Tendrils of Corruption

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tendrils of Corruption


Tendrils of Corruption deals X damage to target creature and you gain X life, where X is the number of Swamps you control.

BadBrains on K'rrik

2 years ago



Creeping Bloodsucker

Dread Presence

Infernal Grasp

Arcane Signet


Crux of Fate


Oblivion's Hunger



Rise of the Dread Marn

Caged Sun

Nightmare Unmaking

Maybe adds:

Tendrils of Corruption

Nightmare Lash

RockIV on Control monoblack in need for …

2 years ago

Rocks Monoblack Control

hello everyone, the last couple of days ive been updating all my decks and uploading them into tappedout.

Ive made a lot of changes to my monoblack control deck, the first deck that i post here. I like this new version but, there were a lot of cards that i love and didnt enter the deck, like Skeletal Scrying and Tendrils of Corruption. i also took Dark Ritual out of the deck. To have more space for actual spells. i also replace Gatekeeper of Malakir for Geth's Verdict, Because its cheaper, maybe having the 2/2 will be better.

also, i end up with 19 spells (instant and sorceries) and 18 creatures ( i count the Lashwrithe as a creature). Maybe for a control deck is too low removal and discard, maybe i need to have more of them and less creatures

so, what do you guys think. This is a casual deck to play with friends. but i tried to make it as strong as possible, i have strong opponents :)

all advice will be read and appreciated, but, right now i have no acces to other cards, so the maybeboard end up being all the other options.

ty all for reading

RockIV on (HELP) monoblack removal casual need …

2 years ago

New Version of the Deck Rocks Monoblack creature removal

Changed the Deck. tried to get it cheaper and more optimal. Some cards end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be the best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).

So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?

Thx to everyon that read this :D

RockIV on

2 years ago

Changed the Deck. tied to get if cheap and more optimal. Some card end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).

So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?

Thx to everyon that read this :D

wallisface on Control

2 years ago

Doesn’t look too bad. My thoughts would be:

  • ditch Corrupt, as its too high a mana cost to ever realistically see play.

  • also ditch Tendrils of Corruption, as its mana cost is just too high for what it does.

  • probably go up to 24 lands. Gray Merchant of Asphodel is your main threat, so you need to make sure you have the mana to get him out.

AjanisLastDan on Ayara’s Rats

4 years ago

Its seems you want to swarm as fast as possible, and do that quickly, so I would cut Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for the reasons Peoni mentioned above.

Add in some useful mana rocks to speed things up, that aren't too outrageously expensive:

Jet Medallion and Charcoal Diamond are excellent cost reducers,Arcane Signet, Darksteel Ingot, and Prismatic Lens would speed things up more than you know.

Thought Vessel if you've got a few extra doll-hairs sitting around.

I'd also cut Tendrils of Corruption and Corrupt(no more synergy with the Tomb), Revenge of Ravens or Blood Reckoning(is one life really that much when you've got so many other of these effects?), Mindcrank(this card is so much more fun when Duskmantle Guildmage is around, and I don't know about you, but my playgroup loves to have good stuff in the grave, so they can CHEAT it out for cheap, so unless Mill is something you really want to strive for, it just seems clunky to me, especially when more ramp is needed). And maybe cut Ambition's Cost-?? It just seems really expensive, Mana-wise, for more drawback than usual.

Funky_bunch any more useful tips?

A55Destroyer69 on A Deeper Dark

4 years ago

I think some extra lands would really help out. MBC sort of relies on casting things, and playing a land each turn for the first few turns at least. In my variant I run 24 lands, but 22-24 is the typical. I also run Barren Moor, which is nice for obvious reasons, even if it is a tapland.

Thrill-Kill Assassin seems okay, but doesn't really fit the strategy of the archetype, do maybe switch that out for lands or something? Dark Ritual seems pretty meh, since it's more of a fast ramp card for a fast kill deck, but MBC is a slow drawn out control deck.

I also find that Tendrils of Corruption is insanely good in MBC. Helps against any type of aggro deck, really, since gaining 5 life is potentially 1-2 more turns being alive, which can be the difference between winning and losing

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