Ancient Brass Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ancient Brass Dragon

Creature — Elder Dragon


Whenever this deals combat damage to a player, roll a d20. When you do, put any number of target creature cards with total mana value/converted mana cost X or less from graveyards onto the battlefield under your control, where X is the result. (Remember that MTG spindowns are not well weight balanced, so please roll a die that isn't an MTG spindown.)

Azoth2099 on Slingin' Counters

6 months ago

One more thing! Ancient Brass Dragon!

jameswarlord on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens

9 months ago

Azoth2099 I've never tried Moxfield! I pre-emptively imported the deck in there ( just in case but no idea how to go about co-brewing it :)

For a list of cards I wouldn't really like to part with from playing as I enjoy them quite a lot and always play I made this little list:

wallisface on D&D Deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • A bunch of these cards aren't modern legal - specifically Ancient Brass Dragon, Ancient Copper Dragon, Jolene, the Plunder Queen, Ramos, Dragon Engine, The Ur-Dragon, Monster Manual, Vexing Puzzlebox, Sivitri, Dragon Master, Burgeoning, Court of Bounty, and Demonic Tutor.

  • Your mana curve is very high here. Pretty much all Modern decks can’t justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this. Your deck has a whopping 31 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is faar too much, and will lead to some really, really slow/clumsy plays.

  • 12 lands is criminally low. As reference, Burn decks play 20 lands and only play cards costing 1-2 mana. Your deck in particular looks like it needs a lot of mana to do much of anything, and likely needs 24 lands as an absolute minimum, even after lowering the mana curve. Your deck is going to be currently doing nothing with such a crazily-low land count and such a crazily-high mana curve

  • You’re running a LOT of cards as 1-ofs and 2-ofs, which will lead to massive consistency issues and an overall weaker deck. Going forwards, i’d advise you aim to instead play playsets (4-ofs) of those cards that matter most. A deck should usually aim to be mostly playsets of cards.

Guerric on [Primer] Unleash the Dragon! *Updated*

1 year ago

Hi everyone! At long last I've updated the list with some of the ancient dragons that I think will work best in the deck list.

The first is, unsurprisingly, Ancient Silver Dragon. I've long wanted a good card draw piece on a stick for this deck, and this is the best we could have hoped for. It's unfortunate that it gives us no maximum hand size since it will be harder to discard dragons that way, but we'll take it anyway. We cut Spellbound Dragon for it. This card was always great utility since we could discard a dragon with it, and at least once it gave me enough commander damage to win the game. That being said, it's one of the weaker links in the deck so he's retired with honors.

The second is actually Ancient Gold Dragon. Kudos to AJohnney101 for pointing this out! It's not just good with Dragon Tempest. It's also good for our other cards that care about the number of dragons attacking, such as Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury who can easily kill a table with enough dragons on board, or to a lesser extend Dromoka, the Eternal. It can also wipe any board with Silumgar, the Drifting Death or add some 6/6s to the 1/1s with Utvara Hellkite. There's just a lot of combos and lines of play here that are really good. We'll cut Kairi, the Swirling Sky for it which isn't super great and certainly nowhere near as great as this.

Ancient Brass Dragon intrigued me initially, but at best it's a second copy of Teneb, the Harvester that doesn't take mana to activate, but which will whiff sometimes. Having a second copy of Teneb is considerable, but the risk of whiffing is as well, so I'm still on the fence.

Ancient Copper Dragon is also amazing and I wouldn't critique anyone adding that, but I think I'm good at the moment with Old Gnawbone and Savage Ventmaw for rampy dragons and am not at the present time investing a slot or money in it.

I also think AJohnney101's suggestion of Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm is intriguing. I can definitely see the value in making copies of not just Miirym but other dragons we want to reanimate, and there would be a lot of fun to be had with mass reanimation on this one. The ward is also not nothing, as this could also be played to nullify removal at Scion if someone holds up one for Path to Exile of can't otherwise pay to overcome the ward. I'll definitely keep this in mind!


Thanks for all the fabulous suggestions! My replies are mostly in the update list above. I also agree that late game we can usually run this deck just fine without Scion. He's a great tool to get us going, but we have lots of tricks to close out the game and a great toolbox.


I don't have Fellwar Stone because I am in green and don't really need many mana rocks. Rampant Growth and its many clones do most of my work here. I've only included Chromatic Lantern because of the incredible utility it provides to my mana base. I can see the case for Faithless Looting or as AJohnney101 suggested Amass the Components and the like. That being said, I in dislike in general one-off effects in a deck like this which often just aren't as useful as a piece that could give me repeat value, but that might be just me!


Thanks for the compliment! For the BG dragons see the update above

As usual, thanks for all of your valuable contributions to the deck and primer. They appreciated!

lcarl3035 on Paper Tiamat dnd deck

1 year ago

I meant Ancient Brass Dragon, sorry, the ancient dragons are confusing.

faustodemambo on The Ur-Dragon, quest for 100%

2 years ago


Jeah I ment Atarka, World Render. Alle these dragon names are tough. Im currently trying to find cuts for him, Ancient Brass Dragon and Ancient Bronze Dragon. I’m looking to cut Manaform Hellkite for sure but the other 2 are hard as moet cards are pretty unique.

Mutavault is interesting but I want my lands to tap for colours personally as playing 5c can be hard

Mystic Remora has been underperforming for me and I’ll probably change it for Elemental Bond as this is more on theme with being a steam train. And it will draw me more cards consistently

Temple of the Dragon Queen has been pretty good for me this far. But I can see it getting changed for the red green 2 sided land as those are the colours I choose most of the times. But it has been good to me so for now it stays

LastEdegy on Jarad vod Savo

2 years ago

@vehiclemaster - Cemetery Tampering looks slow, after casting this, it doesn't affect anything yet.. might playtest it first.. Shakedown Heavy has a lot of hoops to go through just draw a card.. and Topiary Stomper is a one time ramp only, and doesn't affect the board if i draw it very early.. The dispensable creatures i have for ramp feels better.. thanks for the suggestions though..

@RoxieRoxie - Ambitious Dragonborn is lacking compared to other big creatures i have already included in the deck.. like Carrion Grub, Old Stickfingers and Wall of Blood are much better.. Ancient Brass Dragon looks like a fun card though.. might be a card that overturn the situation of the game.. might consider it, but not soon.. since it's still costs high as of the moment.. thanks for the suggestions!

@Tiyos99 - thanks for the suggestions.. although Circle of the Land Druid is an okay disposable land recursion and self milling cheap creature, other options already included in the deck is much better w/o waiting for it to die.. Gray Slaad is not good.. aside from the adventure side of it, the payoff of having 4 or more creatures in the graveyard is underwhelming..

Gilver on Between Bad And Worse

2 years ago

Well, Sol Ring is really the only exception and has a place in every single deck (included in every precon) xD. Things like Mana Crypt is what I am really talking about. The problem with Ancient Brass Dragon is that you don't really want to cheat it in early game, however, it can be great during mid to late game to help you revive your dead BigStuff or dead threats of your opponents. Gyruda, Doom of Depths helps me to build up graveyards and is great if you can cheat in Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni or Wrexial, the Risen Deep later on to use the milled cards of your opponents. I was unsure about Ancient Silver Dragon, it is acutally an insane effect but cards like Magus of the Wheel could be fearful if you draw 10+ cards every turn or you might even end up with 0 cards in your deck at some point xD. I was really not a fan of its effect but it is still a pretty good option to run in Satoru Umezawa. Thanks for the suggestions, appreciate it!

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