Akroan Hoplite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Akroan Hoplite

Creature — Human Soldier

Whenever Akroan Hoplite attacks, it gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of attacking creatures you control.

Crow_Umbra on

9 months ago

Hi there, welcome to Isshin brewing! He can be a blast to play, especially once you get hone in on what you want to focus on. Since you're still trying to cut down to your final 100, I was wondering if you have a general theme you wanted to try out for Isshin, and what your general budget overall/per card is? Isshin is a lot of fun as a go-wide tokens build, but his wording also allows for forced combat control.

In looking at your build, I do have a few suggestions for cuts:

  • First of all, make sure to list Isshin as your Commander in the edit view by labeling with CMDR with an asterisk on either side of ""CMDR". The edit feature also has some formatting guides to help.

  • I think you can cut Alesha, Who Smiles at Death. I love her as a commander, and used to run her before converting her into Isshin about a year ago. Based off how her ability & Isshin's trigger interact, you would have to pay for her ability for each additional time Isshin triggers her.

  • Akroan Hoplite and/or Alpine Houndmaster could both be potential cuts. Their buff is board dependent to pop, and they lack Trample or Menace to really connect with their big damage.

  • I'd recommend swapping Glint-Sleeve Siphoner with Breena, the Demagogue. Glint-Sleeve is kinda slow and unreliable to get the draw. Although Breena can benefit your opponents, they may be less likely to attack you if they can benefit, meanwhile Breena will help grow threats on your board. She's def gotten huge in a few of my games and helped me close them out.

  • Shakedown Heavy is a card I was initially excited for, but soon realized that it can be removed from combat on its initial trigger. Also a kinda awkward means to draw 1 card.

  • I'd recommend swapping Plasma Jockey with Hammers of Moradin. Hammers of Moradin put in work, and the Myriad trigger pops off an additional time with Isshin, meaning you tap down 2 creatures per board, and make an additional Myriad token for opponents not defending your OG Hammers of Moradin.

  • Bane of Bala Ged is on the higher end of the curve and could potentially be cut. From playing Isshin for over a year now, I think ideally his curve should top out at 6cmc. It makes it more ideal to pop off multiple spells per turn in the mid-late game, instead of 1 bomb-y creature that might eat removal.

I hope these handful of suggested cuts are helpful to get you started. Would be happy to chat through some more potential cuts if you're interested. Best of luck with your deck, Isshin is a lot of fun!

Last_Laugh on Smack Smack, Isshin Attack

2 years ago

The first thing that's jumping out at me is how many high drop creatures you're running. I bothered to do the math and your creature avg. cmc comes in at a whopping 5.04. I suggest more 3 drop and under creatures like Hanweir Garrison  Meld, Skyknight Vanguard, Soltari Champion, Akroan Hoplite, Honored Crop-Captain, Breena, the Demagogue, Captain Lannery Storm, Coastline Marauders, and Mirror Entity while removing some of your highest cmc creatures.

Feel free to check out my list for inspiration. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Isshin - Army of Darkness

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Boros Aggro Revisited

4 years ago

I think you definitely got the right idea here with the changes. Lightning Helix is definitely better than Searing Spear. Have you considered Thalia's Lieutenant? It pairs really well with the Champion of the Parish on T2.

If you're leaning more towards the battalion route, I would suggest Akroan Hoplite (pairs great with Silverblade) and Hanweir Garrison. Though the Garrison can be a little slow (unless paired with the Mauler), it does pump the Champion and Lieutenant pretty consistently.

As far as spells go, I would suggest Brave the Elements and Invigorated Rampage (+ Silverblade bonded creature) that can get surprise wins out of nowhere. Hope this helps.

Swilliam on Boros humans

4 years ago

You can probably afford to play a couple more two drops. Swiftblade Vindicator is a monster to deal with and Akroan Hoplite could become a threat with how wide your board state gets. I would also trade out one of your one drops for a couple copies of Thraben Inspector. It is not as aggressive and provides at least some card advantage. If you are able to recur it with Lurrus of the Dream-Den you could get some extra clues and triggers on Thalia's Lieutenant.

BahamutPRME on Casual Greek Deck

5 years ago

So I'm trying to make a deck for my friend for his birthday and he likes Greek Mythology, specifically Poseidon, Hades, and Zues in this order. I'm wanting to stay in the Theros block and have 3 deck ideas but I need some advice and criticism because I don't want to make him a weak deck.

Here are what I've made:

The first one is using Heliod because I made this first and forgot there is a god that looks like zues but in MTG Heliod is the "Leader" or Highest ranking or whatever.

The second one is using Keranos and white humans so its 4 colors instead of 3.

The third one is sticking to the block and theme but also sticking to heroic and scry.

I have always been bad about including a safe amount of land in my decks so that is something i really need help with. I also wasn't sure if this was the best way to show the decks or if i should've just copy and pasted each text.

Thank you!

Greek Deck 1

Greek Deck 2

Greek Deck 3

Sorry for the long post. Wasn't sure how to do this.

DrkNinja on Tajic, Legion's Edgelord [Boardwipe Aggro, Primer]

5 years ago

Lets start with your CMC. In order for an aggro deck to be fast, the mana curve for the deck needs to be incredibly low to the ground. With that in mind here are some creatures that are all sub-three CMC:

You do also need some cards to add support which you have a few of but these three are pretty hefty; Iroas, God of Victory , Purphoros, God of the Forge and Hero of Bladehold .

You are also gonna need to give your creatures haste, and one of my favorite cards does just that for next to nothing; Mass Hysteria .

Here are a few cards I also think would be really good support, or are staples in this archetype:

I know your goal isn't to nessecarily win via commander damage but these two cards I find are helpful and threaten any opponent usually... Sword of Feast and Famine and Sword of Fire and Ice

Lastly... I know you said you avoided it intentionally but... I think it was a mistake... You need more ramp. The more ramp you have the faster you can play dudes the faster you can kill someone. So Mana Crypt , Sol Ring , Boros Signet , Chrome Mox , etc. I think you should play at least 5 ramp artifacts to really help you get that overwhelming force, because on T4 you now have to live in fear of WoGs

Ok that's all... he said after posting a page long comment... Sorry. <3 If you need help with cuts anything above 4 cmc should be the first things to go with the exception of Cathar's. get your CMC as close to 2 as you can.

DespairFaction on Tajic, slayer of control Deck

5 years ago

Hey, so Ive actually been working on the Boros strategy guide. And you exhibit a problem of one of the first topics that Im going to be talking about. Which is trying to build aggro the same way you would for RDW in standard. This is a big issue that a lot of people run into when building Boros, and it shows up very frequently with Iroas. Anyway, ill have a whole video on that. But that main point is here that your primary damage shouldn't be coming from 1 and 2 drops. The bulk of your damage should come from 4-7 drops. So you'll need to go bigger than what you have right here. Not so big that you get blown out by counterspells and removal, but anything you land into play should have at least some impact. Your 1 and 2 drop creatures should be all about abilities, not about damage. A few examples would be cards like puresteel paladin, stone forge mystic, and grand abolisher. Awesome abilities, and although they may attack when its profitable to do so, damage isn't their primary purpose. And when you think about it, of course low cost creatures can't live up to the damage that something like an Aurelia or Gisela will pump out. So the summary, small creatures should be about value and ability, bigger creatures are more about the damage, but should still have good abilities. One last point, while it is possible to aggro out a table on turn 5 or 6 with something like Aurelia, which I've done. Its so so weak to removal. One board wipe can completely crumble a deck like this, so we want to mitigate that risk as much as possible.

What all of that means is that we want to be cutting low costed creatures that don't give us much benefit, and replace them with higher costed things that have a lot more thump. So heres what I would cut: Leonin Vanguard , Boros Challenger , Fresh-Faced Recruit , Sun Sentinel , id probably also cut the Akroan Hoplite . There are times when it can be good, but there are enough times where its not good that I don't love it.

As far as creatures to add, you can take a look at my Tajic list. I believe I got really clunky around 4 mana, lots of good soldiers there. Also like Lena at the top to protect against board wipes. 2 that I missed were the exile creatures one, and the 6 mana lord one.

You'll generally want the creature count to be between 25-30 for a swarm style deck, but if you wanted to be a bit more controlling then you can drift down to 20 or so.

As far as stopping control. here are the things to think about. You don't need to kill a control deck on turn 5 to be successful. You can kill them turn 9 or 10 as long as you keep them off whatever their plan is, which generally comes down to removal. I cant mention it enough times how much I love running wear/tear, crush contraband, and return to dust all in the same deck, usually with an austere command to boot.

Some classic control breaker cards are Grand Abolisher you have the flail already, and Price of Glory . Becareful with price of glory. Thalia is good against the free counterspells if those are an issue. Cavern of souls is pricey but helpful for a tribal deck.

Another thing to consider is that you'll generally have a lot of creatures on the ground, so you can block for planes walkers. And walkers are usually good for control. The best ones in boros are usually Chandra, Torch of Defiance , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and Chandra, Flamecaller is very reasonable, oh and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar . Either Nahiri is also fine, but not usually overwhelming.

And one final bit of control breaking Keldon Firebombers is a soldier. You can decide if thats a route you want to go.

At the macro level, your land count will need to come up as your deck gets higher on cmc. 37 lands is the place to be. Your spell count could come down slightly, I would consolidate the artifact/enchantment removal into the 3 mentioned above, unless you have some really meta specific things you are tuning for.

Again check out my list for some interesting adds. My list isn't perfect, theres a few things I would change. I probably need to cut a few artifacts and creatures for wear/tear, crush contraband, return to dust and also just smooth out the curve a bit more. But its a very good start.

Best of luck!

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