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Aurelia, Mentor of Season 1 Anime Protagonists

Commander / EDH* Aggro Casual RW (Boros)


So I pulled a foil aurelia out of my pre-release and needed a RW deck for the chromatic challenge and I really enjoy how mentor plays, I know it will be diluted in commander but I think it can make a nice change.

Our Main goal for this deck is to rush the opponent down as best we can with our mentors picking up our doublestrike weenies like the season 1 anime protagonists they are and then showing them how to unlock their true potential (which in this scenario is beating face). This deck is pretty much the usual for boros, beat face, extra turns only we are gonna do it by trying to use the new mentor ability.

I had to take out two of the more sub-par mentors (Barging Sergeant and Blade Instructor) mainly because I felt they weren't worth the effort to have them trade against a 2/2 or 1/1, Hammer Dropper will probably be making a swift exist as well but for the moment he can stay.

We will mainly be trying to mentor the doublestrikers to get the most value out of them. We want to try and equip our mentors with things like Ring of Valkas, Ring of Thune and Sword of the Animist so we can keep our mentor procs up and generate double value from from the equipment, more so the rings than the sword.

Goblin Banneret and another mentor can keep each other mentoring forever, just remember that you need to pump the goblin before declaring attackers if you want to mentor with him.

To deal with the main issue of this deck which will be running out of steam as we have like 4 cards above 6 cards above 4 mana we have to try and keep some draw on the board. I have kept the Boros Locket instead of cutting it, because it is sub-par but the drawing 2 for 4 isn't terrible in a stitch and it can be brought back with Sun Titan if you get into that situation. We have Skullclamp which works with our token generators, Mind's Eye and Magus of the Wheel. If I get to a stage where I think hammer dropper isn't cutting it, I will throw in Wheel of Fate instead to get more draw.


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90% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens Adorned Pouncer 4/4 B, Goblin 1/1 R, Morph 2/2 C, Soldier 1/1 RW
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