Mangara's Tome

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mangara's Tome


When Mangara's Tome enters the battlefield, search your library for five cards. Remove those cards from the game face down, then shuffle them. Then shuffle your library.

(2): The next time you would draw a card this turn, instead put the top card removed from the game with Mangara's Tome into its owner's hand.

Apoptosis on Wheel in the Sky

2 months ago


Out are cards that help opponents or don't have ideal synergy or add to the major mechanics: Anvil of Bogardan, Horn of Greed, Dictate of Kruphix, Howling Mine, Temporal Mastery, Time Warp, Smoke, Sign in Blood, Mystic Retrieval, Dismal Backwater, Doom Blade, Damnable Pact.

In (reanimation theme and some targets for reanimation): Exhumefoil (not 100% on this one), Soul Exchange (idealy would want one that could target all graveyards), Dance of the Dead, Animate Dead, Liliana of the Veil, Necromancy, Sire Of Insanity (bomb that minimizes opponent's ability to profit from the wheel), Mangara's Tome (I love this as a way to stack all of my reanimation cards, or anything else that I want to protect from my own wheel effects. Curious to see how it plays. The sceptor is included for the same reason), Sepulchral Primordial, Diluvian Primordial, and Molten Primordial.

Need to get an Academy Ruins.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

halanvaina just to play devils-advocate to your latest comment, I've posted replies to some of the mentioned cards and ideas. I hope this doesn't come across too rude - I just really feel like your deck is lacking some really fundamental deckbuilding guidelines and feels very non-functional because of this.

  • I don't see the point at-all of Feldon's Cane. You have absolutely no way to mill yourself unless you've played Crumbling Sanctuary and then failed to kill your opponent before they've killed you... the entire plan here feels flawed if that's the case. Crumbling Sanctuary itself is already faar too expensive mana-wise, and there's very-good odds you won't even be able to cast it before the game ends.

  • swapping one overcosted card for another doesn't really solve any problems... Kamahl, Pit Fighter is still too high a mana cost to be useful imo. I agree it is a very-strong improvement over Butcher Orgg, but that doesn't mean either should be played.

  • I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve from Devastating Dreams? This looks like it hurts you much more than your opponent, especially considering your mana curve is so egregiously high.

  • You seem to be relying a lot on Jayemdae Tome but I really can't see how the card is playable. Yes it lets you draw 4 cards but at the expense of effectively doing nothing for two full turns - i'm not sure how any deck doesn't just automatically lose when they're taking two turns off doing nothing impactful.

  • I get that Helm of Awakening is there to try and accelerate your mana curve, and that will help, but even then you've only included 2 of them, and your curve is still massively high. You need a LOT more mana acceleration, or to severely reduce your mana curve - and ideally you would do both.

  • I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve with Mangara's Tome, presumably card selection, but this really isn't the answer. Your mana resources are too limited already and either triggering or casting this thing likely means doing very little else in your turn. You're better-off drawing blindly from your deck than paying 2 mana to draw sudo-blindly anyway.

My biggest concern is your statement "While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want."... the problem is that your deck doesn't have low cmc - I've checked other premodern decks and none of them are even remotely this slow. I don't believe the opponent will have to "choose what you want" because firstly if they're switching to the other choice, that means the first option would be hurting them more, so they're still taking the best path for their own survival, and making your life harder. And secondly, because I don't believe your deck is remotely fast enough to apply any pressure... your opponent will win long-before you put them into any kind of a bind.

I had a look at a bunch of competitive premodern decks here and there is a big gap between these decks and what you're currently running - namely that these decks can enact their plans much more quickly, and run a much lower mana-curve. I see premodern has archetypes like burn, which is effectively what you're doing but without all the extra steps and self-induced complications.

halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

Forgot about other stuff and sideboard updates.

I see the problem with the 5 mana stuff, so I added a couple Helm of Awakening to try and reduce the cost a little. Has to be colorless since almost all of my 5 drops are artifacts. Speaking of 5 drops, i added a single Mangara's Tome as a way to kind of tutor with a added risk. More tweaking foreseeable in the future. I know it's jank, no need to tell me.

As for the sideboard I took out Black Vise for Red Elemental Blast. Forgot what I took out, but I put 3 Burnout in there. Added a couple Tangle Wire, leave the creature hate alone and I think it's fine.

Also as for the whole Dwarven Ruins thing, I'm actually debating if I should replace those, or take out two mountains for the Balduvian Trading Posts. Again I'm very much in debate over this.

Oromuerto on Enchanted, I’m Sure

1 year ago

KingLonsur Would Mangara's Tome not work to search up Approach? There's a slight risk to it, but if you can keep someone from interrupting until you can draw out from under it you should be pretty safe?

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Antique Shop

2 years ago

Oh this is delightful! Might I suggest a few curios for the shop?

Mangara's Tome

Squee's Toy

Teferi's Puzzle Box

I think these relics are exactly the kinds of things an Argivian Archaeologist would unearth and they'd ultimately wind up in Gwafa's shop.

And I love the inclusion of Bazaar of Wonders. One of my favourite cards in Mirage :)

Tylord2894 on Flickering Mangara’s Tome

4 years ago

It is very important to read the oracle text here. The errata-ed wording in very different from the original. The oracle text says that the piles are exiled and face-down.

First, if you flicker Mangara's Tome, it will not "remember" the cards that were exiled underneath it previously. You will search for 5 more cards and exile those in a seperate face-down pile. Any previous cards remain exiled face-down. So, Flickering the Tome once the cards are all gone isn't a concern because the new Tome won't "remember" its past existence on the battlefield.

You can use Strionic Resonator to copy the trigger. In this case, you will create two separate piles. Activating the Tome will put the top card of each pile into your hand when trying to draw your next card that turn.

Hope this helps!!

TheNerdry on Flickering Mangara’s Tome

4 years ago

Hey guys, what happens if I cast Mangara's Tome, search for the five cards and stick them under it, then flicker the Tome, or can I use Strionic Resonator to copy the ability to get two piles of five? If I flicker and/or copy, can I draw from both piles or just the second? What zone are the piles technically in? And what happens to the Tome once all the cards are drawn; can I flicker it again? Thanks!

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