Simic Guildgate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Simic Guildgate

Land — Gate

This enters tapped.

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Balaam__ on The First Pauper

1 year ago

You may as well run Thornwood Falls over Simic Guildgate for the incidental life gain. Both enter tapped so it’s a strict upgrade.

Edit-just noticed this is tagged as both Casual and Competitive lol. Can’t say I’ve seen that before

razelfark on

3 years ago

Hello. Looks like you are just getting into the game with an intro deck and want some suggestions on how to upgrade your deck. I will try to give you some upgrades that will hopefully not be outside your budget.

First suggestion for your deck would be to focus on being either a deck that wants to mill or be an aggressive deck. Since the only card you are running that allows you to mill is Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , we should probably consider focusing on the +1/+1 counter theme you have going.

Considering you are running cards that have a relatively high mana cost on average, I would suggest adding some ramp cards. There are three cards I would highly suggest.

Cultivate - Searches for two lands and puts one into play right away making it so you will be able to play a majority of your cards from then on. Suggest adding 4 copies to the deck.

Llanowar Elves - is a great 1 drop creature that will help boost your ability to cast spells.

Nissa, Who Shakes the World - A strong planeswalker that will make your "Forests" tap for extra mana giving you a large boost in your mana generation and allow you to transform your lands into aggressive creatures that use +1/+1 counters. These lands will now also benefit from your proliferate functions. If you create a copy of it with Spark Double then the mana production passive is increased even more. This rare does cost about $6 as of this post and is the most expensive card I will try to recommend. Would suggest 2 copies at least but would say you would be fine adding more for the deck as it can runaway with games by itself sometimes.

To make room for all the suggested cards I would cut both your Jace planeswalkers, Jace's Ruse , Benthic Biomancer , Merfolk Skydiver , and Primal Empathy

I would also suggest trading the Simic Guildgate out for Rimewood Falls if you get decide to pickup Nissa, Who Shakes the World for the deck as they do count as forests. This means that even if you do that them for blue mana, you will still get one green mana when used for mana. You will also be able to search your deck with Nisa's final skill to add them to the battlefield which can be convenient.

Hope these suggestions help. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the suggestions or might be looking for different style of cards to adjust your deck for the mill angle.

Side note - You should mark your deck as casual format instead of standard for the site if you want to make it so your deck list doesn't light up in red as standard is a format for the most recent sets of cards.

Icbrgr on Prismatic Omen Vs Blood Moon

4 years ago

I am wondering how the interaction between Prismatic Omen and Blood Moon work.

if I have 3x Simic Guildgate , 1x Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and 1x Maze's End in play with Prismatic omen in play... then valakut will trigger upon playing any other lands and i should still be able to activate mazes end's ability as well.

but if then blood moon is played.... do the above lands still for any color but lose their abilites?.... or are they all just happy little Mountain s now?

tacolover25 on Simic Madness

4 years ago

I like your substitute for Intuition. Very nice. Personally, I would cut one Careful Study since you aren't playing Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, and in it's place I'd play an additional Just the Wind or a Savage Swipe for removal.

For budget land upgrades I would suggest running 4 Hinterland Harbor and removing 2 Simic Guildgates and 2 Woodland Stream.

Your sideboard is going to need a way to deal with other decks that toolbox the graveyard. If you cannot afford Echo of Eons I would recommend just playing a few copies of Tormod's Crypt. The burn matchup can be tough without Uro. For this reason, I recommend you also side two copies of Golgari Brownscale as well.

Job well done on making the deck more budget. I look forward to watching the deck's progress. Cheers!

smackjack on Juleokin M:tG Format

4 years ago

Are Simic Guildgate the same as Tropical Island? Can i play Child of Alara if i have 1 City of Brass and 4 Island?

Does Duskmantle Guildmage straight up win you the game?

Grind on Simic strong

4 years ago

cool deck!!
would you consider Impulse or Frantic Search over Divination?
also maybe consider Flooded Grove or Yavimaya Coast over Simic Guildgate.
also given that rashmi wants you to cast stuff on your opponents turn, Alchemist's Refuge is good.
would you consider Dream Fracture over Exclude?
also, you are already running basalt monolith and SDT - you are only one Rings of Brighthearth away from a classic draw-your-whole-deck 3 card combo. it is a pricy card however.
anyway cheers and keep having fun!!

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