Goblins of the Flarg it drove people to write stories about them... less so the other way around. Having that lead to “make a story and then make cards about the story” is a totally understandable and natural progression for the game to have taken, and lord knows WotC doesn’t actually owe me anything, but it still leaves me a little sad. Luckily, there’s nothing that stops me from building my own theme decks and enjoying them... but I end up spending a lot less time interacting with rather large groups of people here who are into the lore (which also sorta makes me sad, I like all you dorks). So those are my two big reasons for disliking PWs. It’s totally personal, and honestly a little silly, but I just don’t like them. Having said all that, I don't roll my eyes and groan when someone uses one, because I still love playing magic and hope to for the next thirty years.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Token Wipe

2 years ago

For repeatable use on a single token there's bouncers like Time Elemental, Temporal Adept, Waterfront Bouncer, and my favourite Tradewind Rider. If it has to be in white there's Witch Hunter and Eldrazi Displacer (if you can meet the colourless requirement). There's also cards that will do it if you meet a condition, like Skybind and Astral Slide.

trippy_mcfly on Cumly Cube

2 years ago

Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:


  • Abomination: too weak in power level
  • Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Black Dragon: too weak in power level
  • Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
  • Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
  • Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Dack Fayden: too powerful
  • District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
  • Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
  • Eviscerator: too weak in power level
  • Grim Strider: too weak in power level
  • Hypnox: too weak in power level
  • Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
  • Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
  • Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver: too weak in power level
  • Nix: too weak in power level
  • Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
  • Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
  • Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
  • Prismite: too weak in power level
  • Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Shatterskull Smashing  Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
  • Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
  • Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
  • Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
  • Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
  • Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
  • Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
  • Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart


RambIe on Pattern of deck Pool?

3 years ago

you know...
in the 90s when i first started playing magic i developed a template
originally i called it 20/20/20
because i felt 20 spells, 20 creatures, 20 lands was the perfect balance
and i believed playing with the least amount of cards allowed in my deck would lead to the best consistency
i later discovered my lgs (Graham Crackers Comics, bolingbrook, il) held quarterly tournaments
super excited i built and tested the same deck for over 4 months
i even evolved my template to limit to two colors and accounted for cmc
Color 1
Creatures - 4 copies of a 1 cmc, 3 copies of a 2 cmc, 2 copies of a 3 cmc
Spells - 4 copies of a 1 cmc, 3 copies of a 2 cmc, 2 copies of a 3 cmc
Lands - 12
then the same for second color
the deck as a hole only had 6 unique cards not counting lands
i will never forget that tournament because 2 things happened
1st from the moment i entered the other magic players teased and made fun of me for having such a small deck...
one person even pulled me aside and warned i would run out of cards before the game is over and maybe i wasn't ready for a tournament yet.......
2nd i was determined to prove meyself and show everyone i knew what i was doing
i made it to third round. then the judge kicked me out of the tournament for unsportsmanlike conduct
he clamed that my use of Stasis & Time Elemental was an unfair player advantage because it didn't allow my opponent to participate in the game....

that was my intro to magic and over the years nothing has changed
the magic community has always been good at 3 things
1. teasing those that don't follow the herd
2. copying others with out giving them credit
3. changing the rules to support the herd
this is why i learned to keep my ideas and decks to myself
im not sure why i chat on tapped out, and im not sure why i started to share
but after re reading your comment. im suddenly feeling less inspired and no longer wish to invest the time and effort.

Asturonethoriusaline on Mill-eogasm

4 years ago

Here are some of the cards my deck had that might help this deck

  1. Forgot the name of it, but the 6/6, 6 cmc Green Titan that lets you search for 2 lands and put them into play whenever green titan comes into play, an or when it attacks

Ertai Wizard and Ertai, the Corrupted are great counterspellers on creature aticks

Time Elemental + Stasis completely locking down opponent, etc you

Visara the Dreadful is a cheaper(cmc), better then Avatar of Woe.

Phage the Untouchable , is fun.

Platinum Angel is a colorless flying angel creature that makes it so that cant lose the game(A great way to cheat out Phage and not lose the game for doing so.)

Elvish Piper helps cheat out your creatures.

Dont forget your tutors.

Hell's Caretaker . Great way to cheat creatures into play.

Steiger on Lazav the Multipersonality

5 years ago

thom-le, Great suggestions... going to pickup them up and give them a go. Temporal Adept is a upgrade over Time Elemental for sure. I noticed you run Silent Arbiter in your KILL AND RUN deck. I've had someone suggest Crawlspace as another option for a similar effect. You could use Silas Renn, Seeker Adept to keep bringing the effect back.

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