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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Hero of Oxid Ridge
Creature — Human Knight
Battle cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.)
Whenever Hero of Oxid Ridge attacks, creatures with power 1 or less can't block this turn.

Frosto on
2 years ago
Vindictive Vampire,Bastion of Remembrance,Falkenrath Noble,Blood Artist,Hellrider,Kardur, Doomscourgeand there is alsoImpact Tremorsas extra damage effects.Midnight Reaper,Morbid Opportunist,Skullclampas extra card draw.Legion Warboss,Siege-Gang Commander,Tilonalli's Summoner,Loyal Apprenticeas token generators.Goblin Wardriver,Ogre Battledriver,Hero of Oxid Ridge,First Day of Classas pump effects.Swiftfoot Boots,Lightning GreavesandKaya's Ghostform. Some ramp such asWayfarer's BaubleandBurnished Hart.
Slashdance on
Endless Assault
2 years ago
Removed: Ogre Battledriver, Leonin Warleader, Solemn Simulacrum, Godo, Bandit Warlord
Added: Arashin Foremost, Hero of Oxid Ridge, Peerless Samurai, Mangara, the Diplomat
The first three creatures we removed and added were all for efficiency and synergy, as I feel the added creatures are just plain better in this deck that what they replaced.
However, specifically, we took out Godo, Bandit Warlord (even though it kinda hurt), because it really only creates an extra attack for Samurai. We could, however, just not attack with some creatures and save them for the 2nd attack phase Godo would generate, but that doesn't feel efficient and stops our commander from doing what he's here to do. Seeing that we do not have as many Samurai as I initially was hoping for this deck (pitifully few, honestly), Godo just doesn't do very much work here.
In it's place we add in Mangara, the Diplomat, and in a multi-player game we can hopefully generate a bunch of card draw would be fantastic for us. Maybe it won't live long, but that can be said for just about anything, and we never have to actually with him to create the card advantage. Remember, Isshin, Two Heavens as One's ability can double ANY attacking trigger, even if that attacker isn't controlled by us, so long as the actual trigger does belong to us.
TheVectornaut on
red and black
3 years ago
I second the idea of cutting down to just 60 cards in 2 colors. Then, I'd try to identify the main gameplan you like to follow when playing the deck. That will inform any cuts, additions, and other revisions you make down the line.
The first archetype that jumps out at me is definitely knights. They are often Mardu () these days, but just Rakdos () should work just fine for casual play. You already have
Belle of the Brawl
Barrow Witches
Charity Extractor
Embereth Paladin
Locthwain Paladin
Garna, the Bloodflame
Ogre Errant
Raging Redcap
, and
Tentative Connection
which can definitely fit such a style. Most of the lower cost creatures and spells wouldn't be that bad either. I'll list some cards from the modern card pool under $5 that I think could be strong additions to such a deck.
Ashenmoor Liege
Bloodcrazed Paladin
Cavalier of Flame
Cavalier of Night
Champion of Dusk
Elite Headhunter
Embereth Shieldbreaker
Foulmire Knight
Hanweir Lancer
Hero of Oxid Ridge
Knight of the Ebon Legion
Kulrath Knight
Midnight Reaper
Murderous Rider
Olivia, Mobilized for War
Stormfist Crusader
, and
Weaselback Redcap
are all knight creatures with various effects, costs, and price points that I see as playable. For more general knight synergy,
Blacklance Paragon
Fervent Champion
Sigiled Sword of Valeron
Tournament Grounds
, and my favorite,
Smitten Swordmaster
are options too. Toss in some solid removal like
Lightning Bolt
, or
and you have the recipe for a strong tribal aggro deck.
The other major archetype I see being possible here is some sort of angel/dragon/demon big stuff deck. The problem is that such a deck is likely to be much slower, making it tougher to keep up in 1v1 games. Plus, a lot of those cards are legendary, so they tend to come with a hefty real-world price tag. Still, I've seen Kaalia of the Vast do some very scary stuff in casual. Such a deck would support your larger creatures as well as spells like Cauldron Dance and Victimize .
DadHumanPraetor on
4 years ago
Adding Sword of War and Peace and cutting a creature, probably Hero of Oxid Ridge, but idk maybe something else gotta think about it.
Mazarkus on
Mardu Balan
4 years ago
2020-8-17 Changes
Out: Swamp, Hero of Oxid Ridge, Burnished Hart, By Force
In: Temple of Silence, Sword of Sinew and Steel, Fervent Champion, Basri's Lieutenant
griffstick on
Iroas, Menace to society
4 years ago
- Angelic Skirmisher
- Hero of Oxid Ridge
- Knollspine Dragon
- Neheb, the Eternal
- Victory's Herald
- Altar of the Pantheon
- Argentum Armor
- Rest in Peace
Those cards are on my chopping block.
Elie on
Iroas, Menace to society
4 years ago
Hey griffstick! I'm currently making a Iroas Deck based on yours, and I can't help but recommend this:
Fireflux Squad: seeing how we've got quite the "on attack" effects, this guy really helps to put your big creatures on the field (for free, I might add) and get their effects right away! You have to exile a creature for it, but if you've got your tokens going just exile one of them, it's no downside at all!
Mangara, the Diplomat: good card advantage, opponents will think twice before going off with spells/attacking you with mass armies!
Shadowspear: amazing equipment, +1/+1 lifelink + trample, and it has anti-board protection for just 1 MANA?! Strongly suggest this one.
Embercleave: if you already have some creatures going and Iroas is unblocked, flashing this on for a whopping 16 commander damage for ONLY 2 MANA? INSANE! Even if they so desire to block Iroas, it also gives trample! It will hurt! Not to mention it gives you 2 red mana devotion!
As to what I think is best to remove for these:
Argentum Armor: the effect is nice and +6/+6 is dangerous, but the cost is too high and it might come too late to be useful.
Hero of Oxid Ridge: the effect is really good to deal with all the 1/1 blocks that could slow down your victory, but it seems like an overkill considering Iroas' menace.
Wheel of Fate: while gaining a fresh hand to go off is nice and all, having your opponents do the same might actually hinder your plans. As chaotic as this card can be, there's enough draw power in the deck, and I see this is kinda slow.
Basilisk Collar: considering most of the time you will be abusing Iroas' Indestructability, most equipped items go on him, and having deathtouch on him is not that much useful, since people either won't want to block it anyways or he's strong enough to kill most creatures thrown to block him. As great as this can be on other creatures as well, when you attack with them and Iroas is out, they also don't take damage, meaning they generally won't be blocked. All of this makes deathtouch kinda underpowered. Lifelink won't be a lost trait if you swap it with Shadowspear, and it costs the same! (Also, trample is nice!)
These are my suggestions, hope you like it! Always looking for updates on this deck of yours, I love Boros.
Barbarian_Sun_Pope on
Boros Aggro Revisited
4 years ago
The Hero of Oxid Ridge is good (especially with the lieutenant), though I don't think it is better than the Spark Trooper imo because the latter works much better after a board wipe. I'd probably keep the cost of most of the deck at 3 mana and below. Though I don't think Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice would be a bad choice to top off the curve. Hellrider could also be a good top end here as it has haste and guarantees damage on the swing it comes in if it isn't dealt with. Hope this helps.
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