Sire Of Insanity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sire Of Insanity

Creature — Demon

At the beginning of each end step, each player discards his or her hand.

Apoptosis on Wheel in the Sky

5 months ago


Out are cards that help opponents or don't have ideal synergy or add to the major mechanics: Anvil of Bogardan, Horn of Greed, Dictate of Kruphix, Howling Mine, Temporal Mastery, Time Warp, Smoke, Sign in Blood, Mystic Retrieval, Dismal Backwater, Doom Blade, Damnable Pact.

In (reanimation theme and some targets for reanimation): Exhumefoil (not 100% on this one), Soul Exchange (idealy would want one that could target all graveyards), Dance of the Dead, Animate Dead, Liliana of the Veil, Necromancy, Sire Of Insanity (bomb that minimizes opponent's ability to profit from the wheel), Mangara's Tome (I love this as a way to stack all of my reanimation cards, or anything else that I want to protect from my own wheel effects. Curious to see how it plays. The sceptor is included for the same reason), Sepulchral Primordial, Diluvian Primordial, and Molten Primordial.

Need to get an Academy Ruins.

Rhadamanthus on Interaction between Manabond & Sire …

9 months ago

The current Oracle text of Manabond has been updated to say: "At the beginning of your end step, you may reveal your hand and put all land cards from it onto the battlefield. If you do, discard your hand."

So this means Manabond and Sire Of Insanity trigger at the same time and the answer depends on who controls them. If you control both then you get to choose what order to put them onto the stack. If your opponent controls Sire then the Manabond trigger will go on first because you're the active player, then the Sire trigger will go on top of it, meaning the Sire trigger will resolve first.

ContraMundi on Interaction between Manabond & Sire …

9 months ago

Hi, I was wondering if I can still use the Manabond effect and play all my lands if there is a Sire Of Insanity on the field?

Or does that not work because beginning of the end step is before the discard phase?

The phases are unclear to me here.

Thank you!

Rocketman988 on Demon Till Your Dreams Come True

1 year ago

MightyPox, I did indeed miss your initial comment somehow! I was traveling and replied on mobile, so I blame the small screen. I also really love my demons and it hurts to take any out, so I'm constantly shifting the mix between demons and enablers depending on what I feel is strongest at the moment. We just got some AWESOME new demons though, so I'm tweaking the list towards the creature side again.

Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Rakdos, Patron of Chaos absolutely need to be in the deck. Infernal Sovereign is tricky, and I'm still on the fence, but I'm going to try it out and see. It can fuel some absolutely insane turns, adds bonus value to our cheap spells like rituals and loots, but it's a real feels bad to have if trying to use Sire Of Insanity. High risk high reward, which I want to love.

Bringer of the Last Gift and Scourge of the Skyclaves are both reanimation nonbos, so I don't like them for that reason. I hate paying full cost for my demons since I've worked in so much synergy with cheating creatures. If you like them, run them! They are fun demons for sure. :)

The Balrog of Moria keeps popping in and out of my list, and he's so close to worth it. We'll see if the heavier creature focus I'm shifting back towards gets him a spot.

Ferth on Fog Draw EDH

1 year ago

Hard removal is needed for some decks. I wanted to avoid it but things like Sire Of Insanity and Warstorm Surge are too problematic to leave out

IHATENAMES on Tariel wrecker of holes

2 years ago

For decent salt but fun game I'd focus run some staxy type card.

Archfiend of Depravity weep tokens decks

Sepulchral Primordial steal 3 creature at once

Molten Primordial steal 3 creatures

Tymaret, Chosen from Deathgrave hate that works well with commander to limit the randomness

Altar of Dementia free sac plus many more upsides

Syr Konrad, the Grim with cards entering and leaving graves a decent wincon

Hofri Ghostforge double use etbs with other upside

Sire Of Insanity especially in a low budget slowing down the game works well in your favor. Also a blue players nightmare

Burnished Hart ramp

Ruinous Ultimatum sorcery speed mardu Cyclonic Rift

Tragic Arrogance you choose kinda boardwipe

Command the Dreadhorde Greatness at any cost

Victimize 1 bad guy fir 2 good guys. Seems legit

Dread Return 4 mana Reanimate you can cast for free* the 2nd time.

Painful Truths draw 3

Skullclamp for all the dorks out there. Let's make them useful

Helm of Possession trade your borrowed creature for a newer model

Smothering Tithe do you pay the tax?

Leonin Arbiter did you pay that tax

Wayfarer's Bauble ramp

Ruthless Technomancer ramp reanimation

Hoarding Ogre budget ramp

Persist reanimation

Fracture flexible removal

Stinging Study good with commander

Archon of Emeria 1 spell per turn

Rule of Law 1 spell per turn

Any of the Fleshbag Marauder effects

Visions of Ruin ramp kinda but mostly removal

Thrilling Discovery card draw

Echo Chamber fun card

Spreading Plague neat includes not great

Grave Betrayal steal creatures

These are just a few ideas. You'll have to mess with it from there.

Another deck to take ideas from

Putnamto on My Shadowborn Apostle Deck

2 years ago


if i were to go that route i would ditch the servitude and just go B/g for my colors, Aetherworks Marvel is also something to look at when brewing your deck, esentially allowing you to do the apostle sacrificex2

my apostle deck runs light on demons actually, it has four Rune-Scarred Demon two Lord of the Void and a Griselbrand its not to hard to get all of those demons on board at once, and at that point you have probably already won, or somebody board wipes.

i also tried putting in demons that could not be cast like Master of Cruelties or Sire Of Insanity but they always somehow end up in my hand, and they arent to useful in this situation anyways

legendofa on Questioning the Iona Banning

3 years ago

The thing about Iona, Shield of Emeria is that it's very likely for more than one deck to share at least one color. Leyline of the Void and Rest in Peace shuts down graveyard decks, which would be unusual to see more than one of in a given pod. Sire Of Insanity fits only into + decks and isn't legendary, which means it's not as ubiquitous. Stax will get softbanned from many casual groups and can't be controlled without banning at least 4-5 cards, and probably more than that.

Iona will almost always shut down at least 1.5 decks, and isn't unreasonable to affect every deck at the table aside from the mono- that it's leading. If you're in a pod full of graveyard decks, Rest in Peace is a power play. If you're in a pod full of decks with , Iona is a power play that you always have access to. After all, the only ways for Iona to be a threat to only one player is if no more than one person brings a multicolor deck, and the multicolor deck shares no colors with any other deck; or if at least one person brings a colorless deck.

Basically, Iona has a greater reach than the Rules Committee would like, and is uniquely able to be a Commander. The intent was to ban Iona, Painters' Servant and Servant was deemed to have more general interest and utility.

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