Just the Wind

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Just the Wind


Return target creature to its owner's hand.

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast this for the madness cost instead of putting this into your graveyard.)

Panzerforge on Heaven's Happy Horde of Horrors!

2 years ago

Some new Zombie cards to consider!

Champion of the Perished instead of Cryptbreaker.

Wand of Orcus in favor of the niche Just the Wind.

and maybe Necroduality instead of Tidings?

Just a few thoughts, I still remember this deck being a lot to deal with either way!

tacolover25 on Simic Madness

3 years ago

I like your substitute for Intuition. Very nice. Personally, I would cut one Careful Study since you aren't playing Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, and in it's place I'd play an additional Just the Wind or a Savage Swipe for removal.

For budget land upgrades I would suggest running 4 Hinterland Harbor and removing 2 Simic Guildgates and 2 Woodland Stream.

Your sideboard is going to need a way to deal with other decks that toolbox the graveyard. If you cannot afford Echo of Eons I would recommend just playing a few copies of Tormod's Crypt. The burn matchup can be tough without Uro. For this reason, I recommend you also side two copies of Golgari Brownscale as well.

Job well done on making the deck more budget. I look forward to watching the deck's progress. Cheers!

SideBae on Atemsis, Misplay-Seeing

4 years ago

I actually think this deck looks amazing -- I'd love to play against it! I do have a few suggestions though. Mind you, they vary widely in price, so some may or may not be more applicable than others.

  1. The most straightforward way I can see to improve here is by improving your manabase. Fetches are largely unimportant in mono-colored strategies, but if you can afford them I'd definitely run them. They shuffle after Brainstorm for free, but perhaps more importantly they fetch Mystic Sanctuary, which lets you stack what you need from your graveyard on top of your deck. If the Zendikar/Onslaught fetches are out of your price range, consider slow fetches (Flood Plain, Bad River)...

  2. A card that comes to mind is Ideas Unbound. I feel like having a critical mass of cards in your hand is key to slaying someone with Atemsis, and Ideas Unbound lets you you get cards in your hand and gives you time to reveal them to an Atemsis trigger. Honestly, IDK how good it'd be -- but it's probably worth a try.

  3. Depending on how often you activate Atemsis's looting ability, you could consider running some madness cards. Circular Logic and Just the Wind come to mind, but Welcome to the Fold might be good, too.

  4. You've got some good ramp, but I think there're a few 2-drop rocks you may have overlooked. Coldsteel Heart is pretty good as an admittedly worse Arcane Signet, and Everflowing Chalice is pretty good, too. If you're willing to invest, Chrome Mox and Mox Diamond are also in most of my decks.

  5. Fierce Guardianship is a good piece of protection for your combo. I run it in most of my blue decks, and it's pretty good.

  6. One particularly salt-inducing card is Commandeer. Since it was templated before planeswalkers happened, it can steal them -- for no mana, btw. Also, as a 7-drop, it takes a more uncommon slot for mana-cost for your commander triggers.

Right. I think that's all I got. Good luck

Langass on Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

5 years ago

So with the new set coming out there’s more ninjas so they’re an obvious include- here’s my two cents on switches..

Take out Wharf Infiltrator for Ingenious Infiltrator . Easy upgrade, Wharf really doesn’t provide that much as a 2 mana 1/1, there’s plenty of decks that run 1/1 mana dorks etc that can become easy chump blockers since they’d rather block then take the damage from a ninjutsu hit. Plus the ninja has infiltrator in the name still so flavour win yay! Finally, the card draw is AMAZING. Go wide with creatures that much faster.

I would switch Thada Adel, Acquisitor for Fallen Shinobi . Again they do similar things, however I’d rather get a free cast from an opponent and get the ninja triggered abilities over her. A 3 mana 2/2 isn’t so great either, even though I understand islandwalk, if the opponents don’t run blue, it’s just essentially a wasted slot or a chump blocker - which isn’t true to the deck.

Notion Thief I would definitely substitute for Changeling Outcast . I think the text you have to pay attention to is that it says you draw the extra card in their DRAW STEPS. Outside of that, like main phases, you don’t get that draw - so it’s way too situational and really doesn’t shut much down at all... unfortunately another wasted slot. The Changeling however, is a 1 mana 1/1 unblockable that is also considered a ninja!! Woohoo ninja paradise!

Nightveil Sprite out, Pteramander in. A 1 drop is better than the 2 drop. Nightveil gives you surveil, but you’ll be ninja’ing out most of the time anyway so that’s just an extra mana to drop the creature on the field, you basically graveyard a card if you don’t want it (and when you attack with ninjas you’re blindly going in to the next card anyway), and then spending an extra mana to do it him back on the battlefield. So in that process you could’ve saved a card from hitting the grave and saved 2 mana if you had of used Pteramander. It’s in your sideboard, id definitely use it.

Etrata, the Silencer out Windfall in. You have it in sideboard, it’s amazing. Not only will you refill your hand most likely in multiplayer games, always live by the rule that your opponents current hands are better than the ones they will get. They have plans for those hands, they may have tutored combo pieces, you just got rid of that and filled your hand to throw more creatures out. DEFINITELY use this card. If you’re sceptical why Etrata, yes the first half of her text sounds amazing that you exile a creature when you do combat damage with her and if you do 3 they lose. But you shuffle her into your library after you deal combat damage. It is super inefficient unfortunately, and you just spent 4 mana on a exile a creature card when there’s way better card disruption out there, or you could have spent the 3 to cast Windfall and maybe drawn into a wincon or lots more creatures?

I’d also switch Crystal Ball for Naga Ninja. I understand how useful scrying can be in Yuriko, but I also believe this guy outplays the card by far. Instead of scrying 2 each time (would’ve cost 4 to do the first one), you could have paid 3 mana to ninjutsu naga boi out, and created a copy of him, two ninjas for 3 mana over scry 2 for 4?! Next turn you would have scry 4 for 5 mana in total, whilst hypothetically you could have dealt damage with 2 more ninjas and created 2 more copies. I think you get where I’m going with this... the value is so insane in comparison.

This is just my opinion and what I would recommend, more ninjas for less mana, go wide! By the way if you find board wipes are getting to be bad news, id look at switching out Evacuation and Just the Wind for more counters. Some of my favourites are Arcane Denial for an extra card (even if the opponent gets 2), Muddle the Mixture - Transmute is just extra gravy, and Spell Pierce the classic. There is better ones, but these are just budget ideas I thought may assist. Also I mentioned evacuation, because even though it is a nice card, I feel better having more protection for my board over returning all creatures In response to my creatures dying - but that’s just my preference!

Anyway I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on it, lemme know what you think!

Asder on Baral's Beach Blanket Bonanza!

6 years ago

Yahenni's Expertise kills Baral, Chief of Compliance so something like Rags // Riches could be better. also the only zombies you have come from Rise from the Tides and the only discard you have comes from Baral, Chief of Compliance which means that most of the time Just the Wind and Compelling Deterrence will just be 2 mana Unsummon. maybe a playset of Blink of an Eye would work better?

HomesickAli3n on Pauper UG

6 years ago

So I modified your list a bit, but I don't know if you want to see it. I'll offer some suggestions and leave a list at the bottom if you're interested in what it could look like.

  1. I'd cut Hooting Mandrills. You're deck seems more interested in getting Threshold online. This card is contrary to that strategy and I think you found your beatdown body in Arrogant Wurm, which is just strictly better with trample.

  2. After testing Rites of Refusal, I think it is just too cute and clunky. I found that this iteration of the deck doesn't run enough pure card advantage to justify "2-for-1"ing yourself. 8 counterspells may be enough anyway, but if you feel like you could use more, running Counterspell or Daze aren't bad options. They come with a little risk, not being mono U, but could be worth it.

  3. I think you can cut Werebear. Breaks my heart to suggest it, but it might be risky to over-saturate your deck with threshold creatures. He's more vulnerable than Nimble Mongoose in the early game and I've already mentioned that the Arrogant Wurm seems like your 4/4 of choice. You aren't an aggro deck so, rather than just throwing a ton of 4/4's in the opponent's face, the tempo deck's concern is laying down select threats in the early to mid game and protecting/disrupting your way to victory.

  4. I've found that with Careful Study and other looting effects, I'd rather have card advantage that gave me more to discard to cards like Waterfront Bouncer and Wild Mongrel. Accumulated Knowledge or Deep Analysis are good cards for stocking your hand to give strength to your discard engines.

  5. Merfolk Looter and Obsessive Search feel super good in conjunction. The looter offers another instant speed dicard outlet that isn't as mana hungry as Waterfront Bouncer and, when combined with madness, it reads "tap: draw a card." Obsessive Search offers increased value to your discard engines and helps you to dig for relevant cards.

  6. Consider Just the Wind. It's effectively a Vapor Snag in your deck which is a tempo staple in pauper. It can clear the way for attacks or save one of your own creatures while fizzling a removal spell.

  7. AEther Tradewinds is another card I was looking at. This can bounce back pesky non-creature that dodged one of your counterspells the first time. Once again, fizzles removal while tempoing your opponent. Also, never hurts to have Basking Rootwalla back in hand.

  8. Lastly, I toyed around with a mana base that is slightly slower but much more consistent. Ash Barrens and Thornwood Falls offer you fixing. Simic Growth Chamber does this as well and allows you the ability to cut back on lands (as one Growth chamber is effectively two lands on one card). Being able to bounce back a basic you no longer need to discard to one of your engines, all while hitting your land drop, is also not half bad.

Deck List: UG Madness Sample Deck

PS. Let me know if you have any sideboard questions.

Saint_Charles_VII on dont even try me

6 years ago

Spell Pierce, Mana Leak and Rune Snag are generally good, pretty cheap counterspells you could use.

I would recommend replacing Aberrant Researcher  Flip with Delver of Secrets if you don't mind the jump in price. Otherwise, you might want to just drop it as its cost is a little high for its impact.

You might want to drop Baral's Expertise as you rarely want to cast a card with it at sorcery speed and without that benefit, it isn't very good.

Going down a couple Rise from the Tides wouldn't hurt as you don't really need to cast it multiple times and drawing it early is just a dead card.

Scourge of Fleets is similar, so you might want to drop it entirely or go down to one.

I also recommend dropping Turn Aside, Supplant Form and Just the Wind.

Adding more Thing in the Ice  Flip would be good if you have some.

You want to drop down to 24 or so islands.

This should get you to around 60 cards.

aleister23 on Exodia, Obliterate!

7 years ago

Yeah i see your point. Its just that you need time to set up your alignment and against aggro (mainly zombies) i am not sure if you can hold long enough till you are rdy without more removal. I mean... You are black after all :-) and as much as i like drake heaven i am not sure for it as a viable alternative finisher here... But hey, let us know how it works out!

Btw saffronolive did an against the odds on it, its a little outdated, but maybe you find some ideas

If you want to stay blue and keep the engulfs, maybee use stuff like Just the Wind or Baral's Expertise or even Unsummon

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