Trudge Garden

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Trudge Garden


Whenever you gain life, you may pay . If you do, create a 4/4 green Fungus Beast creature token with trample.

DemonDragonJ on Advice for a Green/White EDH …

1 month ago

I am planning to build a green/white EDH deck, with Sigarda, Host of Herons as the general, so I would like to ask for advice on constructing it.

Most decks that have the original Sigarda as the general tend to be either "Voltron" decks (i.e., making the general as powerful as possible) or "enchantress" decks (i.e., focusing on enchantments), so I would like to make my deck slightly different from the typical Sigarda deck; specifically, I plan for the deck to have three major themes: a focus on gaining life, but not quite to the extent of my Liesa, Shroud of Dusk deck; a focus on generating creature tokens, but not to the extent of my Ghired, Conclave Exilefoil deck; and a focus on putting +1/+1 counters on creatures, but not to the extent of my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck; in other words, it shall be a "jack of all trades" deck, but with plenty of synergy and overlap between those themes. Sigarda does not directly contribute to any of those themes, but I chose her as the general, because she is very difficult to remove, once she is on the battlefield, and I feel that this type of creative and unusual deckbuilding is good and should be encouraged.

First, for gaining life, I am considering cards that make it easy to do so, such as True Conviction, Dazzling Angel, Archangel of Thune, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Sunscorch Regent, Oracle of Nectars, and Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn, as well as cards that offer payoffs/rewards for gaining life, such as (again) Archangel of Thune, Lathiel, Trelesarra, moon dancer, Blossoming Bogbeast or Trudge Garden.

Second, for generating creature tokens, I am considering Vernal Sovereign, Aura Mutation, Trudge Garden (again), Selesnya Guildmage (possibly), or Scepter of Celebration, and, for cards that reward me for generating tokens, I am considering Juniper Order Ranger, Cathars' Crusade, Dazzling Angel, and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice.

Third, for placing +1/+1 counters on creatures, I am considering Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Archangel of Thune, Juniper Order Ranger, Cathars' Crusade, Sunscorch Regent, Forgotten Ancient (possibly), and (possibly) Vigor, and, for cards that allow me to use those counters as payment for other effects, I am considering Fertilid, Mindless Automaton, (possibly) Ooze Flux.

Notice how many of those cards have synergy and overlap, allowing me to pursue three themes in a single deck, and I also plan to have a number of generically good cards that I use in many of my decks, such as True Conviction, Mirari's Wake, Seedborn Muse, or Sigarda, Font of Blessings, as well as several cards that I have not used in any of my previous decks, thus far, such as Hydra Broodmaster, Pledge of Loyalty, Camaraderie, Commander's Plate, Behemoth Sledge, Shield of the Oversoul, or Veteran Beastrider. I also am considering putting either Valkyrie Harbinger or Kalonian Hydra into this deck, but I do not wish for this deck to be too similar to any of my other decks, so I would prefer to avoid putting those cards into this deck, if I can avoid doing so, and I also am not yet certain about Doubling Season, staff of completion, or Selvala, Explorer Returned, since those cards would be awesome in this deck, but I do not wish to use them in every deck in which they would be a good addition.

What does everyone else say about this? Do you think that this is an interesting idea, and what suggestions can you make, for me? Thank you, very much, and I certainly am awaiting everyone’s responses!

SaberTech on My 3-headed baby girl

10 months ago

A card that I would recommend for a deck like this is Trudge Garden since the tokens it produces trigger the lifegain from your commander or other Soul Warden type creatures, giving you another potential activation. You could very quickly build up a large board state over a few turns.

Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn might also be worth considering. Since its ability triggers at the end of opponents' turns too, having Soul Warden and other similar cards on the board means that Lathiel will also grow your creatures in response to all the creatures your opponents play. Lathiel combines really well with Spike Feeder to gain you increasing amounts of life at the end of each person's turn. I don't know if you are purposefully avoiding using infinite combos though, so it should be noted that Spike Feeder combos with Heliod, Sun-Crowned to gain you infinite life.

sanddeviljack on Order of Trostani (Token/Convoke)

1 year ago

Some ideas for you:

At least 5 more lands. Tro is mana hungry. I would suggest Mana Reflection and Mirari's Wake as well.

Trudge Garden will make you a board quickly once you get a lifegain trigger. Another option would be Divine Visitation.

Populating a 4/4 or 5/5 or 6/6 costs the same as populating a 1/1. Another benefit to focusing on larger token creatures is that Elemental Bond and Garruk's Uprising will trigger reliably for the extra card draw you are looking for.

The creatures with Myriad are worth considering. You can populate the token before the end of combat, and the one(s) you make this way will be permanent. Second Harvest is a card that can guarantee a dominant board.

You've got a lot of cool ideas here. Tro was one of my first, so she's got a special place in my heart, you know? I hope you're loving her too!

Gidgetimer on Most non-infinite damage you've ever …

2 years ago

sanddeviljack You can simplify the math by responding to the Cathars' Crusade trigger to do the next Trudge Garden activation instead of putting all the activations on the stack at the same time or waiting for everything to resolve after each activation. It is a bit of more complex sequencing to make the math easier and the powers bigger. So it is your decision on if you want a little more complicated sequencing or a little more complicated math.

sanddeviljack on Most non-infinite damage you've ever …

2 years ago

I was playing my Naya enchantress deck and my board was overflowing onto the next guy's playmat. I resolved a creature spell with a Soul Sister, on board. I followed that by tapping Serra's Sanctum for 24, plus the rest of my lands, and made 68 fungus beasts with Trudge Garden and 2 token doublers. Cathars' Crusade made the math really annoying (4@72/72, 4@68/68, 4@64/64, etc. down to 4@8/8), but since I had Hammer of Purphoros for haste, we shuffled up and played another game. Only just now calculated it out: 2720 just from the fungus beast tokens.

VayraTheGatherer on Trostani, Selesnya's Voice EDH

2 years ago

How about more life gained/turn token triggers? The Book of Exalted Deeds Trudge Garden and the like? All you need is that initial creature and then you populate to token heaven.

marco-online on Hosenfurz

2 years ago

Ok I just realized I can not edit that comments :) since the gameplan looks now clearer to me I would change some cuts and make some other suggestions.

Caller of the Pack Very expensive, After you tapped out and if it sticks ( survives one whole round ) you only got more fatties out of it and the tokens will leave the field then!. -> Armada Wurm costs less, has more devotion towards your gods Karametra, God of Harvests, Heliod, Sun-Crowned and the token sticks

Zendikar Farguide Unplayable mediocre evasion. no synergy. Thats just bulk. -> replace this with Thragtusk with the same cost you get a token and life gain

Impervious Greatwurm is strictly MORE-WIN. -> Instead of a meaningless fatty I would include a fatty that helps at least your creatures and tokens ( If you manage to fokus on something here.. ) Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Nyx-Fleece Ram slow and only viable in enchantress or lifegain ( well seems you would like lifegain ) I would suggest Authority of the Consuls instead. No one want to kill Authority of the Consuls and it triggers all the time I have seen it. There is also Soul's Attendant in creature form but the enchantment is stictly better ( it sticks around as an engine )

Trudge Garden this card is just playable if you commit more to lifegain... so yeah lets do that. dont cut this anymore pls.

Conclave Guildmage This fragile setup card has no synergy rate. Token 4cmc to expensive and tapping for trample is something you will mathematically never really benefit from. I would replace it with some real oomph here -> The Great Henge ( Its really broken )

Jewel Thief is pure garbage for green ramp. You play green man. USE IT BETTER -> I would to another ramp which is also a library fix and lifegain. good ol Courser of Kruphix

Heal the Scars is way to expensive to hold back for a battle trick. Unplayable. -> If you want stuff like that I would let it die and play -> Momentous Fall. Can also be used If it would die in your combat step.

Mirariis unplayable here. dead card. That fits in a blue wizard spellslinger/artifact deck consider the very versatile Knight of Autumn

There is Blossoming Sands or Graypelt Refuge to have more chance of lifegain triggers

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer as far as the math went ( or is ) you dont get any meaningfull recursive life but you can try him would not cut him anymore.

Second Harvest This is a card just playable if you commit 100% towards tokens. Dont make the deck bad Instead of a WINMORE play WIN. You dont want to pay 4mana for cloning one or two 1/1 or 2/2 tokens -> I would replace it with Archangel of Thune

Growing Ranks This is a card just playable if you commit 100%% towards tokens. you could replace it with some of the horses like Crested Sunmare

Knotvine Paladin maybe you misread this it does not get a +1/+1 counter it just gets +1/+1 until end of turn. This card has no synergy anf if you think it gets big because of all the creatures you have then its MORE-WIN - replace it with some protection (lacking in the deck) Heroic Intervention

Loxodon Smiter this card is just a vanilla 4/4 for you No one lets you discard this there is no reason for it replace it with protection (lacking in the deck Teferi's Protection

Murasa Rootgrazer only viable for a landfall deck. - replace with more protection Dauntless Escort note that sac: is instant speed when i is on the field.

Chatterstorm unplayable. this is no storm/spellslinger deck at all. Random suggestion here you like mean ones like Hornet Queen dontu

marco-online on Hosenfurz

2 years ago

I would think about

Growing Ranks This is a card just playable if you commit more towards tokens.

Spirit Link This card is a 'two for one' IF the creature dies also spirit link dies. 'two for one' is frustrating a lot.

Trudge Garden this card is just playable if you commit more to lifegain

Mirari is unplayable here. dead card. That fits in a blue wizard spellslinger/artifact deck

Chatterstorm unplayable. this is no storm/spellslinger deck at all.

Regrowth instead I would play Eternal Witness

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