"Krav is so good!" they say. "He sacrifices any number of creatures for only one mana!! Wow!!! So cool!!!!"

But nobody cares about Regna. "A 4/4 flier for 6? Why does she cost 6? That's so expensive. She's so bad." They are wrong.

Regna is awesome! She makes 1/1s! Yes, the plural matters. Not just one 1/1, but two! And what's this? Each end step?? EACH, not just one! Regna is strong! Regna is cool! Regna is awesome!!

This deck cares about gaining life each turn so you can make tons of tokens with Regna. Sure, you can sacrifice them to Krav, but why kill your own creatures when you can use them to kill your opponents? Make as many as you can between two of your turns and drop an anthem (or two!) to kick the door down with some serious go-wide damage.


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